I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3244 Origin Form

There is a gap between the world and the world.

Different worlds are like bubbles, floating in time and space, constantly moving, approaching or separating.

Because Bailiyuan came to the Pokémon world, he brought the power of other time and space, which caused the position of the Pokémon world to start moving, and there was a sinking situation.

And under the Pokémon world, there is a parallel world of the Pokémon world, which is the world where the elves come.

Because of the closeness of the two worlds, the projections of the elves, environments and some items of the Pokémon world appear in the parallel world.

That is the advent phenomenon.

But the two worlds keep getting closer, and the final result is that the two worlds collide, and instead of merging, they will shatter, causing disasters in the two worlds.

In the end, the powerful world completely smashes the weak world, annexes the weak world, repairs the damage in the strong world, and makes the strong world stronger.

Well, it's the same as the battle with the ball.

When Rabi discovered this problem, he couldn't bear the collision of the two worlds, and wanted to ask other beasts for help to maintain the distance between the two worlds. As a result, almost all capable beasts expressed their unwillingness to help.

Because that parallel world is just a world of human beings. Whether human beings die or not is none of their business.

Even if the two worlds collide and the Pokémon world is in turmoil, it will have little impact on the beasts.

Based on the strength of the Pokémon World, the final outcome is that the Advent World is completely shattered, and then the Advent World is annexed by the Pokémon World, and the world is strengthened, which is beneficial to the beasts.

So in the end, Rabbi found the culprit, Bailiyuan.

Ten years after taking Bailiyuan to the world of Pokémon, when the distance between the two worlds was the closest, he threw Bailiyuan into the world of Advent.

Let Bailiyuan bring the descending world to accelerate the sinking.

In this way, the two worlds are kept in a relatively static state, and the two worlds will not collide.

Compared to those mythical beasts who couldn't beat them, Bailiyuan was really easy to use for Shirabi.

If Bailiyuan is true, this person can deal with it.

Bailiyuan didn't expect that Shi Rabi turned around and sold himself, and even told Heihua Chaomeng the reason for the problems in the two worlds.

Let the blackened Chaomeng come to the door now and let him take responsibility.

Bailiyuan looked at the thousands of blackened elves surrounding him, and suddenly felt Alexander.

To be approached and put in charge of a single child would make a man burnt out, let alone let him be in charge of thousands of blackened elves this time.

The elves of Bailiyuan were in the air of their homeland, also staring dumbfounded.

On the contrary, the few blackened elves in the home space seem to recognize the blackened Mewtwo.

Even if Bailiyuan influenced the blackened elves before, the blackened elves only became docile and willing to fight for Bailiyuan. The blackened elves didn't tell Bailiyuan about the blackened Chaomeng.

Now that the blackened elves saw that the blackened Chaomeng actually wanted to entrust other blackened elves to Bailiyuan, the blackened elves felt that Bailiyuan held a special place in their hearts.

The blackened elves have completely recognized Bailiyuan, even the new blackened Menas has settled down, and their recognition of Bailiyuan has increased.

It is enough to see the status of the blackened Chaomeng in the hearts of these blackened elves.

But soon, the reality told Bailiyuan that Rabbi Time was not the only one who sold Bailiyuan.

Steel Chaomeng nodded to Bailiyuan and said.

"The blackened elves fell into the advent world, and most of them were actually brought back by the blackened Mewtwo. However, this is not a long-term solution. Even if they are brought back to the reverse world, the blackened elves will continue to fall into the advent world .”

"The blackened Chaomeng has also considered placing the blackened elves directly in the hidden area of ​​​​the coming world, but it cannot prevent the blackened elves from being discovered and disturbed by other humans and elves. It is also necessary for the blackened Chaomeng to continue to travel between the two worlds , to appease the blackened elves of the two worlds."

"So, the blackened Chaomeng found me and wanted me to help take care of the blackened elves who came to the world."

"And I recommended you to Blackened Mewtwo after learning all about it!"

Bailiyuan looked at Steel Chaomeng, and suddenly felt that there was no love between Steel Chaomeng and Steel Chaomeng.

So you brought the pot back!

Shi Rabi made the pot, and Steel Chaomeng sent the pot, right?

Steel Chaomeng didn't care about Baili Yuan's attitude, he expressed his thoughts: "Because I know that you can influence the blackened elves, and you have enough strength and ability to take care of these blackened elves."

Blackening Chaomeng nodded.

"Steel Chaomeng recommended you to me. I hesitated at first, so I watched you for a long time. Now, I think you are qualified to take care of these children. At least your strength is enough, and you still have the ability to comfort these children. .”

Speaking of the blackened elves, the tone of the blackened Mewtwo has also softened a lot. He really values ​​every blackened elf very much.

"What about you?" Bailiyuan asked Heihua Chaomeng.

"Now that the world barriers of the reversed world are getting stronger, I can no longer bring the blackened elves from other worlds, so I plan to entrust these children to you, and then go to other worlds to find other blackened elves. "

Bailiyuan suddenly understood.

Just throw the child to him, and then blacken Chaomeng and go out to roam, right?

It is even possible that in the future, when the blackened Chaomeng gathers enough blackened elves, he will come to the door again and ask him to help take care of the children.

What does Heihua Chaomeng take my Bailiyuan place for?

Bailiyuan said that he could not accept this wronged.

So Baili Yuan raised his head with a serious face.

"I think……"

"Since these children are all entrusted to you, then this world imprint of the inverted world is also entrusted to you. With this world imprint, you can enter and exit the inverted world at will without being hostile by Giratina , At the same time, you can also use this world imprint to receive the blessing of the power to reverse the world, pay a certain price, and you can also summon Giratina to help you in battle."

Heihua Chaomeng's tone was flat, and he pushed a luminous imprint to Bailiyuan with super power.

Bailiyuan nodded vigorously, and while accepting the mark of the world, he said: "Blackening Chaomeng, don't worry, I will definitely let these children live a good life!"

Heihua Chaomeng and Steel Chaomeng said that if they hadn't had strong superpowers and could feel Bailiyuan's emotional changes, they would have almost believed it.

As for the world mark of the reversed world, it is of little use to the blackened Mewtwo, it is just a key to enter and exit the reversed world.

But for Bailiyuan, who had nothing to do with the reversed world, it helped a lot.

When Bailiyuan touched the imprint of the world, the imprint of the world merged into Bailiyuan's body, making Bailiyuan immediately feel that he had some connection with the reversed world.

Immediately afterwards, the power to reverse the world entered Baili Yuan's body.

"Oh, oh, I feel it!" Baili Yuan looked at his hands in surprise.

The Light of Origin began to change because of the power to reverse the world, and new power was generated in Baili Yuan's body.


Bailiyuan lit up.

It is the light of shape change!

New power must correspond to a new form!

The Spirit of Light Appears!

Then the Spirit of Light swelled to a height of twenty meters. His body looked even older, like a stone sculpture, his skin took on the color of a rock, his limbs became thick and huge, and his figure was burly, like an ancient giant.

This is--

Spirit of Light · Origin Form!

Tomorrow, tomorrow must be updated!

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