Chapter 3278 Mingxin: I really deserve to die

As the only nurse on the battlefield of the Broken God Realm back then, Ming Xin's status was simply higher than Shi Huang's.

Almost everyone wants to control Mingxin in their hands.

No one will attack Ming Xin, but will try to win Ming Xin over.

The reason for this is because Mingxin's Sacred Heart Meditation idea has no offensive power, and no one else knows that when Mingxin heals others, his own strength improves very fast, and the speed is simply beyond common sense.

For a nurse who is not a threat, what reason is there to give up?

What's more, during the melee, of course, as much power as possible can be drawn, as much as it can be drawn.

Therefore, it was caused when the strong ones decided the winner.

When you want the cunning rabbit to die and the dog to cook it, and the bird to hide it.

But they were shocked to find that Mingxin was not something they could casually kill.

Mingxin's strength has already reached the level of a group of powerful people, that is, the colorful level. She still has the ability to milk herself, even if she has no attack power, no one else can kill her.

Even if it is the same meditation method, the effect is different in the hands of the founder and the successor.

Although the female doctors in the empire can also use Sacred Heart Meditation to improve their own strength by treating others, the speed of improvement and the healing effect are definitely not as fast as Mingxin.

Of course, it is not so simple for Ming Xin to secure the position of the fourteenth saint.

It is also because of the abnormal change in Ming Xin that Ming Xin has a special support.

After the death of the Spider Mother, apart from the big gift bag, nothing was left behind.

After the body of the spider mother dissipated, some body fragments were left behind.

There are nine fragments in total.

All of them were obtained by Shihuang, who was the closest to the spider mother, and the others didn't notice it.

Because at that time, everyone's attention was focused on the spree of the Spider Mother Goddess.

The same is true for Mingxin.

It was later, after the first emperor was seriously injured, in order to win over Ming Xin, he told Ming Xin about this, and at the same time gave Ming Xin a fragment as a sincerity.

In exchange for Ming Xin's following at that time.

As the culprit of everything, and the strongest transcendent person at that time, Shihuang was naturally the one who was besieged.

Let Shi Huang urgently need help.

It wasn't until Shi Huang used a fragment to win over Ming Xin, and with Ming Xin's treatment, the situation gradually improved. The pressure on Shi Huang was much less.

But Mingxin lived a relatively stable life because of the protection of the first emperor.

The brains of other people's beating dogs have come out, but Ming Xin is idle and bored.

I was so bored that I could only disk that fragment to pass the time. But failed to discover any secret from the fragments.

Shihuang would take out the fragments in exchange for Mingxin's help, because Shihuang could not decipher the secrets of the fragments, and did not have the energy to make more attempts to dig out the secrets of the fragments.

After Ming Xin found out that he could not discover the secret of the fragments, he suddenly felt that he had been duped by the First Emperor, but it was too late to return the goods.

Until one day suddenly, that fragment merged with the spiritual energy in Ming Xin's body and merged into Ming Xin's body.

Ming Xin discovered that he actually had the ability to transform the sea out of thin air and control the sea water.

Fortunately, Ming Xin is not really a fool.

She kept it a secret.

He also secretly planned other fragments of the first emperor, but he has not been able to succeed.

Until the end, when other people were about to deal with Ming Xin, Ming Xin broke out the ability to control the sea water.

Although Mingxin cannot control the seawater to defeat others, he can hide in the seawater and remain invincible.

It was also at that time that Ming Xin turned into a mermaid.

Relying on this ability, Ming Xin became one of the Fourteen Saints.

This sea of ​​natural barriers is the manifestation of the power of the mind.


On the big shell bed in the palace, after listening to Ming Xin's narration, Bai Liyuan suddenly climbed the peak with one hand.

Grab hard.

Ming Xin let out a cry of surprise and backed away in panic.

"What are you doing? Although I am two or three thousand years old, I am still a big girl! You come out to play hooligans at such a young age, does your mother know? You are a perverted pervert! You don't learn well at a young age!" Ming Xin said to Baili The color is fierce and the inside is soft.

At the beginning, other saints tried to force her, but she couldn't do it. How could she let go of her reserve in front of a strange child like this.

Besides, although she was convinced, in the end, Baili Yuan was still her enemy.

From a child's point of view, Bailiyuan's appearance is not bad, and his own charm is also very high. It can be seen that the future is promising, and he will definitely be a handsome guy when he grows up.

But now Bailiyuan is just a child!

If this is a handsome competition, Ming Xin feels that it is not impossible for him to follow.

but a child...

Something is wrong! I can't beat it!

At least... ten years later!

Baili Yuan stared at Ming Xin suspiciously with big innocent eyes.

"I just stimulated the power of that fragment in your body, what's wrong? Why did you say such exaggerated words?" Baili Yuan asked aggrievedly.

Mingxin was taken aback, looked at Bailiyuan in front of him, and met Bailiyuan's pure eyes.

Ming Xin seemed to see a soul as pure as white paper.

But Bailiyuan's pure eyes reflected her filthy face.

She had such nasty thoughts about such a pure child just now!

A deep sense of guilt emerged in Ming Xin's heart.

She slapped herself sharply.


Baili Yuan looked at Ming Xin indifferently, and scratched a few times with the hands on his back.

Although the enemy is very evil, the resistance is not stubborn. Afterwards, send it to your own Moon World, and when you have time, go and influence her.

At this time, Andy and others walked into the palace.

After the battle outside was over and the Pillar of Pearls were dealt with, they all came in to check the situation.

"This palace is so luxurious."

"Why hasn't Xiaoyuan come out for so long?"

Baili Yuan's face was serious, and he signaled Ming Xin to look at his heart.

"Is this the fragment you absorbed back then?"

Ming Xin looked down, and she was shocked to find that there was a mark on the position of her heart that was shining brightly.

And the shape of the imprint is the fragmented shape that she absorbed at the beginning.

exactly the same!

"Ah, what the hell is this?" Ming Xin exclaimed.

Bailiyuan explained with a smile: "That's authority, to be precise, it's a fragment of ocean authority."

Baili Yuan's guess was right, Ming Xin really got a piece of authority.

Although it is a broken authority fragment, don't take the fragment as authority. Most of Bailiyuan and the elves are using authority fragments now.

Now Bailiyuan has become a god, and he still holds the complete authority of the moon, and has a deeper understanding of the power of authority.

in most worlds.

The rules are easy to understand.

Divinity is easy to own.

But authority is not easy to obtain.

Because authority is equivalent to authority, one can only have authority if one is recognized by the world, or possesses the mighty power to control the world.

However, the use of authority is not limited by strength.

As long as you can master it, you can use your own power to drive a certain amount of power.

Some authorities even have no world limit.

Just like a computer U disk.

Save the movie on this computer to another computer, as long as there is a corresponding player on the computer, you can still watch it with a USB flash drive.

Broken authority works just as well.

In the future, we can use our strength to complement our authority.

In the process of completion, the laws corresponding to authority and various other forces will not be understood.

As long as there are no accidents, when the authority is completed, it is the time when the holder of the authority becomes a god.

It can be said that authority is the key to becoming a god!

Even some gods who believe in becoming gods don't even have the power of authority.

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