Chapter 3269 Purple Nether Black Hole!

"Huahua, it's dangerous!" Andy reminded.

Huahua's current strength is not as strong as in the elf world.

After leaving the elf world, Huahua's world blessings are gone.

In the big world, he was beaten back to his original shape.

In this world, Huahua's abilities are still restricted, and she can only use the power of the psyker she just learned.

Andy's reminder is not redundant.

When the man in the tree opened his eyes, two purple cold lights burst out from his eyes.

Immediately, Huahua's feet touched the ground, and her whole body went up to the sky, avoiding two purple cold lights.

Although the strength of other systems is limited here, the physical fitness can still be brought into play.

Of course, not all of them can be played out. Everyone is also spiritually descended, condensing a new body in this world, unable to exert the original physical strength that has been honed through thousands of years.

But it is impossible to punch through the world with one punch, but it is still possible to jump a few meters high.

The attack of the first man in the tree seemed to have caused a chain reaction, and the other men in the tree also opened their eyes one after another, shooting two purple cold lights from their eyes, hitting Hua Hua in midair densely.

The moment Huahua was set on fire, Andy's figure appeared in front of Huahua.

"Psychic Psychic Power, Pluto is shattered!"

A purple halo emerged from Andy's body.

It's the same trick that Bailiyuan used to fight the chicken feet house before, but the application method is different.

Andy grabbed Huahua, and the purple halo covered Andy's whole body, and then spread to Huahua's body, covering Huahua's whole body.

Those countless cold lights hit the halo and shattered one after another.

This time the purple halo is used for defense.

The skill of Pluto Shattering is simply to forcibly condense a large amount of spiritual energy through some complicated methods. The core is the control of psionic energy, increasing the density of psionic energy.

Release it to explode, it is attack; continue to compress and shape, it is defense.

However, the Ziminghai family's application of this trick is mostly burst attacks, and family members who can shape their defenses are very rare.

Andy landed smoothly with flowers covered in a purple halo all over his body.

Junko Shirakawa raised her eyebrows as she looked at the purple cold light that shot out from the eyes of the man in the tree.

"It seems that these people in the tree are indeed the ancestors of the Ziminghai family. This move is the purple devil's cold light in the supporting moves of the Ziwu meditation."

Most of the tree people who were disturbed came to their senses.

The tree wrapped around the man in the tree twisted and made a piercing crackling sound.

The whole body of the man in the tree in the trunk is exposed.

One by one, the people in the tree came out of the trunk, with hard and hostile expressions.

Obviously not good.

Logically speaking, the speed of the man in the tree is not fast, Bailiyuan and others can take advantage of this opportunity to run through the forest and continue to go deeper.

Bailiyuan and the others waited patiently.

They were all a little curious about how the ancestors of the Ziminghai family became such tree people.

The man in the tree has just stepped out of the trunk, and his whole body is naked, showing a sickly purple-white color.

I have to say that it is worthy of being a noble family with excellent genes, and there are indeed no ugly people in the family. And the people here are all young people, there are no old people or children.

The man is handsome, tall, with eight-pack abs; the woman is beautiful, with a graceful figure, bulging and warping.

"Is this free to watch?" Bailiyuan looked around, scanning the female tree figure for a while, and couldn't see it for a while.

Junko Shirakawa smiled and covered Bailiyuan's eyes with her hands.

"This is not for children to watch!"

Fortunately, the man in the tree didn't intend to go into battle naked.

When the people in the tree rushed towards Bailiyuan and the others, the purple mist gathered on all the people in the tree, and turned into clothes of the people in the tree, whether it was aristocratic costumes, or a general's armor. Cold weapons such as knives and guns were used.

But there is no weapon on the technological side.

Bailiyuan opened Bai Chuan Junzi's hand, looked at the tens of thousands of people in the trees who were fully armed in front of them, and keenly noticed that most of the people in the trees wore the patterns of the Ziminghai family on their clothes.

But that's not all.

Some of the family patterns on the equipment of the people in the tree are the patterns of other families.

From Zi Minghai's memory, we can know that those family lines are almost all affiliated families of Zi Minghai's family.

Moreover, Zi Minghai's memory also explained that these affiliated families can use their meritorious service to exchange for the qualifications of Ziwu Meditation to practice.

"So that's it, here are not all the ancestors of the Ziminghai family, but all the psykers who have practiced the Ziwu meditation idea!"

"Stop analyzing, let's start fighting!" Shirley said in front, and then kicked a female tree man's head to pieces, with a purple halo attached to her feet.

These people in the tree launched an attack on Baili Yuan and the others, using martial arts and various moves matched by Ziwu Meditation.

Andy and the others naturally used the Ziwu Meditation method that was sharpened before the battle to fight against the enemy.

Everyone knew about Ziwuming's thoughts before, and practiced it briefly, as a reference for practice.

It was only when I came to this world that I sharpened my guns before the battle, which improved the power of the dream listener system a little.

In fact, everyone's psykers are not that strong.

Fortunately, with the support of their original strength, as well as the blessings of physical fitness and combat moves, everyone was not defeated for a while, and it was not difficult to kill the people in the tree with a single point.

The reason why the strong are strong is not because of the system of practice, but because no matter what system they practice, they can show their strength!

Huahua shaped the limited psychic energy in her body, and even made a big purple hammer, knocking on all the people in the tree like a gopher.

Junko Shirakawa let go of Bailiyuan and rushed into the crowd of people in the tree, with purple light attached to her hands, she punched out a set of punches, and a purple air dragon roared, clearing an area.

Shinozaki Shiho snatched a rapier from a man in the tree, with the blessing of purple power on his body, stabbing a sword light, piercing several men in the tree into a sieve.

The man in the tree is not a normal life, and the Achilles heel of normal life is useless to the man in the tree.

But if the head of the man in the tree is smashed, and most of the bodies of the man in the tree are destroyed, the man in the tree will still lose the ability to fight.

Andy dodges the man in the tree blocking the way and rushes into the depths of the forest.

Because in the depths of the forest, there are three huge trees, the appearance of which is the same as the tree in front of you. In those three trees, there are also three people in the trees sleeping.

The three people in the tree did not wake up.

But everyone can feel the strength of the people in these three trees.

Andy thinks that these three people in the tree may be the key. If they can be solved, maybe all the people in the tree can be dealt with.

Baili Yuan hid at the end and also raised a hand.

The spiritual energy gathers in the palm and keeps compressing.

The purple psionic color keeps deepening, then the purple turns black, and then...


It seemed that at a certain limit, the compressed spiritual energy became only the size of a grain of rice, and the color was extremely black. With the spiritual energy as the center, cracks appeared in the space above the palm.

A streak of red lightning, emitting ominously, spread out from the crack.

"It seems that we can only go here, and if we compress it further, it will be impolite for this space."

Saying that, Bailiyuan gently pushed the compressed spiritual energy the size of a grain of rice in his hand, and sent it into the air.

"Purple fog psychic power, Ziming black hole!"

The psionic energy the size of a grain of rice suddenly expanded, as if it had turned into a huge black hole with terrifying suction, trying to suck everything around it into it, and then crush it with terrifying force.

In an instant, the person in the money tree was sucked into the sky.

Shirakawa Junko and the others were not affected.

"Because I turned off teammate damage." Baili Yuan said.

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