I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3241 The one who knows lives, the one who speaks dies


The dragon soars and vibrates with super energy.

When everything calmed down and the satellites of various countries resumed communication, the Super Rift Seat and Steel Mew Dream Y were no longer seen in the universe.

Even Bailiyuan is missing.

At the end of the battle, who wins and who loses?

Were there any elf casualties?

Nobody knows.

Only some meteorite fragments floating in outer space proved that the battle took place, and these traces were also attracted by the planet's gravity, and were continuously sucked into the planet, gradually disappearing.

Countless people are curious and want to explore the result of this war. As well as the strength of the two sides in the war, what level has it reached, and the secret of the strength of the two elves.

Countless people have started their own actions because of this.

There are politicians who are worried about the future; there are trainers who want to challenge the strong and fight with high spirits; there are ambitious people who are secretly planning and ambitious;

However, these are not the point.

At this moment, everyone knows that times have changed, and human beings no longer have any pride in the face of absolute power.

The dependence of human beings has also become useless.

In the past, when humans faced divine beasts, even Iron Mewtwo was only afraid, but not to the point of reverence. He even felt for a time that since Steel Chaomeng could be subdued by Bailiyuan, humans also had the chance to subdue other beasts of the same strength.

Because human beings felt at that time that with various weapons of human beings, even if they could not beat the elves, they could die with the elves. At worst, it would be a mushroom bomb, and everyone and the elves would die.

Only now do people realize it.

Human weapons can't even threaten the powerful beasts!

Because the elves can survive in the universe, even the beasts themselves can destroy the planet on which human beings live.

Such mighty power can be called—God!

Ordinary people hope that there will be gods in the world to bring them fairness and strength.

The rich and powerful absolutely do not want to have a god, because then there will be an existence above them that can easily take away everything from them.

The reality makes the rich and powerful have to admit that wealth and status are meaningless before mighty power.

Even if they try to control everything in their hands, human beings find that they don't have any power or means to threaten the powerful beasts.

Even if it is the so-called 100% subdued Master Ball, there is still a question mark in front of the powerful beast. And the premise is, is there really a chance to lose the ball against a powerful beast?

Although the powerful beasts are also elves, it doesn't mean that they also care about the life and feelings of ordinary elves.

Therefore, powerful beasts will not be kidnapped or coerced by morality because of the relationship between humans and elves.

But because of the previous incident of the elves of light, it also proved that as long as there are these powerful beasts, human beings have to pay attention to the problem of ordinary elves.

Who knows if it will cause dissatisfaction with powerful beasts and bring disasters to mankind because of some reasons involving ordinary elves.

In the end, the high-level leaders of all countries were silent, including the high-level leaders of the five major countries.

Humanity has failed miserably.

But humans are not without opportunities.

The visionaries made the point.

——For the current plan, we can only use elves to defeat elves! Trainer Xiaoyuan is a good example!

Because Bailiyuan subdued the powerful Steel Chaomeng, it proved that human beings still have a chance.

Between humans and powerful beasts, it is possible to stand on one side.

Thus, hope appeared.

Human beings need to change the current social structure, give elves more space in human society, and let human beings find a way to live in harmony with elves.

Whatever the purpose of human beings, they must do this.

Now that we have a direction, what about the method?

Scholars organizations are a prime example of this!

The strongest elf Steel Mewdream is in the hands of Bailiyuan, the leader of the scholar organization, and there are also some powerful beasts on the scholar island of the scholar organization.

The development model of scholar organizations is very convincing.

Everything is based on the fact that humans respect elves, and elves respond to humans.

Countries say that what academic organizations can do, they can do, and do better.

Even some countries have directly begun to consider the feasibility of issuing ID cards to elves and formulating regulations on marriage registration between humans and elves.

This night, under the guidance of the "visionaries" from all over the world, high-level officials from all over the world began to consider the harmonious coexistence of humans and elves to build a better future together.

The "visionaries" from all over the world are all smiling, and secretly send a message to the scholar organization, saying that this side has acted according to the plan, Party A's money is not wasted, and next time I have this kind of work, I will find myself...

After the discussions within the countries were completed, the countries also started to communicate overnight, wanting to discuss this major event, hoping to win more benefits for their own countries in the new era.

However, politicians from various countries soon found out.

Why didn't the old president of the lighthouse country communicate?

There has been no reply for a long time from the lighthouse country?

The high-level executives of various countries had bad premonitions one after another, and they couldn't help but think that the high-level leaders of the Lighthouse country... nothing will happen, right?

It wasn't until dawn that the news came from the Beacon Country. An agent from the Beacon Country found that the old president and a group of members of Congress had died in the conference room of the White House. None of them escaped. The bodyguards in charge of protection were all knocked out.

The old president and congressmen were all beaten to death, and the murderer's methods were very cruel.

Still very arrogant.

Because the murder weapon was thrown at the crime scene, it was a cute pink baseball bat with a bunny sticker on it.

The appraisers in the Lighthouse State failed to find any clues from the baseball bat.

The stunned guards have no memory of the murderer, and all the footage on the scene has been deleted and cannot be restored.

However, someone found out that Andy and Huahua from the scholar organization had bought a baseball bat of the same style in the Big Apple.

But no one linked them to the murder.

Because the White House is in Washington DC, and Andy and Huahua are in the Big Apple, how could they travel back and forth between the two cities overnight?

As for relying on the abilities of elves... No, this matter has nothing to do with them!

Everyone in the investigation team tacitly did not include Andy and Huahua in the list of suspects.

In the end, this case was assigned to an evil organization that was split off after the disintegration of a wooden owl council. The next day, this organization was jointly wiped out by the government, military, and secret service organization of the Lighthouse country, and all members were killed on the spot. , without trial.

The official of the Lighthouse State stated that God will not give them a chance to explain to such vicious people!

Other countries have expressed no objection, and the Lighthouse Country is doing the right thing.

And after the old guys from the Lighthouse Country disappeared, the whole world seemed to be at peace.

Taking advantage of this rare peaceful world, countries began to build new world rules and systems together.

It was later that baseball bats of the same style were sold out all over the world. Even men were fascinated by pink baseball bats with bunnies. They felt that this was a weapon that made men more excited than guns, and its status was equal to physics. holy sword.

The pink baseball bat used as the murder weapon was later included in the National Museum of the Beacon Country, where it was placed next to the sacred weapon of the Beacon Country, the Fallen God Axe, for people to admire, without any blood being wiped off.


After that night, the world situation changed drastically.

Half a year later, the first elf alliance in which elves came to the world appeared.

In addition to the five major alliances, there are also small alliances formed by small countries, and almost no countries and forces can still maintain their independence.

Even the scholar organization has joined a small alliance, and this small alliance has become a neutral alliance.

Other alliances have no objections.

With the establishment of alliances in various places, the culture, society, and concepts of the entire world have quietly changed.

The relationship between humans and elves has gradually become friendly and harmonious, and the conflicts between the various alliances are also resolved by elves fighting against each other.

After the establishment of various alliances, various black technologies suddenly emerged one after another, which greatly changed the way of life of all people and elves in the whole world, and the welfare of people and elves in various alliances has also been greatly improved.

Human beings put their excess energy into various elves-related businesses.

And it all went very smoothly.

In this regard, the top leaders of various countries have not raised objections, or have some inappropriate ideas.

Because no one wants to follow in the footsteps of the old president of the lighthouse country.

And there are some things, it is enough to know, because only by knowing, can we know what to do and where the bottom line is.

But what you know, never say it.

Those who know live, those who speak die.

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