I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3259 Thanks to the boss of the First Legion for the reward~

The 10,000-meter-class battleships are all equipped with exclusive weapons, which are also the main weapons of the battleships, referred to as special weapons for short.

Zhuanwu is a symbol of strength and status in the empire.

The energy core of the 10,000-meter-class warship is the planetary star core, which makes the power of Zhuanwu reach the supreme level of a blow.

The weakest can clean the surface of the planet, and the powerful special weapon can even smash small galaxies with one blow.

The disadvantage is probably the need to store energy.

Now, the special forces of all the 10,000-meter warships have completed their energy storage, and then aimed at Bailiyuan to launch.

Bailiyuan, which was the first to emerge, became the first target to be eliminated by the First Legion.

This is also Zi Minghai's order.

Now Zi Minghai is very afraid of Baili Yuan.

Compared with those figures wearing battle armor moving in the universe, this incomprehensible giant of light needs to be more vigilant.

"Alpha Fury Cannon, launch!"

"Beta Blaster, launch!"

"Gamma particle flow, launch!"

"Delta rays, launch!"

"Ipsilon Oscillating Wave, launch!"


The specialized weapons of hundreds of 10,000-meter-class warships launched hundreds of powerful attacks, focusing on Bailiyuan.

Po Suotian yelled at Baili Yuan, "If you dare to come to our universe, prepare to be wiped out!"

It's just that compared to the joy of the whirling sky, Zi Minghai's expression is serious.

The technological capabilities displayed by the invaders from the other world made him instantly realize that the empire's judgment on the situation in the other world was wrong.

Moreover, the different world not only has cosmic-level technological civilization, but also seems to have powerful extraordinary power!

That giant is definitely an extraordinary life!

Extraordinary creatures that can walk in the universe do not exist even in the empire.

There are also extraordinary people in the empire, but extraordinary people can only be regarded as auxiliary forces of technology, at most they are some powerful weapons, and only extraordinary people can use them.

Because both Zi Minghai and Po Suotian were extraordinary, Zi Minghai knew how unimaginable an extraordinary creature like Bailiyuan was.

This should only appear in movies, comics and novels, not in reality!

The hundreds of attacks from the concentrated fire drew a dazzling brilliance in the universe.

"It's so beautiful."

Bailiyuan couldn't help sighing.

Then Baili Yuan raised his hand lightly, as if lifting the weight lightly.

He clenched his fist and punched it out.

"The end of Ultra!"

The Otto Terminator, evolved from the Titan Terminator skill, has the terrifying power of bursting out with all its power and crushing everything.

Although Bailiyuan punched towards the front, Bailiyuan's whole body was enveloped by the strength of the fist, sweeping towards all directions.

Hundreds of powerful attacks from all directions collided with punches.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone in the Empire's First Legion, the attacks of the main weapons of several million-meter-class battleships were actually shattered one after another.

The shattered energy turned into streamers of various colors.

The complexion of the mother-in-law changed drastically.

Zi Minghai also had a gloomy expression, and hurriedly ordered.

"Warships of the whole army, hold that giant down and destroy other enemies!"

"The main ship of the legion is dedicated to martial arts, start charging, and aim at the giant!"

Zi Minghai gritted his teeth.

Since the special force of the 10,000-meter battleship can't deal with the giant, then directly activate the special force of the main ship!

in the universe.

Bailiyuan put down his fist, clenched his fists with both hands, pulling with strength.

The broken and scattered energies of various colors were attracted by Baili Yuan, and flowed into Baili Yuan's body one after another.

"How is it possible? He can absorb the overflowing energy!" Po Suotian was surprised.

Zi Minghai's eyes became more gloomy, and he began to guess the reason why Baili Yuan absorbed these energies.

"Is it to replenish energy? Or is there another reason?"

The main purpose of Bailiyuan absorbing these energies is to assimilate and understand the energies contained in the various attacks just now.

The light of origin assimilates the energy property, and then starts to simulate, and can even simulate the way of emitting energy.

Let Bailiyuan discover the characteristics of these martial arts attacks.

It also made Bailiyuan understand why Zhuanwu appeared.

"So that's how it is. This is the truth about Zhuanwu."

The reason why those 10,000-meter battleships have special weapons is because the planetary cores that are the energy cores have different attributes and energy fluctuations. Even if the same main weapon is manufactured, the attacks launched will also be different, and the power varies greatly. don't.

Therefore, the empire abandoned universality and chose to develop the main weapon that can best exert the power of the star core according to the characteristics of the star core of different planets.

Only then did the theory of the special weapon of the 10,000-meter warship come into being.

To support this kind of creativity requires strong research and development capabilities.

This is what is truly commendable in Imperial Technology.

Because the special weapons of each 10,000-meter warship correspond to a research and development team, a brand-new energy application and research system, and various derivative discoveries and inventions.

It's no wonder that only warships above the 10,000-meter class have special weapons. Special weapons not only symbolize strength, but also symbolize status.

Without some status and ability, even if you can build a 10,000-meter warship, you can't make a special weapon equipped with a 10,000-meter warship.

A new wave of attacks strikes.

Baili Yuan looked up, then raised his arms.

"First this, then this..."

After a few simple actions, the energy attribute of the light of origin in Bailiyuan's body changed, and then these energies converged in a special way.

Cross your arms in an "L" shape.

The light came from the side of Bailiyuan's palm.

The supreme-level light skill is issued.

Collide with an oncoming ray of light to create an explosion in space.

But looking at the light emitted by Bailiyuan, Ziminghai and Posuotian were extremely shocked.

"That attack..." Po Suotian looked at Zi Minghai in disbelief.

Zi Minghai didn't speak, but quickly operated on the console with both hands.

Two energy fluctuation curves appear.

When the two energy fluctuation curves coincided, Zi Minghai finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"That is, the energy fluctuations of the Alpha Fury Cannon! That giant copied Zhuanwu's attack and even became stronger!"

To be precise, this blow is called now.

——Alpha Rage Ray!

"An attack with a violent attribute, suitable for bombing."

"Try this trick again..."

Relying on infinite energy, Bailiyuan constantly changes his own energy attributes, and then adjusts the energy release method through posture.

Beta Shock Rays!

Gamma particle light!

Delta Rays!

Epsilon Oscillating Light Waves!


All kinds of attacks belonging to the 10,000-meter-class warship of the First Legion were released by Baili Yuan in another way, and with the blessing of Baili Yuan's strength, they fought against the First Legion.

In other words, with this method, Bailiyuan has added hundreds of light skills.

Thanks to the boss of the First Legion for the reward~

The boss is auspicious, and the boss gets rich!

The members of the Yuncheng Expeditionary Force, seeing every stitch they could make, continued to intersperse among the First Army Corps, destroying a large number of warships of the thousand-meter level and below.

The densely packed 100-meter-class warships chased behind the expeditionary force. The number exceeded 100 million, but they could only be reduced to being harvested.

Members of the expeditionary force wearing ordinary battle armor can easily deal with the 100-meter-class warship.

Members like Shinozaki Shiho wearing exclusive battle armor are more capable of destroying thousand-meter-level warships.

Moreover, with the support of Bailiyuan's strength, the expeditionary army could collide with the First Legion unscrupulously.

Three thousand against one hundred million, the advantage is mine!

Finally, the special weapons of the strongest main ship of the First Legion were fully charged.

Before launching, Po Suotian hesitated and looked at Ziminghai.

"Brother, that giant, shouldn't it also imitate the attack of our strongest martial arts?"

Zi Minghai clenched his teeth.

"Whether you can imitate or not, you can't give up the attack!"

"Just bet this blow can kill him!"

"Fire me!"

The main ship of the First Legion specializes in weapons, launch!

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