Chapter 3276 Ming Xin: voted

There is another pendant on the chicken feet house.

The Moonlight Cavalry Corps has also increased by five members.

Five seal imprints flew out of the chicken feet house, and were printed on the chests of the five ultimate ship pillars.

The five Pillars of the Ultimate Ship turned into moonlight cavalry one after another amidst painful cries.

The ultimate pillar people who have been eroded by Bailiyuan's power will be controlled by Bailiyuan, and will no longer be affected by the saints they originally belonged to.

The current size of the team is .

Three Moonlight Kamen Riders.

Twenty-one moonlight cavalry.

Twelve saints made up these, because not all saints can reach three ultimate pillars.

Among them, there is only one ultimate pillar of several saints.

The truth is, Ziwuying, who has three ultimate pillars, is quite strong among all saints.

The last two saints are left.

"It's almost dawn, we must complete the rule of this world as soon as possible." Baili Yuan said.

The chicken foot house advances to the realm where the next sage is.

Next stop - the vast sea.


The vast sea area is also an area composed entirely of water, but the difference is that the water here is clear and pure.

There are pure white clouds floating in the sky.

Above the sea, there is nothing.

Because the saint lives in the sea with his legion.

Deep sea bottom.

There is a luxurious palace here.

The palace is dotted with densely packed, countless large fluorescent pearls. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a sleeping figure in those big pearls.

And there are seven giant pearls that are one size larger than ordinary pearls, and they are inlaid above the main entrance of the palace.

Outside the palace, a school of huge salmon swims.

Only by riding these huge salmon can you freely enter and exit the seabed, otherwise you will be crushed by the power of the seabed.

The power that exists on the bottom of the sea is not the water pressure of the deep sea, but the power generated by the countless powers of faith that have condensed into sea water.

The seabed environment has become a natural barrier.

It is also because of such natural barrier protection that the saints who rule here can develop and grow with peace of mind, and now they have become the second most powerful existence among all saints.

But such an environment is also a limitation.

Like this moment.

When the enemy came to the door, the saint sitting in the palace was alarmed.

The sage, who is used to being leisurely, has greatly reduced his vigilance.

A mermaid-like figure with a fishtail in the lower body and a human in the upper body was originally sleeping in a shell. She was awakened by the arrival of the intruder, but when she noticed the trace of the intruder, the intruder had already arrived at the gate of the palace.

Ming Xin got up from the gorgeous big shell bed, looked out of the palace in astonishment, his eyes penetrated all obstacles.

"How could anyone be able to withstand the power of the seabed? Even Shihuang's legion could not come here... It seems to be a means of transportation in Ziwuying's territory, but... how is it possible? How could she suddenly have such strength?"

The holy and beautiful pretty face was full of astonishment.

But Ming Xin took the first action.

It is impossible for her to watch the enemy invade her territory.

"Wake up, my legion—the white death legion, the Bead Pillar!"

The big pearls outside the palace burst open one after another, and all the sleeping pillars woke up.

The giant salmons have also been ready for a long time, catching all the awakened Pillar of Pearl people and helping the Pillar of Pearl people resist the power.

The Zhuzhizhu people all have pure white bodies, with patterns like blue waves on their bodies.

What is surprising is that the Zhuzhizhu people are all women, and they wear very simple clothes, only covering the key parts of the body with kelp or shells.

The seven ultimate pillars, all of whom are naturally women, are riding seven giant salmon, appearing at the forefront of the legion, and then leading the charge.

Opposite the white death army, it is the incoming Moonlight Kamen Rider and Moonlight Cavalry.

After that, there is a house with chicken feet wrapped in giant purple bubbles.

Baili Yuan and the others were in the house, watching the battle outside.

"The White Death Legion is the only cavalry legion among all the saint legions. With the advantage of the sea area, it is very difficult to deal with." Zi Wuying was on the side, respectfully revealing the information of the local legion to Baili Yuan.

Behind are five other female saints.

"Fighting in the sea? Although they are protected by armor, knights and cavalry can withstand the power of the deep sea, but their strength will be limited after all."

Baili Yuan thought for a moment, then smiled.

"However, knights and cavalry naturally have their own mounts."

in the deep sea.

The Pearl Pillar of the White Death Legion, relying on the flexibility and excitement brought by the huge salmon under his crotch, charged and feinted, which had a great impact on the knights and cavalry.

It was the first time that the knights and cavalry failed to resolve the battle in an instant after conquering so many saints' territories, and fell into decline instead.

At this moment, summoning magic circles appeared under the knights and cavalry one by one.

Then, projections of fish creatures appeared from the summoning magic circle.

It was the projection of a group of blackened carp kings.

They are all projections of the seven-color blackened carp king.

Among the blackened elves, the weaker the elves, the more the number, and the most blackened elves are the blackened carp king.

A group of blackened carp kings who have lived for an unknown number of years, among them there are quite a few blackened carp kings with colorful strength.

Those who are summoned at this moment are all projections of the seven-color blackened carp king.

But even the projection can easily withstand the power of this sea area.

The knights and cavalry all rode on the black carp king.

So, cavalry against cavalry!

With the help of the blackened carp kings, the knights and cavalry once again had the upper hand.

Ziwuying and several saints flattered loudly behind Bailiyuan.

"Eye-opener, eye-opener!"

"So strong and tough!"


Shinozaki Shiho looked at the female saints silently.

Bailiyuan rubbed the center of his brows, and disappeared into the chicken feet house in a flash.

Although it is very refreshing to be licked, if you are licked too much, you will feel a little numb, and even feel a little noisy.

When Baili Yuan reappeared, he had already appeared in the palace and came before Ming Xin.

The first time he saw Mingxin, Bailiyuan felt that Mingxin was not a good person.

After all, have you ever seen a nice guy in a shell-covered red bean?

The most important thing is that Ming Xin's appearance is obviously not human, but a mermaid.

Ming Xin was also taken aback when she saw Baili Yuan suddenly appear in front of her.

On the holy face, there was a naive look of a girl instead.

Just as Ming Xin was about to speak, Baili Yuan shouted first.

"Bold and monstrous, I will reveal your true colors!"



Ming Xin was strangled by Baili Yuan and pressed on the shell bed.

Being held down by Baili Yuan, Ming Xin frantically slapped the bed surface with her small hands, making a crackling sound.

Ming Xin: "I'm convinced, I admit defeat, admit defeat..."

On the contrary, Bailiyuan couldn't handle it.

It was the first time he saw a saint who gave up so easily.

But it felt that the white death army from outside had receded.

Baili Yuan was also confirmed, Ming Xin really voted.

I had no choice but to let go.

"No way, you are the second strongest saint after all, you can resist even if you are strong or weak, why am I excited if you don't resist?" Baili Yuan's tone was a little disappointed.

Mingxin rubbed his neck and said resentfully: "What's wrong with the saint? Can't the saint surrender? Anyway... I have thought about it a long time ago. In the future, if someone becomes a god, I will only end up surrendering. Who will surrender? Not surrender."

"Seeing so openly? Then let's talk about your situation first." Baili Yuan pointed to Mingxin's body.

This mermaid looks like a secret no matter how you look at it.

As if resigned to his fate, Mingxin lay on the shell bed like a salted fish, revealing everything about himself.

With Mingxin's narration.

Baili Yuan's expression gradually became strange.

Because according to Zi Wuying, those who became the fourteen saints were all high-ranking empires.

But actually, there is one exception.

That is Mingxin.

It doesn't mean that Xin is not a high-level person, but she is from the Ming family, a big family in the empire, and she is also the daughter of the head of the family.

However, Ming Xin's identity and occupation is—Shihuang's nurse.

One of the ordinary nurses in the nurse group under Shihuang's exclusive medical team.

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