I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3266 They are all double-faced people, right?

During the negotiation, the most valuable bargaining chip in Bailiyuan's hands was the wreckage of the main ship of the First Legion.

All loot for the First Legion ranges in value from low to high.

First came Ziminghai and Posuotian, followed by other officers and soldiers, then various warships, and finally the main ship.

Even if it is just the wreckage of the main ship, it is the most valuable thing.

It is easy for Zi Minghai and Po Suotian to find replacement candidates, because the empire is full of talents, and there are many noble children staring at this position.

Although the number of officers and soldiers is relatively large, the population of the empire is larger, and it will take some time to recruit them again. It just needs to waste some training time.

The value of all kinds of warships is relatively high. The materials and construction period are one aspect. On the other hand, rebuilding these warships will leave a vacancy in the empire's military.

Because the upper echelons of the empire knew that those alien races who had been conquered had not yet completely surrendered.

Finally, there is the wreck of the main ship.

There are two main reasons for the high value of the main ship wreck in the empire.

One is that the star core has not been destroyed. It's not that the empire can't get new star cores, but the star cores that are eligible to be carried on the main ship of the First Legion are not ordinary star cores, and are extremely valuable.

The second is the various technologies carried on the main ship. That is the cutting-edge technology of the empire, and it is all imperial secrets.

The empire knew that it wanted to crack the technology of the transport ship of the Yuncheng Expeditionary Force, and they were also worried that Baili Yuan and the others would crack the technology of the empire's warship from the wreckage of the main ship, and then target it.

Such a loss is immeasurable and will bring crisis to the empire.

Therefore, the wreckage of the main ship must be redeemed as soon as possible. The longer it is delayed, the more prone to accidents will occur.

However, at this moment, Bailiyuan did not give the empire the opportunity to directly redeem the wreckage of the main ship.

There were not many surprises in the empire.

In the eyes of the high-level officials of the empire, the wreckage of the main ship was the most important prize in Baili Yuan's hands, so naturally they would not hand it over so easily. The wreckage of the main ship must be Bailiyuan's biggest confidence in negotiating with the empire, and it is also a shield.

Before the empire figured out where Bailiyuan hid the wreckage of the main ship, the Yuncheng Expeditionary Force was absolutely safe on the empire's territory.

It's a pity that the empire didn't know that Bailiyuan had Caroline.

At this moment, most of Caroline's body and computing power are concentrated on the wreckage of the main ship, quickly deciphering the technology on the wreckage of the main ship.

Moreover, with the continuous deciphering and collection of imperial technology and the establishment of the imperial technology tree, Caroline's speed of deciphering the main ship's wreckage technology has become faster and faster.

In a few hours, all the technology on the wreckage of the main ship will be completely deciphered.

Emperor Qingtian took the lead in opening a new negotiation.

"Then let's talk about the price of the fleet of the First Legion first."

The First Legion had already returned to the port of the empire, but for the wreckage of the main ship, the empire still needed to pay this sum of money.

"It's easy to say."

Bailiyuan showed a bright smile, and then looked at Shinozaki Shiho.

Shinozaki Shiho nodded to Baili Yuan's gaze, got up and tapped his arm a few times, the arm lit up, and a price list was projected in mid-air.

Looking at the dense list and the amount of various resources on it, the expressions of the thirteen councilors suddenly changed.


"You are lions with big mouths!"

"Are you provoking the empire?"


Ming Daoliu frowned, he didn't expect Baili Yuan and the others to have such a big appetite...but this is better.

Empress Luo Mingxue also changed her face, showing a worried expression, looking at Di Qingtian.

"His Majesty."

The three princes and princesses looked even more anxious.

"Father, don't agree."

"Irreverent alien!"

"No, no, father..."

Only Di Qingtian seemed to have expected it, with a calm expression and silence.

Baili Yuan glanced at all the people in the empire, his expression became strange, and he thought to himself: "I Zhuo, are you two-faced?"

Even the youngest Emperor Yao is acting, so it can only be said that she is worthy of being the daughter of the royal family.

Bailiyuan, who can feel other people's emotions, can naturally feel that the thoughts of everyone present are far from the emotions shown.

What appears to be a negotiation in the national interest is actually a contest of power.

Simply think about it, and you can understand why.

Because—the emperor's destiny is not long!

The old emperor is about to pass away, the heir to the throne is not yet clear, the world is still uncertain, and the princes and daughters are all dark horses.

The three princes and concubines wanted to show their performance in this matter, to win Emperor Qingtian's attention, and to secure their positions as heirs. The last time I had to kill the other two competitors.

The MPs wanted to take advantage of this incident to put the princes and daughters they supported on the throne, and at the same time seek benefits for themselves and their families. There are even more ideas.

Luo Mingxue wanted to get more from Emperor Qingtian, even to divide the emperor's power. Because the emperor is going to die, she is still young! She didn't want to just step back, she should have gone one step further!

Emperor Qingtian also has the idea of ​​testing the princes and princesses. Of course, it is more about beating everyone, including queens with ulterior motives, congressmen with impure thoughts, and ambitious offspring.

Di Qingtian wants to tell everyone that he is just old, not dead.

Before he dies, no one can mess up!

What he bestows belongs to these people, and if he does not give them, these people cannot take them away.

As for the attitudes and thoughts of Bailiyuan and others, that's not important.

Just a whetstone.

Bailiyuan could only lament that power is a good thing, but sometimes it is a poison that makes people's brains go wrong.

Otherwise, the empire would not be able to put them into the Earth Star so easily, and even negotiate peace with them.

Originally, I thought that the empire would invite Xiang Yu to invite Liu Bang.

This is the result?

After knowing it in his mind, Bailiyuan smiled slightly.

Got it, it's a test~

The ten fingers of Baili Yuan's hands pointed at each other, and they nodded at each other.

"Hehehe, this is just the most basic price offered by our side. Since you are not satisfied, then I can increase the price. After discussing this matter, we will talk about the main ship. Anyway, I am not in a hurry."

Both Shirakawa Junko and Shinozaki Shiho looked at Bailiyuan strangely.

It wasn't in the original plan.

Didn't you say that you can leave with a stroke of money?

Then go back and keep hitting, keep hitting.

But you can't catch all the water!

Even Di Qingtian could hardly hold back this time.

I've heard of price increases from the ground, but I haven't seen such a price increase from the ground.

Hearing Baili Yuan's words, the other people in the empire stopped talking and looked at Di Qingtian.

Dissatisfaction appeared in Di Qingtian's eyes.

If you know the price has been raised, come and ask me!

But this negotiation is calculated and cannot collapse.

Baili Yuan's attitude can only be said to be unexpected, but harmless.

"Okay, let's continue talking." Di Qingtian said, his voice was low and calm.

But secretly glanced at everyone's performance.

Plan it in your heart.


night comes.

The negotiation did not work out.

Bailiyuan and the others were not surprised. Bailiyuan had already sent some of the things analyzed to the internal channel. Everyone in the Yuncheng Expeditionary Army knew that the empire was in a sensitive state.

Andy issued an order to let people test the real situation of the empire.

See if the empire is really engaged in a power struggle, and how far the struggle has progressed.

If possible, the Yuncheng Expeditionary Army would not mind adding fuel to the fire first, and then taking benefits from the fire.

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