I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3203 Two-Line Battle

The sudden appearance of Yanbai Kyurem undoubtedly shocked many people.

That gigantic figure, that terrifying aura, and that formidable strength shocked countless people.

If the Yanbai Kyurem falls, the ghost arena will reproduce the scene of the fighting arena-everything is frozen!

Just when countless people were shocked, Baili Yuan spoke calmly.

"Super Big Needle Bee, block him!"

The Super Big Needle Bee stood in front of Yanbai Kyurem.

"Galagala, keep fighting! The enemy is hidden on the left side!" Bailiyuan continued to watch the arena.

Even if Andy and Uchiha Shisui reminded Taylor before, there was no way to evacuate everyone for a while.

Besides, the game is not over yet, and the audience has bought tickets to come in. Who wants to leave for no reason, just because of a so-called "sacred beast attack"?

Not to mention, many people's first reaction after hearing about this is that they want to see what kind of divine beast it is, hoping that they will have the opportunity to subdue the divine beast and ascend to the sky in one step.

It can only be said that this world has never lacked people who like to die and are inexplicably confident.

Moreover, those who commit death will often die, and if they don't die, it can only be said that they have not committed enough deaths.

However, when these people really faced Yanbai Kyurem, few of them could remain calm at this moment, and even some masters showed fear.

Fear of huge creatures is a biological instinct engraved in human genes.

It is also the instinctive fear of the weak against the coercion of the strong.

However, there are also some people who are eager to try the strength of Yanbai Kyurem, such as Hope and other powerhouses. They have also released their main force and want to go up to fight.

However, Chen Hua was not included.

Chen Hua rode on Bi Diao's body, but still had lingering fears.

"I was almost caught up and swallowed!"

Both Chen Hua and Bi Diao breathed a sigh of relief. They had no doubt that Yanbai Kyurem's big mouth could directly bite them into meat paste.

The super big needle bee intercepted Yanbai Kyurem, the bee needles crossed, and the air machine locked Yanbai Kyurem.

Because of the appearance of Yanbai Kyurem, Cassandra believes that the game will end, and the two sides must deal with Yanbai Kyurem together to protect the people.

However, Baili Yuan raised his hand and continued to direct.

"Come on, Judgment Knight, continue this unfinished battle!"

"You want to deal with me and that big guy in the sky together?" Cassandra asked Baili Yuan.

Baili Yuan looked at Cassandra, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"why not?"

Adults make choices.

Bailiyuan said that he was still a child.

He wants it all... the game must continue, and Yanbai Kyurem must be stopped.

Even the elves of the strong like Hope stopped their actions because of the confidence and momentum Bailiyuan displayed at this moment, which surprised their trainers.


In the past, hiding his strength was not to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, because even if he hid his strength, Bailiyuan was still the strongest in the world. In the past, hiding his strength was just to avoid breaking the cognition of ordinary people and causing social turmoil.

Throwing the tiger into the monkey group, the frightened monkey group didn't know what to do, and if they couldn't do it, they scared themselves to death.

Now because of the darkness that makes him uncomfortable in the Lighthouse Country, Bailiyuan wants to form an alliance and clear the world. Of course, he must show his strength. Even if he can't expose his identity as a tiger, he must also show the strength of the monkey king.

Wanting to become the Monkey King... No, Yuan Wang, naturally it is impossible to rely on one mouth alone.

If you want to convince most people, you can only rely on two things - one is interests, and the other is fists.

The benefit is that the alliance can make the world develop better, create more value, and bring a better life for all.

The fist is Bailiyuan's powerful strength that can suppress all dissatisfaction and maintain harmony and stability!

However, Bailiyuan's fist was not meant to be waved at humans. (What does the killing of the elf of light have to do with my trainer Xiaoyuan?)

Now is the time for all kinds of powerful beasts to come, and it is easy to cause various disasters and turmoil around the world, such as the previous dark night incident, and this time the attack of Yanbai Kyurem.

Bailiyuan will be the trainer hero of human beings, lead the human beings, fight against the beasts, and save the human beings!

At that time in the world, the gods descended, and the world was in turmoil. When someone led mankind to fight against natural disasters, and told all beings——

Who said that there is no great emperor in the human race?

cough cough...

It is a new era for human beings!

Bailiyuan's mind has been decided.

It is better not to change at all than to change completely.

Since the pursuit of ideals, then carry out to the end!


The chill exuded by Yanbai Kyurem fell, mixed with the power of the law of ice.

This chill could not completely fall into the arena.

When this chill descended on the arena, there would be a rustling sound of corrosion in the air.

It is the law of poison and the poison of the super big needle bee that blocked the falling cold air.

In the vision of Yanbai Kyurem, a purple space centered on the super big needle bee has taken shape.

At this moment, Yanbai Kyurem was pulled into his poison domain by the super needle bee!


A large amount of venom seemed to turn into a silk screen and spread around, covering the flame white Kyurem.

Poisonous Fruit · Nest!

In the net nest, all substances will be highly poisoned.

including air!

Yanbai Kyurem had been poisoned before, but it was only because of his huge body and strong strength that he was not poisoned.

But this is not a problem, it only shows that the dose of the previous poison was not enough!

Since the dose is not enough, increase the dose!

Yanbai Kyurem roared and launched an attack on the super needle bee, wanting to completely destroy the insects that jumped in front of him again and provoked him.

Horribly low temperature, even the air was frozen.

At this moment, the temperature of the entire Big Apple City dropped sharply by more than ten degrees due to the appearance of Yanbai Kyurem. It was clearly a summer sky, but the icy cold wind was blowing, and snowflakes were still falling in the sky.

Just the power and influence it inadvertently radiates is enough to change the day and season.

However, it did not affect the Super Big Needle Bee, but the Super Big Needle Bee also rushed towards Yanbai Kyurem at a very high speed.

Ice and poison collided violently in the sky.

Don't look at the huge size gap, and the bees of the super big needle bee can only be regarded as glitches for Yanbai Kyurem.

But it cannot be denied that the super big needle bee is very threatening to Yanbai Kyurem.

"Super Big Needle Bee, Missile Needle!" Baili Yuan shouted.

The super big needle bee shoots a large number of missile needles, like a rain of needles.

The missile needle interfered with Yanbai Kyurem.

"Now, attack his eyes!" Baili Yuan continued to shout.

Immediately afterwards, Bailiyuan commanded Alola Gala Gala in the field.

"Split the shadow ball!"

Alora Gala Gala is carrying a bone stick and swinging it vigorously.

Bailiyuan is really facing each other in the upper and lower lanes!

The upper part attacks two important points, and the lower part hits hard with a big stick. The upper and lower sides exert their strength together. They are very busy and fight smoothly with their opponents.

This scene stunned many people.

"He, is he really dealing with that divine beast and me together?" Cassandra's face was ugly, and at the same time, there was an unconcealable shock in her eyes.

Cassandra felt a little upset.

Reason told Cassandra that she couldn't continue to fight at this moment, and she should help Bailiyuan to deal with the beasts in the sky.

But as the pride of a champion trainer, she felt that she was offended by Baili Yuan, and she didn't want to stop just like that.

Contradictory emotions naturally interfered with Cassandra's battle.

It made Cassandra's command appear to be out of order, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Bailiyuan naturally sensed that Cassandra's situation was wrong.

"Hey, what are you doing?! Why do you have to be distracted during the battle? Whether it's dealing with the one in the sky or you, I'm very serious. Does your inattentive state disrespect me?" Li Yuan couldn't help but said, as if he became unhappy because of Cassandra's attitude.

Cassandra: "???"

Bailiyuan's "sincere to everyone" words, and this attitude of putting all the blame on her, made Cassandra's brows twitch.

"You annoying guy, now I hate you even more!!"

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