I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3212 The street lights are on at the station

"What happened to those two elves?"

"Divine beasts! They are all divine beasts!"

"No, we can't let them fight!"

"Find a way to stop them!"

"Police, stop them! Are you waste of taxpayers' money?"

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and take the camera to take a picture of the battle for me! Now we're going to post it!"


In the sky, Cresselia and Darkrai were fighting.

Superpowers and evil forces collided constantly in the air, as did the corresponding lawful forces, constantly exploding.

The powerful force made the people and elves in the city below feel uneasy.

However, no strong person appeared to intervene in the battle between the two elves.


It also depends on the situation!

The foreign powerhouses did not intervene, because this is not their country, and there is no benefit in intervening in the battle, but they may be beaten by the Lighthouse Country.

After all, it is not impossible for the Beacon Country to do this kind of thing.

Besides, hasn't it caused large-scale damage yet?

On the other hand, trainers from some small countries such as Bangzi Country, Monkey Country, Sakura Country, etc., wanted to please the Lighthouse Country and planned to show positive performance.

But soon found that they didn't have the strength to make a move!

Such a battle is not something that ordinary champions can intervene.

As for the powerhouses of the Lighthouse Kingdom...

You can, but you don't have to.

On the one hand, it was because the battle between the two elves was not aimed at the city, nor had it affected the city yet. It would be troublesome if it caused the two elves to be upset, and let the two elves focus on the city. Taylor and the others didn't want to be beaten by the beast again.

On the other hand, it is because there are more than one place of chaos in the city. Compared with the battle in the sky, the battle in the city on the ground should be paid more attention to first.

The battle between Uchiha Shisui and the Holy Swordsman.

Taylor, Anthony and other champions of the lighthouse country.

There are also champions from other countries.

and Chen Hua et al.

They have all arrived, but most people are watching from a distance, watching the strange battle in front of them.

Yes, it's just weird.

The one fighting two of the holy swordsmen turned out to be a huge energy body giant.

It is the perfect Susanoo.

Uchiha Shisui stood at Susano's feet, one against two.

Vulcan Moth is on the side assisting, smelling experience.

If you defeat these two holy swordsmen, the assist experience you get can almost raise Vulcan Moth's level to level 95.

And the remaining holy swordsman was chasing and killing Selina.

That's right, he was chasing and killing Selena.

Letting Selena fight a holy swordsman is simply a joke.

Selena has a total of six elves.

Except for the Pickpocket Cat, only one of the remaining five elves was at the level of a heavenly king, and what these elves were best at was not fighting, but lurking and escaping.

Thanks to this, Selena can have a chance to be hunted down instead of being killed directly.

"This is the land of the Lighthouse Country, everyone stop, the battlefield here has been taken over by my Lighthouse Country!" Anthony shouted in the direction of Uchiha Shisui with a loudspeaker.

The two elves in the sky are very strong, but the strength shown by the three holy swordsmen on the ground is limited.

There is a possibility of being manipulated by the lighthouse country.

Naturally, they will not be allowed to be defeated and subdued by others.

However, Uchiha Shisui ignored Anthony at all.

Uchiha Shisui is not afraid of being besieged at all.

A technique of multiple shadow avatars, and then the shadow avatars summon the full body Susano, and then Uchiha Shisui will besiege the others.

If it weren't for worrying about scaring these people, Uchiha Shisui could control all human beings by relying on his Gouyu reincarnation eyes, and their elves would naturally be manipulated.

Instead, Selina had an idea and ran towards Taylor's direction.

"Selena?" Taylor didn't expect Selena to appear here, and she immediately realized that it was Shisui Uchiha who was wearing a mask to fight against two.

Could it be that all of this is a conspiracy by the scholar organization and Xiao Yuan?

Selena didn't stop, and ran past Taylor, and even patted Taylor's butt, teasingly said.

"Miss Taylor, I'll give you a chance to subdue that elf, sister take care of you."

Being slapped and molested by Selena, if it was normal, Taylor wouldn't mind arguing with Selena, even if Selena was serious, she wouldn't be able to flirt with Selena.

Taylor is more receptive than you might imagine.

But looking at the blackened Terakion who was chasing after him, Taylor had no other mood.

"Selena, F××K, you son of a bitch!"

Taylor cursed angrily, and hurriedly let his monarch snake guard in front of him to protect himself.

At the same time, Taylor called for backup and called for someone to help him.

The Monarch Snake alone can't beat the blackened Tyrakion.

Blackened Dai Lakion slashed at him with a holy sword, and Taylor and the Monarch Snake had no choice but to avoid it.

When Taylor and the Monarch Snake were nervously responding to the next attack of the Blackened Tyrakion, they were shocked to find that the Blackened Tyrakion ignored them and continued to chase and kill Selina.

Selena in the distance just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she was safe, but was shocked to find that the blackened Dyrakion was chasing her again!

Selena's complexion changed drastically, and she turned and ran away without saying a word.

The blackened Tyrakion chased after him desperately, looking like he would never stop dying.

"Why are you chasing me!"

Taylor was also extremely shocked.

"What the hell did Selena do to that elf?"

After being shocked, Taylor also hurriedly chased after him with the Monarch Snake.

You can't let Selena run away in such a panic.

"Selena, turn left, there is an empty park over there!"

None of them noticed that there was a special rune stuck to Selena's back, and the blackened Dyrakion who was chasing Selina was staring at this rune.

Without a doubt, this is a rune that attracts enemies.

And the position of this rune is exactly where Uchiha Shisui put his hand when he pushed Selina.

It is said that Selena has exclusive experience.


In the sky.

The battle between Cresselia and Dark Darkrai became more intense.

"I'm going to stop you here and finish you off!" Cresselia said to Dark Darkrai.

Blackened Darkley said with a smile: "You can try it!"

And at this moment, snow fell in the sky again.

"Tsk, someone is here to disturb us." Heihua Darkley was upset.

Cresselia worried.

"Hope it's not a new enemy."

"Is this snow? Wait..."

When everyone in the city saw the sky began to snow, they felt familiar.

Before seeing the body, let's look at the snow first. Doesn't this special effect mean——

The huge figure of Kyurem swooped down from the sky, bringing with it a icy blizzard, and the ultra-low temperature swept across the entire city, causing countless people to shiver.

The most shocking thing is.

At this moment, Kyurem's mouth has gathered strength.

The light shoots out—

Frozen world!

By freezing the city, we can destroy the holy swordsmen together, and avenge the repulsed before!

Now, Kyurem has returned from detoxification and unleashed his anger.

Just when the light was about to fall into the city, a voice sounded.

"Xanadu, defend the entire city!"

A huge defensive membrane enveloped the city, blocking the light and completely isolating the ultra-low temperature.

In the city, Bailiyuan stood on top of the street lights!

On the fourth day of quarantine, I want to add more, but, today... ε=(ο`*)))

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