I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3222 the first dragon warrior who came to the world

The blackening of Dai Lakion brought a lot of pressure to Chen Hua and Taylor.

The appearance of a group of blackened elves made things worse.

The other two blackened holy swordsmen also brought great pressure to Anthony and the others.

Fortunately, there are no blackened elves to disrupt the situation here.

The three champions brought their own spirits to face the two blackened holy swordsmen, but they were suppressed and beaten, and it seemed that one of the champion spirits would not be able to hold on.

Uchiha Shisui didn't intend to intervene, because Anthony hadn't spoken yet.

Shisui Uchiha has actually been paying attention to the situation on Selena's side, because Shisui Uchiha has equipment on his body, which is connected to the network with Selena's battle suit, allowing Shisui Uchiha to monitor Selina's body at any time Condition.

If something happened to Selena, Uchiha Shisui felt that it would be good to let Selena suffer, as long as Selena did not die, she could be rescued.

What's more, don't forget that Selena is a captured prisoner with a bomb around her neck.

As a prisoner, Selena is not eligible for special treatment here at Uchiha Shisui.

That is to say, Selena has a special pickpocket cat, which made Bailiyuan think that Selena might be worth cultivating, so she gave Selena this opportunity.

Perhaps, there is also the reason why Selena is a big wave, otherwise Bailiyuan might throw her into her homeland to mine for another rough guy.

However, in the future, Selena will probably still work for the scholar organization until she dies.

There is a lot of work organized by scholars, but there is also a shortage of people, such as the task of investigating in some dangerous areas...

Uchiha Shisui stood aside indifferently with his chest folded, but he noticed that besides him, Hei Xiao and Fiske were the bystanders.

And in Hei Xiao's hand, he was holding a master ball.

"That's..." Uchiha Shisui's eyes showed an inquiring look.

Just at this time.

The champion elf who couldn't hold on, still lost the ability to fight. If his trainer hadn't taken him back in time, his life might be in crisis.

When the first elf fell down, the faces of Anthony and the others changed drastically.

Because they know that the situation is over.

The next thing is to lose the army like a mountain.

Soon, only Anthony and his staff-tailed scale armored dragon were left struggling to support.

Being able to persevere until now is entirely due to the bond between the trainer and the elf, which resonates in a desperate situation, and persists.

The stick-tailed scale armored dragon was covered in wounds, its scales were broken, and it was out of breath.

Anthony was trembling all over, his eyes were bloodshot, his teeth were clenched, and the veins on his forehead were bulging.

This is because through the fetters, Anthony unconsciously transforms his vitality into power and transmits it to the staff-tailed scale armored dragon, allowing the staff-tailed scaled dragon to continue to support it.

For ordinary people, the part of the lost vitality can be recovered through rest, but if it is consumed too much, it will cause irreparable damage, or even completely consume all the vitality and die directly.

The effect of this transmission of life force is somewhat similar to the weakened version of the power of the ever-changing power, the difference is that the power of the power of the ever-changing pan comes from the blessing of the forest, and this is a pure exchange of life.

Uchiha Shisui noticed this and didn't intend to continue watching.

Just when Uchiha Shisui was about to step forward to stop Anthony and take over the battlefield.

Anthony suddenly yelled.

"Stand-tailed scale armored dragon!"

The stick-tailed scale armored dragon also roared angrily.


At this moment, there seemed to be a certain resonance between the trainer and the elf.

Suddenly, the power of the dragon emerged from Anthony's body!

This dragon power supplemented Anthony's lost vitality, and gave Anthony a special temperament—the temperament of a dragon warrior!

"Come on!" Anthony shouted hoarsely.

Without needing any extra words, the stick-tailed scaled dragon was enveloped in the power of the dragon, and rushed towards the two holy swordsmen. The stick-tailed scaled dragon, which was already on the verge of exhaustion, unexpectedly burst into a state far beyond its peak at this moment. time attack.

Reverse Scale!

Two blackened holy swordsmen slashed two holy swords.

The stick-tailed scale-armored dragon actually shattered these two holy swords!

"Huh? He was able to do this?" Uchiha Shisui was a little surprised.

As I said before, some trainers can reversely obtain power from elves, thus possessing some special powers and becoming special groups of people, such as fighters, superpowers, psychics...

Among them, the special group corresponding to the dragon elves is called—the dragon warrior!

Also known as Dragon Envoy, Dragon Envoy!

It is said that the dragon master possesses a power called the power of the dragon, which can easily win the favor of the dragon elves. During the battle, it is easier to arouse the fighting spirit of the dragon elves.

Even, the powerful existence of the power to control the dragon can extend this effect to those dragon species that do not have dragon attributes.

For example, crossing.

Even if Du subdues a group of flying elves, who dares to say that Du is not a dragon trainer?

Uchiha Shisui never expected that he would see the birth of the world's first dragon warrior.

And this is in exchange for life.

The power of the dragon warrior can be passed down along the bloodline.

If Anthony has more descendants in the future, the power of the dragon warrior will easily allow Anthony to build a family of dragon trainers.

However, it is a pity that after a burst of strength, Anthony and the staff-tailed scale armored dragon were unable to fight anymore.

Unless, Anthony continues to lose his life.

The two blackened holy swordsmen were still intact, and they had more energy to release two holy swords, trying to kill Anthony and the stick-tailed scale armored dragon.

Uchiha Shisui did not make a move.

Because, someone will make a move.

"Holy Sword!"

A voice sounded.

Followed by a pink holy sword, the two black holy swords were cut to pieces, saving the lives of Anthony and the stick-tailed scale armored dragon.

Anthony panted, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the pink holy sword.

Hope came with Cang Xiang, followed by two Knights of the Round Table, exuding a sharp aura.

Hope said seriously.

"King of Knights, I am here to support you."


The Super Rift Seat lingered high in the sky, overlooking the battle below and the chaotic city.

He didn't make a move together because Baili Yuan's voice came into his mind——

"Big Caterpillar, wait for a while, after my partners finish off these guys, I will fight with you!"

After some thought, Super Crack Kongza chose to stop for the time being.

Although Super Liankongzao was very dissatisfied with Bailiyuan's address to him, Super Liankongzao said that this is not a problem, and he will settle with Bailiyuan together with the previous ones in a while.

And the super split empty seat will stop because he has his own pride.

The Super Rift Seat didn't stay in the sky for long, and immediately flew into the universe.

He was going there to wait for Bailiyuan to attend the appointment.

Under the canopy of the forest, Baili Yuan looked through the branches and leaves of the trees in the forest, and watched the super cracked empty seat leave.

"He's really a pestering guy."

If it weren't for the disintegration of the three dragons, the opponent would have become three at once, and Bailiyuan might not have the ability to take into account the ability to fight against the super split empty seat.

However, the important thing now is to defeat and subdue the three dragons.

Compared to the three holy swordsmen, Bailiyuan would not let the three dragons stay outside.

If in the Pokémon world, everything is self-balanced, even if the three dragons come out to make trouble, it will have an impact to a limited extent.

But in this world.

These divine beasts have been further blessed by the world, and their strength has become even more impressive.

If you leave it alone, it will really cause big problems.

After all, Reshiram and Zekrom are rumored to have destroyed the country.

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