Chapter 3292 Bailiyuan: Damn you!

Omar, a member of the Yuncheng Expeditionary Force, one of the senior professors of Yuncheng College, 55 years old, the level of a large coat of arms.

Don't look at Omar's six-year-old, but Omar's appearance still looks like a young man in his twenties.

The maximum lifespan of a great heraldic envoy is 300 years, and only after 200 years old will he begin to show obvious aging, and his body functions will begin to decline.

Omar is a great heraldic envoy who only broke through after the age of fifty. While his strength improved, his body also recovered his youth.

That's right, he was the one who was captured by the so-called rebel army.


To be honest, when Di Yutian told the news to Bailiyuan and the others, those who knew Oma were somewhat disbelieving.

Andy used to be the dean, Shirakawa Junko used to be the dean's secretary, and Shinozaki Shiho is the current dean. They all know Omar's strength, and he is definitely not the kind of person who will be easily taken away.

When Shirley was a student, she also took Omar's class and knew about Omar.

Caroline said that Omar's communication was indeed blocked.

Without speaking directly, several people first turned on the internal voice.

"Professor Omar was arrested? I remember he seems to have broken through the big coat of arms now." Shirley was a little surprised.

Shinozaki Shiho nodded, "That's right, he is the Great Heraldic Envoy who broke through two years ago. After two years of accumulation, he should have completely mastered the power of the Great Heraldic Envoy level."

According to cognition, the Great Heraldry Level Transcendence, in the empire, can't be said to be able to do whatever they want, at least they can't be afraid of most dangers.

Escaping may fail, but sending a distress signal is absolutely fine.

"At his age, he can become a great heraldry envoy. He is considered a talent. He shouldn't be taken away easily." Andy squinted his eyes and glanced at Di Yutian.

Andy felt that this matter was fraudulent.

Junko Shirakawa rubbed her fingers, already vigilant.

It is not too late to break through to the Great Heraldry at the age of Knowing the Destiny.

In the fifth month and in the future, they are talents at the same level as Oma. If there is no accident in the future, the age at which they will become great heraldic envoys should not be much different from Oma's age, and there may be a chance to break through before the age of fifty.

The heraldic envoy system is like this. When they were young, they were full of momentum, and they quickly grew into a high-level herald envoy in more than ten years.

Then you may be stuck in the half-step big coat of arms for a lifetime.

Even if one breaks through half a step to the Great Emblem, it will take a long time to fully understand oneself and break through to the Great Emblem.

After all, the heraldry is the power system that binds the human race.

The premise of all this is that there is no cheating, and if it is a normal heraldry user.

Shirley belongs to open hanging.

Brilliant metal is not normal.

Give Brilliant Gold a field, and Brilliant Gold will never be lost, and there is no doubt that she will break through to the guardian level all the way.

Omar, who is not bad in his own strength and talent, cannot be said to be a mediocre person. How did he get arrested?

When Andy and the others communicated internally, Bailiyuan looked at Di Yutian.

"Oh ho, although it looks weak and cautious, does it actually exude joy in your heart?"

Bailiyuan had already seen through Di Yutian's emotions.

It's almost a lick, and then said the last sentence "it tastes like hypocrisy".

Omar was arrested, there must be something hidden about this matter.

"Your Highness, First Prince, what is the rebel army?" Shinozaki Shiho asked.

"You are welcome." Di Yutian smiled cautiously, and then said with some distress: "The rebel army is a stain on our empire, but don't worry, I have sent people to rescue your members."

Caroline hacked into the network, and had already found information on the surface of the rebel army in the network.

The rebel army is a chronic disease of the empire.

The composition of the rebel army is more complicated.

Including - the non-submissive members of the conquered races; the human beings who opposed the emperor's rule within the empire;

Or it can be said that anyone who is dissatisfied and does not obey the rule of the empire can call himself a rebel. The rebel army has also become the banner of the best choice for these people.

No matter how advanced the empire's technology is, there is no way to grasp everyone's heart.

This made the rebel army a stubborn disease of the empire, and there were rebel army flags everywhere in the Tianhe galaxy, making it difficult for the empire to completely eradicate the rebel army.

They even had to set up a special legion to be responsible for clearing up the rebels that appeared everywhere in the Milky Way galaxy.

This legion is the Eighth Legion, one of the ten strongest legions in the empire.

However, because of the complex composition of the members of the rebel army, there are also factions and contradictions within the rebel army, and they cannot be completely united, making most of them just loafers and scattered bandits, and there are very few rebels who have become successful.

"Oh, stain? This kind of organization is what the empire needs most." Junko Shirakawa sneered in her heart after reading the information.

It's hard not to think of words like Yangkou's self-respect, black gloves, and fat pigs.

The purpose of Di Yutian's arrival is unknown, it seems that he came to appease everyone, but he obviously has something to hide.

In the most heavily guarded imperial capital, rebels appeared.

Is that really the Rebels?

Who is behind the calculation?


"My people dare to arrest, I will take action to get him back." Baili Yuan said to Di Yutian.

Di Yutian hurriedly said: "Please don't worry, the empire will rescue your members as soon as possible."

"No need." Baili Yuan said directly, and then closed his eyes: "I will take a look in person."

Just use the newly acquired ability.

The ability obtained after killing the Wendigo soul——

"Spirit descends!"

Under Di Yutian's unclear eyes, Baili Yuan's consciousness left his body again.


The arrival of people from another world, the empire did not hide the news.

It also allowed a rebel army hidden inside the imperial capital to focus on the Yuncheng Expeditionary Army.

It's a good opportunity to use people from another world to do things!

in a closed space.

The man who was lying on the ground sound asleep suddenly woke up.

He is obviously Omar.

Bailiyuan's will came to Omar's spirit and controlled Omar's body.

At the same time as it descended, Bailiyuan also brought some of his own strength.

Check your body.

It was found that the body was intact, that is, the equipment on the body was removed, and only a pair of underwear was worn. And smelled of alcohol.

Even from a perspective that Bailiyuan couldn't see, there was a lipstick mark on Omar's face.

Take a look around.

It is impossible to determine where the enclosed space is, but it is certain that this enclosed space has a shielding function.

However, the shielding function on the technology side cannot shield my spirit from the mysterious side.

When Bailiyuan arrived, Bailiyuan didn't act directly, but called Omar's body consciousness.

"Omar, wake up, I'm Sha Fulin...cough cough, I'm Bailiyuan."


In the spirit, a big mouth went down.

Omar is still up!

"What? Huh? What's wrong?"

Omar woke up.

Soon Oma discovered the existence of Bailiyuan, and after a brief exchange with Bailiyuan, Oma slapped his thigh violently.

"Zhuo, you actually used a beauty trick on me!"

To put it simply, when Omar came to the empire this time, he felt that he had been practicing hard for fifty years, so he couldn't indulge himself?

Then go to dance and dance, playing music and dancing, attracting many beauties.

College students, office workers, white-collar workers, social girls, young women...

In the end, I was indulging in the arms of the beauties and completely lost myself.

Then I don't remember anything.

Well, by the way, Omar is in his fifties and still single for his spiritual practice.

Resistant to beauties, but not much.

After hearing this, Bailiyuan raised his hand and slapped Oma again.

"Damn you!" Baili Yuan cursed angrily.

"Sorry." Omar was full of guilt, "If I hadn't been so careless, I wouldn't have disturbed you and made my Yuncheng Expeditionary Army lose face..."

"You went to find Big Sister and didn't bring me!!!" Baili Yuan gritted his teeth and said.

Omar: (⊙o⊙)…

Bailiyuan picked up Oma's neck and asked loudly, "Tell me, where is that bar!"

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