I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3210 Surprise! Dreams and nightmares!


Most people in the Big Apple saw it, the moonlight that melted a building.

"Moonlight? Could it be the elf of light? The elf of light is here to kill again!" Someone exclaimed in shock.

But soon, someone discovered that it was not the elf of light that manipulated the moonlight, but a special pink, yellow, and blue elf.

It was Cresselia!

The most powerful thing about Cresselia is her healing ability, but that doesn't mean that Cresselia's combat ability is weak.

Some elves appear to be a nanny, but are actually war gods.

This method of turning a building into dust with moonlight is enough to make people startled.

Cresselia, Crescent Pokémon, super power attribute, characteristic of floating, female.

There is no male elf corresponding to it, but there is a genderless elf corresponding to it, and that is—Darkley!

In fact, many people suspect that Darkley is a male, and the voices that Darkley makes telepathically are also male voices.

But to the outside world, Darkley has no gender.

Because no one ever saw gender in Darkrai at all...

So the question is, how did humans determine that Cresselia is a female?

Some things are better not to think too much about.

In fact, when the strength reaches a certain level, or a special living body, the gender restriction is not so dead.

As long as the attributes can be matched, and you can get up, gender is not a problem at all, nor is race, or even the essence.

Some lives reproduce offspring through the fusion of power, so they don't care about the so-called gender at all.

For example, light and icebergs give birth to offspring... It is normal for an energy state, a mineral, to be combined together.

In the age of the gods, many gods of the gods had the operation of cross-species births. They did not even need to perform primitive reproduction behaviors to conceive offspring. Once the power was released, it fell on some substance and merged with the substance to create a new life. , randomly bred all kinds of offspring, the operation is comparable to throwing seeds.

The reason why Cresselia and Darkrai are opposed is because of their abilities and identities, a Nightmare God and a Dream God.

Darkrai can make people have nightmares, but Cresselia can make people have sweet dreams.

Cresselia can dispel the influence of Darkley, and sometimes even chase and beat Darkley.

But the relationship between the two parties is not as simple as the enemy, because if one of them is in danger, the other will even come to the rescue. Some people have witnessed the scene of Cresselia and Darkley playing together.

The two sides are like relative existence, and the other is indispensable.

As for nightmares and sweet dreams, they are actually just one of their abilities.

It is only because Cresselia appears so infrequently that it is difficult to further study the relationship between Cresselia and Darkrai.

Darkrai can be sure that there is not only one, but an ethnic group, so it is speculated that there may also be an ethnic group in Cresselia, but for some reason, it rarely appears.

Now, a Cresselia smashed a building, just to find the blackened Darkrai who was imprisoned.


When Cresselia appeared above the secret base, the doctors and others in the base were all shocked.

The trainers present also immediately released the elves, including six Heavenly King trainers, which is why the doctors dared to make this plan.

The six heavenly king trainers are enough to deal with most troubles and have the ability to evacuate most people safely.

But it doesn't include facing Cresselia.

Cresselia's voice came to the minds of all and the elves.

"Retreat quickly and hand over the Blackened Darkrai!"

Cresselia's voice is gentle and feminine. However, Cresselia's tone is not gentle at the moment, but it is not overbearing either. It is just very serious and serious, and it seems a little nervous.

Even the people present would not ponder over Cresselia's tone.

Several heavenly kings looked at each other, then at the doctor, and then they made a choice.

"Hmph, it's just a mythical beast! Give it to me!"

The six heavenly kings rushed towards Cresselia, and the doctor quickly came to the side of the glass cover where Dark Darkrai was being held.

When Cresselia saw a group of people trying to attack her, she fought back without saying a word.

She came tonight, not to talk nonsense with this group of humans, she has more important things to do.

But Cresselia is a gentle elf after all. Instead of using lethal power, she releases gentle power.

"Go to sleep."

Soon, all the people and elves at the scene fell into dreams one after another, smiling at the corners of their mouths, as if dreaming a sweet dream. There are also those with flushed faces, who may be having erotic dreams.


"Stop!" The doctor shouted loudly. Because he was far away from Cresselia, he was not affected too much, and he could still grit his teeth and persist.

The doctor hung one hand on the button of a glass cover and shouted at Cresselia.

"You are here to save this elf, stop and wake up everyone!"

"Otherwise, if I press this button, the elf inside will be killed by poisonous gas and high-voltage electric current!"

The doctor grinned grimly.

As long as, as long as this elf is held hostage, not only will he be fine today, but he might be able to coerce that strange elf by means and use it for them...


"Get out of the way!" Cresselia suddenly exclaimed.

The doctor still doesn't understand.


Blood splattered.

The doctor lowered his head tremblingly, and unexpectedly saw a ghost hand piercing his chest from behind, and the ghost hand... protruded from the glass cover!

The doctor half-kneeled on the ground, spitting out blood, and turned his head to look inside the glass cover.

He was shocked to find that the darkened Darkley woke up without knowing when, and a ghost claw protruded from his body, piercing his chest.

The glass cover can't stop the ghost hand at all.

The doctor felt the loss of blood, his breathing gradually became difficult, and his body temperature lost rapidly.

He knew he was done.

"I can't live, and neither can you! Let's die together!"

The Doctor pressed the button directly.

In the glass cover, a large amount of poisonous gas appeared, and at the same time, a terrifying electric current bombarded Darkrai's body.

Just when the doctor thought that the blackened Darkley would be killed, he was shocked to find that the blackened Darkley, who was surrounded by electric current and poisonous gas, was unharmed, and he didn't even show any painful expression.

How can it be? !

Obviously, when controlling the Dark Darkrai before, the Dark Darkrai was afraid of electric current and poisonous gas!

Under the doctor's unbelievable gaze, the blackened Darkley was bathed in electric current and poisonous gas, floated out of the glass cover, and passed through the glass of the glass cover like a ghost.

The props that restrained the darkened Darkley fell off one after another.

The blackened Darkley floated above the doctor's head, looking down at the doctor, dissatisfaction and disdain appeared in a pair of scarlet eyes.

"What a waste!"

A man's voice sounded in the doctor's mind.

The doctor has been studying Blackened Darkley for so long, and finally heard the voice of Blackened Darkley for the first time.

"I asked you to study my power for so long, and you have only come up with such a little result. I want your result, and I will find someone better than you to study it."

The doctor's eyes widened.

He seemed to understand everything in an instant.

"I see!"

It turned out that this blackened Darkley was intentionally controlled by them and then studied by them.

Blackened Darkley's true strength is far beyond their imagination!

What is the purpose of blackening Darkrai?

The doctor thought of his own research results, and Blackening Darkley wanted to continue to study his research results, so the purpose of Blackening Darkley was obvious——Blackening Darkley wanted to master the skills of blackening other elves. ability!

If it succeeds, then Dark Darkrai will control an army of blackened elves.

At that time, the world will inevitably usher in turmoil, and it will also be a disaster for mankind!

Because the black elves are hostile to humans.

The doctor's eyes gradually lost their smoothness, and he just died like this, with nothing to rest on his eyes.

Black Darkrai ignored the doctor's death, he just stared at Cresselia and raised a paw.

"Cresselia, it's you again, you interrupted my plan!"

That's right, Cresselia found Dark Darkrai not to rescue Dark Darkrai, but to interrupt Dark Darkrai's plan. Cresselia seems to know Dark Darkrai Darkley is going to do something.

"Blackening Darkley, I will not let your plot succeed!" Cresselia was extremely angry, as if she had a deep hatred with Blackening Darkley!

"Hehe." Darkened Darkley smiled, "I absorbed that guy's power, and now you're the only one, what can you do with me?"

The power of darkness is released from Darkrai's body.

"Exactly, let's avenge you for hurting me last time first! Then I will send you to reunite with that guy, turning the sweet dreams into nightmares, and the nightmares transformed from sweet dreams will be even more delicious!"

Day three of quarantine!

The new computer finally arrived today. I didn’t have a computer before. I should be able to add it tomorrow~

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