Chapter 3192 The reunion of Frost Milk Fairy

Huahua didn't panic at all when she was surrounded by four land gods.

On the contrary, Huahua, who obviously has the attributes of a social cow, began to backhand the four patron saints.

"Yellow and numb~"

“The pink one is very moist~”

“The red one is a bit fluffy~”

"The purple one is a bit trendy~"

Just when Huahua was pointing at the four land gods, the four land gods released light together, wrapping Huahua and themselves.

Andy's complexion changed immediately, and he stood up in an instant and was about to make a move.

But Baili Yuan's voice reached her ears.

"Don't worry, they have no malicious intentions."

Andy then stopped.

At this moment, in the blink of an eye, the four land gods disappeared in place with Huahua.

"Hua Hua is gone!" Selina exclaimed and stood up.

So did Taylor, her expression tense and serious.

Not only Huahua disappeared, but also the four land gods.

However, when Taylor looked at Bailiyuan, he found that Bailiyuan was staring at him with a smile, and then quickly looked away, as if he didn't panic at all.

Uchiha Shisui sat comfortably on the chair, Bailiyuan was not in a hurry, what was he in a hurry for.

Andy looked at Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan's explanation sounded in Andy's mind.

"They have no malice, and they are not evil gods. Although sometimes they don't know the severity, they will not endanger Huahua's life."

"Besides, the Gyarados is still on Huahua's body. If anything happens, the Gyarados can protect Huahua and contact me through bonds."

Bailiyuan's explanation made Andy feel relieved.

To Andy, Huahua is not only the companion of [Guardian], but also half of Andy's disciple.

Huahua can grow to the level of a large heraldic envoy, and the choice of various powers for Huahua's growth is all due to Andy's hard work.

In fact, Bailiyuan didn't know what the four land gods wanted to do with Huahua, because even in the world of Pokémon, the four land gods were extremely mysterious.

The four land gods left with Huahua, and the farce here is over.

A group of people feel disappointed.

Some were disappointed that they did not seize the opportunity to subdue the four special elves; some were disappointed that they were taken away by the mysterious elves, but not their own; and some were disappointed that the four land gods did not fight the security personnel at the scene.

Of course, there are also people who worry about whether Huahua will be in danger after being taken away.

But when Huahua's companion, that is, Andy and others said that there was no problem, the matter was over.

The game continues.

It is obvious that the mood of the host and the audience is not so high.

And as both players.

Bailiyuan and Hope were also interrupted.


Hope withdrew his Galar flame horse with some bitterness.

"Sure enough, the gap in strength is absolute!"

In fact, before playing, Hope had expected this ending.

Originally, Hope thought that with Cang Xiang, he should still be able to fight. And Cang Xiang was also prepared for fairies and elves.

Unexpectedly, Bailiyuan used Xernias, which he had never used before.

In the end, should we say that Bailiyuan values ​​her, or should we say that Bailiyuan can't afford it.

As for the fairy elves and Galar flame horses.

Hope felt that if she was given more time, her flame horse might have a chance to face the fairies.

The result is what it is now, the fairy spirit erupted and instantly killed Galar Flaming Horse.

"I'm still a little unwilling." Hope murmured.

Then Hope showed a smile, and the King of Knights once again regained his composure as a king.

"But as a king, I will admit my failure and face up to my failure, because my country doesn't need a king who shrinks back!"

"Okay, next is the third game!"

"My third elf—"

"Come on, Frost Fairy!"

Frost Milk Fairy·Red Diamond Composite·Love Candy Decoration, heavenly king level.

This Frost Milk Fairy cultivated by Hope is only at the level of a heavenly king, but she has a graceful and luxurious feeling about her body.

This temperament does not feel like a fighting elf, but rather a following elf that symbolizes identity.

But it doesn't mean that this Frost Milk Fairy is weak, after all, it is an elf cultivated by a champion trainer, and its level is still there.

Bailiyuan understood something when she saw that Hope's third elf was the Frost Milk Fairy.

Then Bailiyuan smiled.

"Haha, I didn't expect us to think of going together."

After finishing speaking, Bailiyuan also took back the fairy elf.

"In this case, my third elf, let's make an appearance!"

"Come out and show yourself, Frost Milk Fairy!"

The third elf on Bailiyuan's side is also Frost Milk Fairy.

Whether it's Bailiyuan or Hope, they have tacitly chosen the third elf to evolve into the Frost Milk Fairy from the little fresh milk given to them by the old queen of Elizabeth.

There is no discussion.

Bailiyuan's Frost Milk Fairy debuts——

Cream Milk Fairy, Milky Vanilla, Shell Heart Decoration, Leaf Heart Decoration, heavenly king!

Bailiyuan's Frost Milk Fairy is a special elf that has never existed before.

Because the two decorations of the custard fairy are not sugar decorations, and they are also different, a blue heart-shaped shell, and green heart-shaped leaves.

Compared with Hope's Cream Fairy, Bailiyuan's Cream Fairy looks more lively and lovely, just like a cute little princess.

After appearing, he was eager to do a few boxing poses.

Many people showed knowing smiles, they all liked Bailiyuan's cute Frost Milk Fairy very much.

——Frost Milk Fairy's milky, soft fists must be very comfortable to hit her body.

Because there is currently no enemy that can make Bailiyuan's Frost Milk Fairy use her real power.

She has always commanded the world with one move. I don't know if the Frost Milk Fairy was influenced by the goblin general's Pokby, and awakened the attribute of a gambling dog.

Two milk fairies appear.

But they didn't fight each other as expected.

Even the state is somewhat beyond Bailiyuan and Hope's expectations.

Bailiyuan chose Frost Milk Fairy to tell Hope that he took good care of Frost Milk Fairy.

Hope chose Frosty Milk Fairy in order to reunite the pair of sisters who were born together. In fact, Hope had already given up the third game.

But at this moment, in the field.

After the Frost Milk Fairy sisters met, when their eyes met.

They all looked at each other blankly.

Then they shook their bodies together and leaned towards each other.

The two cream fairies got together and started to communicate, as if they recognized each other as their sisters.

Hope's milk fairy is more reserved, while Bailiyuan's milk fairy is very lively.

"What's the situation? Why are the Frost Milk Fairies and the others so happy?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

"Did they all recognize each other?" Hope smiled slightly, feeling that the elves were really strange.

Obviously when they separated, they were both little fresh milk, and when they met again, they both evolved into frost milk fairies, but they still recognized each other.

That is, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but when the two milk fairies meet, the air seems to be filled with the sweetness of cream.

No, no, not an illusion!

Both Bailiyuan and Hope twitched their noses.

They all smelled it, and the air was indeed sweetening!

The host stepped on the self-exploding Magneto, approached the two Frost Milk Fairies, and shouted loudly.

"Wow, have these two cream fairies become friends? They are obviously rivals, this is really a touching friendship, the air seems to be full of sweetness... Dao..."



The host and the self-explosive Magneto, who were close to the two frost milk fairies, unexpectedly fell into a coma at the same time and fell to the ground.

It's just that they all have happy expressions on their faces and are drooling.

"It's so sweet, so sweet..."

Both the host and the self-destructing Magneto murmured unintentionally.

"This..." Baili Yuan blinked, "What's going on?"

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