I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3231 Self super evolution! Super Overlord Flash Gyarados!

Huahua was taken away by the four land gods. She didn't know what she had experienced. Now that she came back, she used the land god's unique ability to make elves dominate.

Moreover, unlike the methods used by the land gods to subtly make elves become overlords, Huahua can actually make an elf directly inflate into overlords by herself.

Not only that, Huahua even got the blessing of this world, just like... those divine beasts?

"In this world, Huahua won't really be regarded as a beast." Andy thought to himself.

Bailiyuan once explained to Andy some situations in the elf world.

To put it simply, except for humans, all other intelligent beings are elves, which is why some artificial elves appear.

Not human, but spirit.

Even if it is a piece of data, as long as it has independent personality and wisdom, it can grow from artificial intelligence to elf.

Even if it is a mechanism doll, as long as it has its own will, it will be recognized as an elf by the world.

Even visitors from alien planets, as long as they set foot on the planet of the Pokémon world, they are elves.

So Bailiyuan is clearly Ultraman, but was recognized as an elf by the laws of the world, and then opened the elf form and obtained the elf crest.

As for Huahua, to be honest, with that special crest, she is completely a god wearing a human body.

Huahua became a divine beast and gained the blessings of the world.

There seems to be no surprise.

Others couldn't understand the situation in front of them.

However, the most direct situation can still be understood.

"It's so big!" Hope couldn't help exclaiming.

It's so big, it can't fit in it... Refers to the Gyarados and the Poké Ball.

As we all know, reality is not a game, and not all elves can be collected with red and white balls, unless the red and white balls are not serious.

Divine beasts often need master balls to subdue them, otherwise ordinary elf balls cannot withstand the powerful power of divine beasts.

Pokémon who are good at escaping need a Pokéball with the nature of confinement.

For those huge elves, naturally, special large-capacity, large-carrying-capacity elf balls are needed to subdue them.

Otherwise, even if the elf is put into the elf ball, the elf ball will soon be crushed by the elf's huge size and weight.

Bailiyuan's flashing Gyarados was raised by Bailiyuan to be very large.

Generally, the Gyarados are 6-7 meters tall, and the flashing Gyarados in Bailiyuan are even more than 10 meters tall.

Now the flashing Gyarados, which has become the overlord, has swelled to 20 meters in size!

Don't look at just doubling the expansion, but the strength is more than doubled.

There is actually no fixed magnification rate for the overlord's size expansion, but what is certain is that the bigger the overlord is, the stronger it will be, and the larger elves will have a smaller size expansion rate after becoming the overlord.

But even so, with the fighting power of the flashing Gyarados, it is still unable to compete with the two blackened holy swordsmen.

As a result, the body of the Overlord Glitter Gyarados glowed with the light of evolution.

"That is!"

"Super evolution? But why is there no trainer to cooperate?"

Anthony and Bob were shocked.

Cassandra is completely looking like a slut at the moment, and nothing diverts her attention away from Hope.

Hope endured the physical discomfort, and she has gradually adapted to Cassandra's handicraft.

Hope just frowned slightly, and thought of a piece of information he had seen in the scholar organization in his mind, and immediately realized, "That's self-super evolution!"

"Self super evolution?"

"I once heard from a scholar organization that some elves who are powerful enough are fully capable of completing their own super-evolution through their own efforts or with the help of certain props alone. Because in the final analysis, super-evolution is only a kind of elf It's just a form! It's a further development of the elves' own potential and power, and it's a power that can be completely mastered by the elves themselves!"

Both Anthony and Bob were taken aback.

"Is there such a thing? Can it really be done?"

Hope nodded.

"That's right, the theory of the scholar organization is based on the elves cultivated by Xiaoyuan, because all the elves of Xiaoyuan have the ability to super-evolve themselves. The scholar organization has already made some research results based on this."

"Wait, you mean all?" Anthony discovered Huadian.

Hope nodded again.

"That's all. In theory, super evolution is a power that every elf has the ability to master. The so-called keystone and super evolution stone are just using the power of trainers to make it easier for some elves to unlock this power. "

Hope's commentary ends here.

Because it would be impolite to continue talking.

For more content, Anthony needs to pay to understand.

Those are the real secrets.

And the core of self super evolution.

Bailiyuan has provided a lot of support to the scholar organization, and naturally shared the research on super evolution with the scholar organization.

The scholar organization will let Hope look up these contents, and the relationship between Hope and Bailiyuan is only secondary, mainly because the previous queen invested in the scholar organization in advance and gave them timely help.

Grateful for this friendship, the scholar organization has a much better attitude towards Elizabeth than other countries, and is willing to share some confidential results with Hope.

It can only be said that the old queen is indeed very great, not only in her personality, but also in her vision.

Naturally, Hope would not casually reveal the secret to others, what she said now was just superficial.

The real point is, how do you get the sprites to reach their potential? What kind of props do elves need? And... the secret of the key stone and the super evolution stone!

At the beginning, Hope really paid more attention to this aspect of knowledge, but later found that it was quite difficult to realize it, not to mention there were other more useful knowledge, so Hope did not force it.

Because super evolution is just a means of improvement, not invincible.

There are no super-evolved elves, and it is not uncommon to defeat a super-evolved elf.

Anthony's expression changed slightly when he heard Hope's explanation, obviously it was the appearance of emotion.

As a quasi-god, Anthony's Rod Tail Scale Dragon is not weak in itself, but there is no super evolution. If the super evolution can be activated, the strength of the Rod Tail Scale Dragon will definitely be further improved!

Hope was keenly aware of this, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Hey, the bait has been cast.

Just wait for the fish to bite.

Well, it's all calculations.

Hope, who can understand these facts, naturally doesn't mind further cooperation with the scholar organization.

Hope showed some special powers to the outside world, releasing bait to attract fish.

Then the Scholars Organization and Elizabeth Kingdom acted as fishing guys and planned benefits from it. 70% to 30%, scholar organizations 70% and Elizabeth Kingdom 30%. The money from other countries will be shared, and the money from Elizabeth will be returned in full.


The self-super evolution of the Overlord Flash Gyarados has finally been completed.

The moment the light dissipated, thunder fell from the sky, and the wind and rain blew past.

The super overlord Flash Gyarados arrives!

The red figure is like a dragon descending into the world.

Water + evil!

Features: Exceptional!

Height: 25 meters!

As soon as the Gyarados appeared, it displayed a powerful aura. It was the aura generated by raging anger, and it actually forced the two blackened holy swordsmen back.

Then the Gyarados rushed directly to the two blackened holy swordsmen.

Two black holy swords came.

The Gyarados opened its mouth and bit.



The two black holy swords unexpectedly shattered.

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