I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3195 The figure flying out of the mountains

lighthouse country.



Adventurers sleeping in the mountains are enjoying the beautiful scenery at night.

Some elves that only appear at night are active, bringing new vitality and sights to the night.

The ice guardian ghost flashes away, making people horrified; the snow demon girl and the snow boy loomed in the wind and snow, dreamy and hazy; the geometric snowflakes reflected the moonlight, drawing a glorious picture in the dark night...

The Andes Mountains are covered with ice and snow all the year round, and the common elves are of ice attribute.

The activities of the ice attribute elves made the environment colder, but they couldn't hinder the adventurers' enthusiasm for enjoying the beautiful scenery.

A small tent was set up on a gentle slope halfway up the mountain.

In front of the tent, two adventurers were wearing thick down jackets, snuggling together.

The adventurers are husband and wife.

The two met because of their adventures, and finally came together, and soon they had the crystallization of love - a child.

After having a child, the two decided to return to the family, take over the family's tens of billions of companies, and live an ordinary life... Then, the elves descended!

The elves have come, and there are more things worth exploring in the world!

The adventurous husband and wife couldn't hold back their desire and curiosity. The extinguished enthusiasm for adventure burned again and was out of control.

The couple couldn't bear it anymore, so they threw the child to the care of their brothers and sisters at home, and the couple started a new adventure.

Those places where the couple have ventured, now because of the arrival of the elves, there are new beautiful scenery, which makes the couple linger and forget to return.

Oceans, mountains, plains, wetlands, forests... constant adventures.

After so many years, the husband and wife are still adventuring outside.

Once, the two were, at best, two adventure bloggers.

Now, they have become well-known elf adventurers, elf scholars, and elf researchers in the world, and even scholar organizations have cooperated with them.

Because they have photographed and recorded a lot of information and information about elves, which has greatly helped humans understand elves.

At this moment, there are two ivory pigs behind the husband and wife, they are also a pair, and they are both at the level of heavenly kings.

These two ivory pigs are the couple's right-hand man and keep them safe during their adventures in cold regions.

The two ivory pigs may not be able to get a good place in the elf competition, but in terms of survival in the wild and life-saving in field battles, the two ivory pigs are definitely very good.

How could it be possible for a person who dared to take risks in the wild to have no strength and means.

under the night sky.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them, the husband and wife talked sweet words like glue. After so many years, it seems that they haven't been in love yet.

All I can say is, this is true love.

"Darling, the temperature in the Andes is getting colder and colder, don't get too cold." The husband said to his wife.

"Darling, don't worry, I won't fall until I unlock the colder secrets of the Andes Mountains." The wife said with a smile.

"The Andes has become colder, and we may not have the chance to reach the summit this time." The husband suddenly sighed.

The wife held her husband's hand, with a gentle smile on her face, "Don't worry, I will always be with you."

The husband was greatly moved.



If the environment was not too cold, the husband and wife would never mind a passionate open-air battle. Anyway, there is no one around, and they have done this before.

This is the third time for the couple to explore the Andes.

The first time was before the arrival of the elves, they came to climb the Andes, mountaineering adventure.

The second time was after the arrival of the elves, they climbed the Andes again to explore the changes in the Andes.

During the second climb, the couple discovered that the Andes became colder because of the presence of elves.

The reason why the couple came to climb the Andes for the third time was because the couple heard from friends who are also adventurers that the temperature in the Andes has become colder. I was able to quit halfway, and I almost got frostbite.

This aroused the attention and curiosity of the couple.

After the arrival of the elves, although the temperature in the Andes Mountains has dropped a lot compared to before, the temperature change has been relatively stable since then.

Now the temperature has dropped sharply again, probably because of something happened in the Andes.

The husband and wife suspected that either a special environment caused the temperature to drop, or a more powerful ice elf appeared in the mountains.

Regardless, it's worth the risk again!

In order to unravel this secret, the couple planned the third mountaineering.

However, even after making more preparations against the cold, the couple still felt that the surrounding cold made them unbearable.

At most, tomorrow can only climb up for half a day.

Just when the husband and wife are talking to each other about their love. It seemed that the sky couldn't stand it anymore, and the entire Andes Mountains shook.

Boom boom boom——

"What? What's the situation?"

The husband and wife stood up in an instant, watching their surroundings, and the two ivory pigs also stepped forward at the same time, protecting their trainer behind them.

This shock directly caused avalanches to appear on many peaks in the mountains.

The same is true for the mountain where the husband and wife are located.

"No, it's an avalanche, run!" the husband yelled.

The husband and wife hurriedly boarded their ivory pigs, turned around and ran down the mountain regardless of the tent and equipment.

A raging avalanche rolls down from the top of the mountain.

Even ice elves, facing an avalanche, have to turn around and run away.

An ice elf would not necessarily die if buried in snow, but if possible, an ice elf would not want to experience being buried alive.

When fleeing down the mountain, both husband and wife looked back at the top of the mountain behind them, with a little reconciliation in their eyes.

And when they looked back, they were shocked to find that there seemed to be some large ice blocks mixed with the snow falling from the top of the mountain.

"What's that?" the wife exclaimed.

The husband hurriedly picked up the night vision goggle on his chest, looked at the snow rolling down behind him, and then let out a quick exclamation.

"Those are...frozen elves!!!"

In the big ice in the snow, there are elves frozen!

Ivory pigs, geometric snowflakes, ice ghosts, snow demons...

Many ice elves who were originally very cold-resistant were frozen into ice sculptures!

A huge ice cube flew over and hit the husband and wife in front of them.

The two ivory pigs made a sharp turn around the ice.

While bypassing the ice, the couple saw an Alola Mountain King frozen in the ice.

Alola King Chuanshan still maintained the posture of eating, and was obviously frozen in an instant without any reaction.

"What kind of ice power is it that can achieve this level?" The husband and wife were shocked.

At this moment, a roar erupted in the mountains.

Then a terrible blizzard swept across the mountains.

"No, ivory pig, dig a hole!" the husband yelled.

During the blizzard, two ivory pigs quickly dug a deep pit. The couple hurriedly hid in the pit, and the two ivory pigs also followed and blocked the pit.

Immediately afterwards, falling snow and ice buried the deep pit.

What the couple didn't see was that a gray-blue figure flew out of the mountains in the snowstorm.

By the time the husband and wife climbed out of the snow under the protection of two ivory pigs, the snowstorm outside had calmed down.

The temperature of the mountains began to rise.

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