I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3188 One move determines the outcome! Cosmic Boxing VS Oath Victory!

The four land gods of Alola are in charge of the balance of Alola, and the development of Alola and the evolution of various forces are related to them.

And the main area where the elves descend in the Alola region is the Hawaiian Islands of the Lighthouse Country.

Nowadays, more and more divine beasts are appearing in the world of coming, and the projections of the four land gods of Alola have also come to this world.

However, when they arrived, they discovered that their living environment had changed, and they no longer needed to take care of the balance of an area.

On the contrary, this world has its own balance and power, which is blessed to them, bringing them new strength and making them stronger.

The biggest change is the strengthening of authority!

This kind of situation also exists in other beasts, but the changes are different and the form is different.

Originally, the four land gods were scattered and wandered around different areas of the lighthouse country to learn about this new world.

But today, they sensed that the power of the earth was mobilized by other existences at the same time, so they all came to check and appeared together.

The four land gods also appeared in front of humans in this world for the first time.

It is naturally Xernias who mobilizes the power of the earth.

The exclusive skill of mastering the earth, the authority contained in it does overlap with the authority of the four land gods.

However, the four land gods came here just to see the situation, not to find trouble. If possible, they also wanted to make friends with Xernias.

Everyone is a beast, and there is no feud or conflict of interest, and there is no need to fight at all.

There are also goblins and powers of the earth, which are too similar.

In fact, there are still many elves who can control the authority related to the earth, and the earth cloud also has the authority of part of the earth, and there is Gulardo, the real symbol of the land, so there is really no need to conflict because of the ownership of the authority.

Bailiyuan and Hope also noticed the four unexpected visitors, but they didn't pay much attention to them and continued to fight.

The attack launched by Xernias and Cang Xiang just now with the third law interfered with each other at the same time, ending the stalemate, but it also brought them into the same injured balance again.

Morphological changes have been used.

The three laws collided.

Exclusive skills have been released.

Cang Xiang's combat ability may be very good among the beasts, but who made him meet Xernias.

Although Xernias is not particularly good at fighting, she has strong vitality and can carry and recover.

Xerneas: "Your little pin can't pierce my sister's membrane! Will it work, little dog!"

Cang Xiang: "Silence wench! See if I stick it or not, and you're done!"

After cursing, Cang Xiang bit the sword he had put down again.

There is no doubt that there is no way to end the victory or defeat in a short time with only two divine beasts.

But there is still a variable between the two beasts, that is - their trainer.

Do you really think that the role of a trainer is just to give advice and command?

Hope pulled out the long sword at his waist, which was inlaid with a fairy Z pure crystal.

Bailiyuan also showed off his bracelet, which also had a Fairy Z pure crystal.

Since the power of the elves is insufficient, add the power of the trainer!

Z move, a showdown!

At the same time, Bailiyuan and Hope inspired the power of Z pure crystal, connected with Xernias and Cang Xiang, and they all gathered their strongest power.

The use of Z moves does not only require a bracelet and Z pure crystals, but also requires the trainer to use his own beliefs to stimulate the power of Z pure crystals, and to achieve that, be able to connect with the power of the elves, and then successfully release Z moves.

The price is that releasing the Z move will put a lot of pressure on both the trainer and the elf. In a short period of time, the Z move can only be released once.

In other words, the power of Z-moves is not only related to elves, but also has a lot to do with trainers.

Hope had a serious expression, holding his sword in both hands, revealing the aura of the King of Knights.

Pink light bloomed on Hope's body, Z pure crystal flickered, coating the sword in her hand with a layer of light, and then the light spread, pink power also emerged from Cang Xiang's body, and then the two powers were connected together.

"The momentum is not bad!"

Bailiyuan smiled slightly, and the Z pure crystal on the bracelet also flickered, and the same pink light was released from Bailiyuan's body, connecting with the power released from Xernias.

Both sides accumulate energy at the same time.

The scene was quiet for a moment.

Then Bailiyuan made a gesture of preparing to punch, and Hope also raised the sword in his hand above his head with both hands.

Bailiyuan punched out.

"Cosmic Fist!"

Hope swung his sword down.

"Oath to victory!"

Then the two elves in the field released a move at the same time——

Fairy Z-movement: Fairy Law·Cute stars flying into the sky!

But it manifests itself in a different way.

Xernias's elf power and elf law erupted, turning into an extremely huge fist on top of his head. The fist contained countless stars, like a nebula, falling like a meteorite.

Cang Xiang also erupted with all the power of the goblins and the laws of goblins. He shook his head, and the long sword in his mouth cut out a bright sword light. In the sword light, countless stars were shining like a galaxy, and he cut down.

The two strokes collided, there was a loud sound, a dazzling light lit up, and a pink energy spread out, covering the entire golf course.

Fortunately, the powerful forces in the moves collided together and did not spread. Otherwise, if they spread out with the overflowing force, most of the audience at the scene would definitely die without a place to bury them.

And in the dazzling white light of the collision, a dark trace suddenly appeared.

It was the space that was bombarded by the power of the law, revealing the color of the void.

Fortunately, the space here is not connected to any other world, otherwise, the passage to the other world would be opened at this moment.

The space gap that was blown away gradually healed as the strength of the two parties wore off and weakened.

When the light gradually weakened and the colliding fairy power completely dissipated, the audience finally saw the result clearly.

The golf course is used as a battleground, just like the surface of the moon, all the vitality in the soil has been annihilated by a powerful force, and there are deep pits bombarded by countless forces on the ground.

Xernias and Cang Xiang stood on both sides, as if they hadn't moved.

Everyone is silent.

Bailiyuan and Hope did not speak.

Three seconds later, Hope raised the poke ball in his hand and took Cang Xiang back.

"I lost." Hope breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Cang Xiang has lost consciousness.

Cang Xiang lost this blow, but he was unwilling to fall down, and finally lost consciousness while standing.

Xernias was also out of breath at the moment, apparently reaching his limit.

Having won, Xernias was in a good mood, but she didn't just return to the poke ball to rest, but released the power of the law of life and her last remaining power.

With the power of the goblins, the law of life will be wrapped in a land that has been devastated, and it will be filled with colorful colors, and Xernias' figure will become even more sacred.

A shocking scene happened.

The land that had already lost its vitality gradually turned from gray to black, and was full of vitality and nutrition again. Countless emerald green grass blades grew rapidly from the soil.

Soon, the land full of lifelessness returned to life again, even more vibrant.

This is the true power of Xerneas - to bring life to life, to restore nature!

Xerneas would not leave this land decimated by battle.

Xerneas gradually returned from active mode to relaxed mode.

However, it only restored a piece of land, and it would not make Xernias fall into a deep sleep, but Xernias really needed a period of rest after a big battle.

Zernias of Bailiyuan also lost his ability to fight.

The two beasts end up.

Bailiyuan and Hope took out new poke balls again.

The second round begins!

"It's you, Fairy Elf!"

"Ride on, flame horse!"

To be precise, it is the Galar flame horse!

Galar flame horse, super power + goblin, characteristic: danger prediction, level: 96, law: goblin law.

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