I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3239 Cosmic War

Steel Mewtwo Y Luna!

A new form has appeared, this is the legendary Super Evolution·Colorful Skin!

cough cough.

In fact, it is a form of bondage with the power of Bailiyuan superimposed.

Steel Mewtwo Y did not evolve into a human form because of Baili Yuan's bondage, which just proved the extraordinaryness of Steel Mewtwo Y.

Bailiyuan has a feeling that if Iron Mewtwo is in X form, Iron Mewtwo's bondage form is not "Moon God", but should be "Holy Light".

It just corresponds to the characteristics of the two super evolutionary forms of Steel Mewtwo - one is good at close combat, the other is good at long-distance attack; one is good at attacking, and the other is good at special attack.

After Iron Mewtwo Y completed its evolution, it shot directly.

The main force of Bailiyuan is on a satellite, pointing in the direction of the super cracked empty seat.

"Go, pick out his shrimp line for me!"

A light cannon was released from Steel Mewtwo Y's weapon.

Strong mind!

The spiritual force that was blessed at this moment was as terrifying as a cosmic light cannon.

For the same skill, the power is not fixed, but is affected by the strength of the elf who releases the skill.

It's like, the same ninjutsu, can Uchiha Madara perform the same as ordinary ninjas?

Super Rifting Seat is also ready, opening his mouth is a dragon wave counterattack.

The power of the dragon wave and the power of the light cannon collided in space, and then exploded.

In the explosion, the power of dragons and the power of superpowers surged violently.

At the same time as the explosion, both Super Rift and Steel Mewtwo Y had already left their original positions.

A new round of war has started again.

And this time, it was even more intense.

The gigantic body of Super Rift Space hovers and roars in the universe.

The figure of Steel Mewtwo Y keeps flickering in the universe, attacking. I saw Iron Mewtwo Y raising his arms, and the weapons behind him split into eight in an instant, and then super powers gathered one after another, and then sprayed out.

Mental Break · Combo!

Super Rifting Seat destroys the light sweep with one move, shattering all flying attacks.

At the same time, Iron Mewtwo Y raised his hand and pulled it from a distance.

In the distant universe, there are countless meteorites pulled by superpowers.

Then Steel Mewtwo Y put his hands together.

Countless meteorites pulled from the universe smashed into the super cracked seat from all directions, trying to completely submerge the super cracked seat.

Cosmos Rock Blockade!

Super Rifting Seat didn't dodge at all, and directly exerted force with his body, shattering countless meteorites with the explosive power in his body.

"It's a bodybuilding trick. This changing move actually made the super cracked empty seat use the effect of counterattack." Bailiyuan sighed.

Powerful, can really do whatever they want.

A large number of shattered meteorite fragments were affected by gravity, fell to the earth, rubbed violently with the atmosphere, and burned.

A dazzling meteor shower immediately fell in the night sky, but this meteor shower was different from previous meteor showers. It didn't slide down in one direction, but fell in all directions like fireworks blooming in the night sky.

All meteorite fragments that fell into the atmosphere burned up quickly and disappeared.

The surprise that appeared was short-lived.

And this is just the aftermath of the battle between the two divine beasts in space.

This also shows one thing - as long as the distance from the battlefield of the strong is far enough, then the battle of the strong is a beautiful performance.

But it's unfortunate that it's close.

Super Rift Zaza charged towards Iron Mewtwo Y, and Iron Mewtwo Y teleported to distance himself.

Then Super Rikakuza made a sharp turn, and instantly locked onto the location where Iron Mewtwo Y appeared again, and rushed up.

But a satellite floated between the two elves.

Super Cracking Seat directly raised its claws and pinched, crushing this satellite, which symbolizes the peak level of human material science.

Immediately afterwards, Super Rift Zaza discovered that Steel Mewtwo Y had disappeared.


Super Crack Kongza suddenly lowered his head, and saw Iron Mewtwo Y appearing under his body at some point, and the weapon behind him was fired.

During the explosion, the Super Rift Seat was knocked out.

Inside the planet, all humans who are watching this battle with satellites or other instruments have seen what a battle of the universe is!

It also shocked countless people to the point where they could not calm down.

For the two elves, the long distance in space can be easily crossed.

All kinds of skills can be used at will, and the problem of matching moves is not considered at all, because every blow is just right.

Speed! Dragon Wave! Meteors!

Strong mind! Mental break! Predict future!

"Wouldn't they consume stamina and energy? The big move should be level A? And I feel that many skills are specious, as if I have never seen them before! But there is also an inexplicable sense of familiarity..."

At this time, human trainers realized that for truly powerful elves, skills are only limitations, and powerful energy can break through the limitations!

Skill mastery is a start.

"Eye-opener! Eye-opener!"

"Is this the battle of the beasts?"

"Without the constraints of planets, the elves can explode such terrifying power in the universe!"

"However, not all elves can fight in the universe. If elves with the same power break out in a war on the planet, if they go all out..."

"The age of mankind has passed."

In the white house.

The old president's crotch was wet immediately, but no one laughed at him, because the situation of other congressmen was similar to him.

The reason for this was because they suddenly realized that the one fighting was the elves belonging to Bailiyuan!

It was Bailiyuan who held the terrifying power!

"Quick, let the super team come back!"

"Fack! The super squad and the army come back quickly, don't shoot Andy!"

The various performances of Bailiyuan before were not as deterrent as the cosmic war this time.

Every attack released by Steel Mewtwo Y is like an H-bomb, exploding a mushroom cloud in the hearts of the top executives of the Lighthouse Country.

Even if Steel Mewtwo had fought against an entire fleet before, the Lighthouse Kingdom felt that Bailiyuan was strong, but not yet invincible.

Especially with the increasing number of beasts subdued by the Lighthouse Kingdom, and the big card of the toilet king, the courage of the Lighthouse Kingdom has gradually grown.

Even within the Beacon Country, data simulations have been performed many times against Bailiyuan and scholar organizations, and the success rate of solving Bailiyuan and scholar organizations is as high as 47.95%!

Accurate to two decimal places.

It made the top management of the Lighthouse Kingdom feel that Bailiyuan and Steel Chaomeng are not absolutely invincible.

Afraid, but not afraid.

However, the power displayed by Iron Mewtwo Y at this moment made the Beacon Country realize that their so-called simulation calculations for Iron Mewtwo were just farting and wiping paper!

Even as long as Iron and Steel Chaomeng Y wants to wipe out the Lighthouse Country, it is only a wave of hands.

It also made the old president and others wake up from their greed for holy swordsmen.

However, the reply received on the other side of the communication was.

"Sorry, the super team and the army have already encountered Andy."

Previously, they were in a hurry to get the super squad and the military to bring back the Holy Swordsman, so the super squad and the military naturally acted extremely quickly.


Somewhere in the Big Apple.

Five super team members surrounded Andy and Huahua.

These five people are all superpowers. Some have flames floating around them, some have rocks floating around them, and some have dazzling lights.

But Andy and Huahua know that there are two superpowers watching them secretly.

Behind the psychic was a team of 20 special forces, all armed with rifles, grenades, and even two rocket launchers.

In addition to humans, there are naturally elves.

"You two beauties, I also hope that you can come with us, otherwise it would be bad if we wait for us to make a move and hurt you."

"Hey, if you agree to have a drink with me, maybe I'll make them be gentler to you."

Several superpowers yelled at Andy and Huahua.

As superpowers, they all feel that they are beyond ordinary people. They are people chosen by God. Even the high-level leaders of the Lighthouse Country have to rely on them. They gradually have this kind of arrogant attitude.

It can even be said to be unscrupulous.

Two of the dark-skinned members even started to lick their disgusting tongues.

And they didn't expect Andy and Huahua to catch them without a fight, because two nightmare lures had already directly hypnotized Andy and Huahua.

In their view, as long as Andy and Huahua are captured, they can do whatever they want, and the holy swordsman will also fall into their hands.

However, their actions, in the eyes of Andy and Huahua, seemed to be the prisoner's mosquitoes flying in front of them and making a buzzing sound.

Not threatening, but unpleasant.

Andy's gaze gradually became dangerous.

Andy's fingers flicked in the air, and the head of a person with super powers fell directly from his neck.

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