Chapter 3208 Cresselia

Big Apple.


in a laboratory.

An elf was released and locked in a glass enclosure.

It was blackened Darkley.

After the Mumuxiao Council was disbanded, the remaining forces went their separate ways and formed small organizations.

Not only the branch that controls the blackened holy swordsman is acting, but other branches that think they have background and energy are also acting, seeking their own way out.

However, the plans of some of these branches are wilder and more daring than showing their own value, relying on the plan of the blackened holy swordsman to cooperate with the military.

The weak submit.

The mediocre cooperates.

The strong conquer.

And the crazy ones choose coercion!

The glass cover of the blackened Darkley is connected to an instrument, which has a special conversion device, and the other side of the device is connected to a pipe, and the main body of the pipe is hidden in a building, which has been Attached to the top of the building.

Most importantly, on the top of the building, there is actually a device similar to a transmitter.

"Doctor, with this device, can the elves in the entire city be transformed into blackened elves?"

"Hey, naturally there will be no problem, but the transformed black elves are temporary, and they are all black crazy elves."

"I'd like to see a group of blackened mad elves dancing wildly."

"That depends on whether the Lighthouse Congress agrees to our conditions! Hehehe..."

This branch is exactly the branch that is in charge of the blackened Darkley.

Although they don't have the powerful combat power of the blackening holy swordsmen, they have a lot of research on blackening transformation, which is also their reliance.

The blackening transformation experiment, referred to as the blackening experiment, is an experiment of transforming ordinary elves into blackened elves and trying to control them.

The winner is the blackened elf, and the loser is the blackened mad elf.

The blackened mad elf is uncontrollable and very aggressive, but the state is only temporary.

In fact, the transformation of most blackened elves is unstable, and often difficult to control, and they are all blackened crazy elves.

The blackening holy swordsman is the most perfect work in the blackening experiment.

That's right, the more powerful beasts are easier to successfully control after being blackened and transformed.

Through a lot of research and experiments, it is found that it should be because the powerful elves have the power to resist the influence of blackening. After blackening, they will not go completely crazy and can retain part of the will to accept instructions.

This branch knows their situation.

They do not have strong strength, it is difficult to protect their own experimental results, and they also have no way to obtain more funds for further experiments.

But for this branch, these problems are not without solutions.

However, they are unwilling to share their achievements with others, fearing that the achievements will be robbed.

So choose to find a way to obtain funds, and then continue the experiment. When more progress is made in future experiments, you will be able to gain powerful power, and then you will be fearless.

They also want to establish an organization similar to a scholar organization, which no one can control and no one dares to control.

The difference is that the scholar organization is neutral, and the organization they want to establish is an evil organization.

This time, their plan is simple - they want to kidnap all the elves in the Big Apple!

Either the lighthouse country agrees to their conditions and gives them enough resources.

Or they just turn on the device directly, turning the elves in the entire city into blackened mad elves, completely destroying the city and killing all humans!

Don't forget, there are many champion trainers in this city. They have indeed strengthened the combat power in the city, but at the same time, they have also become a huge threat.

The champion elves go crazy and cause even more damage!

In fact, this organization has already decided, no matter whether the Lighthouse country agrees to them or not, they will activate the device.

Because although they want to get resources, they also have the opportunity to evacuate.

Transforming a group of blackened crazy elves, causing chaos in the city, can create opportunities for them to retreat.


"First show the lighthouse country our strength, hehehe..."

The doctor activated the device.

Only first gear was engaged.

Lightning appears in the glass cover.

The darkened Darkley with his eyes closed was stimulated and began to release his special power.

The device draws the blackened Darkrai's power, transforms it, and then transmits it to the top of the building, where it is emitted by the transmitter.

The assistant started to adjust the angle and direction of the launcher as planned.

They had already figured out who the first batch of blackened elves would be...

The transmitter turned and aimed at a luxury hotel in the distance. The highest floor of the hotel was the champion suite where Bailiyuan lived!

Since you want to do something, let's make a big one.

Blackening the so-called strongest Xiaoyuan elves can not only shock everyone, but also show their strength!

"Launch!" shouted the Doctor.

The assistant tapped the launch button excitedly.

All members looked forward to the live broadcast on the big screen.


In the champion suite.

Bailiyuan stared at Cresselia in the sky.

After a few days, he saw Cresselia's trace again, and this time, Cresselia appeared directly, not passing by in a hurry.

"Is what she's looking for in this city?"


When Bailiyuan was paying attention to Cresselia, he suddenly felt that something had targeted his direction.

Sniper rifle?


no the same!

Aiming at oneself is...

Baili Yuan suddenly looked in one direction, which was the direction in which the special blackened elf sensed was released.

The moment Bailiyuan lowered his head, a swift and fierce jet-black energy ray was emitted from the transmitter on the top of the distant building.

This jet-black energy ray pierced through the sky above the city, and under the cover of night, it came to the front of the hotel in the blink of an eye, facing the window of the champion suite on the top floor.

That is, outside the window where Baili Yuan was standing.

Baili Yuan's eyes did not constrict suddenly as they should have when he was suddenly attacked, but turned golden.

The invisible force suddenly resisted in front of the jet-black energy ray.

The jet-black energy ray exploded directly, like a celestial girl scattered flowers, turning into countless rays of light, scattered around, and before landing, the energy was unstable and completely dissipated.

Andy put the cup of black tea on the tray and made a crisp sound.

Uchiha Shisui stood up, drew out his dagger, and called to Selina.

"It's time to act, the enemy has appeared!"

"Oh, yes, yes!" Selena hurriedly stood up, she hadn't realized what had just happened.

At the moment when the jet-black energy ray shot out, Cresselia in the sky also locked onto the building that emitted the jet-black energy ray, and then swooped down at an extremely fast speed.

As Cresselia swooped down, a large amount of moonlight condensed behind it, as if turning into a veil covering the sky.



This beauty also instantly attracted the attention of countless people.


In the secret laboratory at the bottom of the building, everyone watching the live broadcast was shocked.

"What? How is it possible? How could this be?!"

"What the hell is going on? What's blocking the rays?"

A cry of exclamation filled the space.

The doctor's face changed drastically.

"Not good! The situation is wrong, quickly launch the second time, and change to a direction where the crowd is dense!"

Missing a hit has already alarmed the enemy, and now they must increase their bargaining chips in order to make the plan go smoothly.

However, it is not waiting for the assistant to operate.

The whole building shook, and then...

Moonlight fell into the laboratory.

"Huh? Who drew the curtain?"

"No, it's the top of the head!"

The doctor and others raised their heads, and then they all turned pale with shock, showing shock on their faces.

Because at this moment, the building above their heads was actually dissipated in the moonlight, annihilated into dust.

A moon is hovering above their heads.

That is--

Cresselia with the moon shadow behind her back!

second day of isolation

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