Chapter 3285 Dixue: I have ascended to God


Bailiyuan looked at Di Xue who was lying on the ground.

Bailiyuan successfully snatched the right to create from the first emperor, and Dixue's connection with the first emperor was completely cut off.

The battlefield where the two sides fought was Dixue's body.

Affected by Baili Yuan's power, Dixue's state is a bit poor at this moment.

However, Bailiyuan injected his own strength into Dixue to ensure that Dixue was safe.

Dixue, who was lying on the ground, endured the discomfort, got up from the ground, and expressed her gratitude to Baili Yuan.

"Thank you very much……"

"It's fine to call me Moon God, I will accept you as my subordinate god." Baili Yuan said.

"Thank you very much, Lord Luna!"

Dixue, who has the authority to create, is qualified to be Bailiyuan's subordinate god.

However, the fragments of Dixue's creation authority brought limited power.

Although Dixue can create everything in memory, even extraordinary creatures, but he can't bring any attack power to Dixue. Moreover, the strength of the extraordinary creatures created is also very limited.

But now, with the injection of Bailiyuan's power, Dixue's strength has grown, and the application of authority and power will also be improved.

Now Dixue has not officially become Bailiyuan's subordinate god, but he already has the status of a demigod.

However, Dixue's creation authority is entwined with Baili Yuan's power and controlled by Baili Yuan.

"Feel your strength at this moment, maybe later, you will have the ability to revenge yourself." Baili Yuan laughed.

"My strength has actually improved!" Dixue looked at her hands in surprise.

Bailiyuan interrupted Dixue's excitement.

"Go and meet your father and elder brother. I'll explain your condition to you on the way."


The Spider Goddess left a total of nine fragments, corresponding to nine kinds of authority fragments.

Except for the sea authority obtained by Mingxin, the rest of the authority was distributed by the first emperor to his outstanding children, and asked them to help understand and develop the power of authority.

If all goes well, the children of the first emperor may be able to rely on these borrowed powers to become the gods of the first emperor, but now, the plan has been broken, and the children of the first emperor can only dedicate everything. Made a wedding dress for the first emperor.

Ocean, Nature, Fire, Frost, Earth, Life, Creation.

Seven have emerged.

Di Xue informed that the first prince holds the eighth wisdom authority.

What is the remaining ninth authority.

Dixue didn't know.

But it should be on the last Shihuang.

The seventh prince and the eighth prince are really pitiful, they can only appear in the background board, and they haven't even touched their authority.

Everyone came to the huge golden palace deep in the golden clouds.

This is the residence of the First Emperor and the final checkpoint.

The first emperor and the first prince were among them.

When Baili Yuan and the others arrived, a figure was already waiting in front of the palace gate.

It was a gentlemanly man in a white robe and a single lens.

It was the first prince, Di Qingtian.

"Bah, gentle scum!"

Ming Xin cursed on Di Xue's behalf, and then retreated behind everyone.

The saints all hid far away.

It's not that he's afraid of being affected by the battle, but that he's worried that he will affect Baili Yuan's performance.

Di Qingtian glanced at the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on Di Xue, and asked with a smile.

"My stupid sister, what gave you the courage to dare to betray your father? Could it be that you are confident because of your father's love for you?" Di Qingtian sneered, and the smell of gunpowder immediately rose.

At this moment, Dixue regained her composure, with a holy and sweet face, and a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Yes, why?"

Dixue didn't answer directly.

But Di Qingtian narrowed his eyes slightly.

He could feel Dixue's... killing intent towards him.

In fact, Dixue chose to surrender to Bailiyuan because she saw the formidable strength of Bailiyuan and others, and then chose to take a gamble. It is also taking advantage of Bailiyuan.

Don't underestimate the madness of a woman with hatred in her heart.

Dixue's original purpose was to defeat Di Qingtian and take revenge. As for betraying Shihuang, would he be liquidated? Dixue was confident, because her father loved her the most, and she had to make good use of this affection.

However, when Dixue knew that Baili Yuan was actually a real God Empress, she suddenly felt that her father was just like that.

What love?

I'll give you a punch first!

No, she is so realistic and despicable now.

So you can stay calm here.

Back then, Dixue respected her elder brother very much, until the day he was assassinated.

Di Qingtian came in front of the dying Dixue, while hanging on Dixue's life, he belittled and trampled on Dixue's belief.

I scolded for more than an hour!

That was the nightmare of Dixue's life.

It directly caused Di Xue's mentality to explode, and she completely hated Di Qingtian, even if she died, it still couldn't dispel the hatred in her heart.

The only thing that made Di Xue happy was that Di Qingtian also failed to win the final victory.

Without the threat of Di Xue, and because of his age, as the eldest son, Di Qingtian actually has the greatest advantage compared to other princes and princesses.

Who knew that the third child and the fourth child joined forces, and Di Qingtian was defeated.

Di Qingtian looked at Dixue, and recalled Dixue's appearance in his memory, and he just felt nauseated.

As the eldest son, Di Qingtian should have been the most reasonable successor to the throne.

However, the younger brothers and sisters are not good.

Especially the youngest Dixue. During Shi Huang's lifetime, he was loved by Shi Huang and made Di Qingtian jealous. When the emperor died, he won huge support by virtue of his own will of the Holy Mother and became the most threatening opponent.

Why did he use all kinds of tricks and tricks to secure his current position. And Dixue, if he doesn't do anything, just smile at people, can he have everything that surpasses him?

Di Xue's pure and kind smile is a mockery of Di Qingtian's life's hard work!

New and old grudges distorted Di Qingtian's heart.

Therefore, he completely broke his face and chose to assassinate Dixue, regardless of the risk of being exposed, and went to the scene in person, hanging on Dixue's life, while mocking Dixue, venting the frustration in his heart.

Anyway, after killing Di Xue, Di Qingtian really enjoyed himself for a long time.

Dilling this purity and kindness made Di Qingtianshuang's brain tremble.

However, when Di Qingtian saw Dixue again at this moment, his mood became unhappy again.

Di Qingtian saw Dixue's pretentious appearance at this moment, a look of anger appeared in his eyes, and he wanted to say something.

But it seemed that he had received some order, so he could only suppress his anger.

He didn't say much, just turned around.

"Come in, my father wants to meet you."

It's like a gift from the emperor.

However, Bailiyuan just gestured at the angle, and then raised his hand.


A purple light blade flew out.

The golden palace was directly cut into two.


The palace collapsed.

"Ziwu psychic power, eight-point light wheel!" Baili Yuan laughed, "What are you going in for? Come out if you have the ability!"

Di Qingtian looked at the collapsed palace with a surprised expression, then turned his head angrily and looked at Bailiyuan.

"You bastard!"

But Di Xue stopped in front of Di Qingtian.

When Baili Yuan made a move, it meant that the battle had already begun.

Di Xue chuckled.

"Brother, it's time to end the two thousand years of grievances!"

Di Qingtian laughed back in anger.

"Only by you? How much can your creation authority add to your combat power besides creating those playthings?"

"I remember that we are the same type of power, right? They are not the type that can directly increase the combat power of the holder. What are you laughing at?" Dixue asked back with a smile.

"..." Di Qingtian choked for a moment, and couldn't help but laugh.

In anger, Di Qingtian raised his hand.

"I'm different from a useless Madonna like you, let me show you, the crystallization of my wisdom!"


A huge figure with a height of 100 meters rose from under the clouds.

It was a manufactured humanoid robot.

On the body of the humanoid robot, a colorful Easter egg was refreshed.

But Bailiyuan could feel that the combat power of the giant humanoid robot should be at the peak of the colorful level, and would soon reach the power of the supreme level.

There are 95 levels!

"What the hell is this?" Ming Xin was frightened immediately.

When had the little girl seen such a big thing, her whole body couldn't catch the falling shadow.

The saints were all shocked, and then reacted one after another.

The first emperor actually hides such a terrifying thing, if the first emperor attacks them, how can they resist?

If this thing goes to the universe of the empire, what can stop the first emperor in the universe?

The saints all realized that the first emperor's ambitions were beyond their imagination.

It seems that what Shihuang wanted was not just a god.

but all!

However, looking at this huge humanoid robot, Dixue smiled.

"Is this what you rely on? Then see my new power! Feel it, my hatred!"

The power to create authority was invoked by Dixue.

Bailiyuan looked at Dixue, he sensed what Dixue was going to do.

"My hatred will never subside!"

Dixue opened her arms.

The power of Bailiyuan was sucked into Dixue's body, urging the power of authority.

"Wei Li is so powerful, it's all the birth of a god! How dare a tiny worm look like a god!"

The power of creation was all over Dixue's body, creating a purple body.

"Stop her!" Di Qingtian yelled.

Upon hearing the order, the giant humanoid robot stepped on Dixue directly, intending to trample Dixue to death.

Dixue waved her hand violently, and a huge purple puppet arm was created, punching back the falling big foot, causing the huge humanoid mecha to stagger back.

"Powerless mortals! You will lose your foothold!"

Following Dixue's angry shout, her figure flew up, and a huge 100-meter-high Valkyrie doll suddenly appeared, exuding terrifying power and boundless majesty.

The giant puppet looked down at the extremely shocking Di Qingtian below.

"Bai Chuang Doll!"

"First Prince, I have ascended to God!"

Baichuang Doll, Creation Authority, Level 96!

A difference of one level is like a punishment from heaven.

Don't take a sub-god as a god!

The Baichuang doll punched out.

"The pain is just a moment..."


The fist of the Baichuang doll directly penetrates the core of the huge humanoid mech.


The huge humanoid mech collapsed, like a broken toy.

The Baichuang doll is holding the core of the mecha with one hand, and the main force is proudly above the clouds.

"Your era is over at this moment!"

The main reason is that the God Realm has been established, accept a few kanban girls, and then push the line of evil, and fill in the pit by the way.

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