Chapter 3263 Put your hands in your pockets, don't know what an opponent is

After a few hours.

The ceremonial spaceship that Bailiyuan and others took landed on the imperial city on the capital of Earth Star.

If Earth Star is the capital of the empire and the center of the empire, then the imperial city is the center of Earth Star.

Because this is the palace where the emperor lived.

is the center of power.

Includes mortal and divine power.

Therefore, the imperial city is also called the Holy City by the people.

In fact, everyone has already gone beyond the earth and stars. With the speed of the honor spaceship, it should be very fast to reach the imperial city.

But it was still delayed for several hours for various reasons.

These few hours seemed to be for Ming Daoliu to get some information from Baili Yuan and the others.

Or, the so-called temptation is just a misleading.

For example, to mislead Bailiyuan and others, the empire is actually afraid of their power, and because of a guilty conscience, they need to inquire about their information in advance.

On the spaceship, Bailiyuan and Ming Daoliu stood together in front of the viewing window, looking down at the magnificent city below.

The city below is very spectacular, with rows of buildings and various reliefs everywhere in the city, making the city full of artistic sense.

The entire city occupies an area comparable to a small country.

However, the capital of a cosmic civilization does not have the dazzling and metallic texture shown in science fiction.

On the contrary, the city looks a bit classical, mostly stone buildings, mainly milky white and khaki buildings, which make the city full of time.

Because for this level of civilization, building a city is just a waste of resources and time, without much technical content.

After technology has brought sufficient material goods, what residents pursue is only spiritual satisfaction.

Art is the most suitable for satisfying spiritual needs.

The standard of whether a city is excellent is no longer the number of high-rise buildings, but the sense of art.

Ming Daoliu said with a smile: "Brother Yuan, this is the imperial city of our empire."

Baili Yuan smiled, "It's magnificent, very majestic like an emperor, and shrouded in a layer of divinity."

Baili Yuan's words made Ming Daoliu slightly open his squinted eyes.

"Brother Yuan is really right. The imperial city is also the holy city of the Blue God Sect of the empire. The largest sacrificial site in the empire is in the imperial city, which also makes some buildings in the imperial city have a theological color."

"Really?" Baili Yuan didn't say much, just stared at the city below.

In fact, the divinity Bailiyuan mentioned is not the architectural style.

But Bailiyuan really felt the aura of divinity in the imperial city.

This imperial city is blessed by the power of God!

Even the layout of the city is peculiar.

While it seems to be full of artistic sense, the closer the building is to the center, the more magnificent and taller it seems to be to highlight the status of the occupants.

However, looking down, it makes people feel that the whole city is a huge altar!

The light of the pupil of God flashed in Baili Yuan's eyes.

With a quick glance, Bailiyuan didn't see anything unusual.

"It's really interesting."

Baili Yuan chuckled in his heart, and secretly transmitted the sound, making everyone in the expeditionary army more vigilant.


The guard of honor spaceship landed at the spaceship docking port in the imperial city specially used by members of parliament.

At this moment, the port was cleared out to welcome Bailiyuan and others.

On the port square, a group of high-level empire officials are already waiting here. Including all the ordinary councilors in the imperial city and the commanders of the legions, etc., at a rough look, there are tens of thousands of people.

There are no other top thirteen MPs.

The empire is most famous for its ten major legions, but that doesn't mean there are no other legions. On the contrary, the number of legions has reached five figures, but most of the legions are stationed in various parts of the galaxy.

The rest are ministers and officials of various departments, the largest number.

The Emperor of the Empire was not seen.

In addition to these people, there is also a welcoming etiquette team of 100,000 people and a media team of thousands of people.

Most of the officials are human beings, only a few are non-human races, and they all come from various civilizations conquered by the empire in the Milky Way galaxy.

If you look closely, you will find that most of the officials of non-human races stand at the back. Officials of the same level and non-human race officials also stand on the edge of the same row.

Because the status of non-human races is almost always lower than that of human races.

There is a very strict racial hierarchy within the empire. There is no doubt that the human race is the most noble race. The more similar the non-human race is to the human race, the higher the general status, the higher the level of technology, and the higher the status.

It was said before that the population within the empire exceeded one trillion, but this is only the race counted as the population.

There are also many strange-looking races. After being conquered by the empire, they are not treated as population at all. They can only be treated as livestock, and they are not even eligible to be slaves.

This happens.

It is because the rule of the empire is based on conquest.

The conqueror does not allow the conquered to stand on the same platform as himself.

Moreover, only by dividing other races into lower-level races can they be exploited reasonably, and the benefits obtained from the exploitation can be used to win the hearts of the legion.

The support for maintaining this racial hierarchy, apart from powerful force, is the belief in the state religion parallel to the empire!

Force enslaves the body, faith enslaves the spirit.

This system gave Bailiyuan a very strong sense of déjà vu.

The hatch opens.

Ming Daoliu and Baili Yuan stood at the front.

Ming Daoliu smiled, bowed and said, "Brother Yuan, please."

Bailiyuan looked at Ming Daoliu.

Along the way, Ming Daoliu did not have the airs of the first member of the council. He had a humble attitude and always smiled. The more he was like this, the more it proved that he was not simple.

After all, he has squinting eyes!

Received the invitation, Bailiyuan was not afraid, and stepped off the spaceship with a baby-fat belly.

The Yuncheng Expeditionary Army lined up in two rows, closely following Bailiyuan.

At this moment, they all put away the irrelevant things they had been on the spaceship before. Instead, they were all serious or smiling, and at the same time released their strong aura.

At close range, Ming Boruo, Mu Che and Feng Xueming showed what a strong person in another world is.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky were all dispersed by the pure momentum, and the sound in the square disappeared instantly.

The three of Ming Boruo were shocked to realize that along the way, they had never really seen the real side of this group of human races from another world.

Shocked by the aura of so many strong men, the three of them were stunned for a while, unable to move, and shed cold sweat unceasingly.

The strongest of the three, Ming Boruo, is only a diamond-level transcendent.

There are more than ten colorful-level strongmen in the Yuncheng Expeditionary Army.

The leading few supreme powerhouses also did not release their momentum.

Although this was completely bullying of children, if it wasn't for the lack of performance of Bailiyuan and the others, the expeditionary forces behind would really like to use some special effects to pretend to be aggressive.

In a few hours, everyone in the Yuncheng Expeditionary Army also adjusted their mental state, and got a rest after a hearty meal.

Ming Daoliu called the three of them after the Yuncheng Expeditionary Army got off the spaceship.

"Okay, let's go down too."

Ming Daoliu's voice was still kind and steady, and he, who was also impacted by the momentum, did not show any discomfort.


The Yuncheng Expeditionary Army came to the square and stood behind Bailiyuan one after another.

Bailiyuan stood at the front, with Andy and Huahua on the left, Junko Baichuan and Shirley on the right.

Baili Yuan put his hands in his pockets and looked around, not knowing what an opponent was.

"Human race in the big world, Bailiyuan in Yuncheng, visit the empire!"

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