I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3163 Evil will only accumulate, not disappear

Bailiyuan's actions and abilities have indeed scared countless people, especially those who have seen the halo spread to half the earth from the satellite images. Their feelings are the most intuitive.

In the end, from the military, the trainer of the Blood Wing Wyvern, he only heard the bitter voice of the officer coming from his earphones.

"General, we lost."


It is impossible not to admit defeat. Now all the leaders of the military have a halo above their heads. No matter what means they can't get rid of the halo, it makes people feel that there is a big horror in the halo.

Even if Bailiyuan can't do anything, it will definitely not make people feel at ease.

The trainer of the Blood Wing Wyvern also made his own choice.

"I admit that I spoke a little louder before..."

"May I still have a chance?"

The answer Bailiyuan gave him was that the black mud spread out from the black part of his body that represented evil, engulfing him, making him feel the most terrifying death in horror.

Because he saw, the girls who were killed by him, the civilians who were slaughtered by him, the elves who were killed by him... countless resentful souls demanded his life, and finally tore his soul to pieces and swallowed his true spirit.

This kind of person is not qualified to be collected by Baili Yuan to transform his soul into a family member.

"Your crimes have always been there, accumulated continuously, and finally exploded." Baili Yuan commented.

The one who died with the trainer was his Blood Winged Wyvern.

The tools of the wicked are not necessarily evil.

But the elf also has its own wisdom. When he obeys the trainer's command, part of the trainer's sins will be distributed to the elf.

Taylor looked at the person who had just fought with him and died like this, feeling a little sad.

It's not because of how good the relationship between the two parties is, but because she feels that she doesn't know what expression to make other than sadness.

The agents who have seen many big scenes feel that this scene is a bit unbearable.

"What is that black thing?" Taylor said with difficulty. This is also the doubt in her and countless people's minds, because the black, mud-like thing makes people feel very uncomfortable just looking at it.

To Taylor's surprise, Bailiyuan gave her a more detailed answer.

"That's sin!"

"There is no good or evil in the material world itself, but when intelligent life gathers and the beliefs that radiate gather together, then there will be a big will, and the big will will follow the influence of most people's beliefs and concepts, and produce related changes and power .”

"When intelligent life has the standard of good and evil, then the great will will integrate the most general standard of good and evil, and the power of good and evil can be derived from it."

"Everyone's actions, which they think are secret, will actually be recorded by the great will. Whether it is good deeds or evil deeds, they will only accumulate and will not disappear."

Baili Yuan's words shocked countless people.

Then Bailiyuan retracted the aperture, and in the blink of an eye, the aperture enveloped Hei Lujia's nest again, and those who wanted to escape were pulled back into Hei Lujia's lair.

However, those who want to resist Baili Yuan, there are not many people who are willing to do it.

Both Taylor and Anthony stopped fighting, and Anthony hurriedly ran to his staff-tailed scale armored dragon to check the situation of his staff-tailed scaled dragon.

Probably only the King of the Metagross, who would die if he didn't fight, was still fighting for the last time.

But everyone can see it.

Just now a group of people teamed up and couldn't beat Baili Yuan, let alone now.

Bailiyuan returned to its original form and continued the final battle.

In this battle, Baili Yuan controlled his power.

Except for the two protective shields used at the beginning to release the evil, other skills and attacks do not have any infusion of the power of law, only the simplest application of authority.

Otherwise, this battle will be completely instant kill.

Although the strength gap brought about by the power of law is not absolute, it is huge.


Between the world of Pokémon and the world of Advent, the class with the biggest gap in strength is not the bottom, but the top.

Compared with the big world, it is almost the same.

Because of coming to the world, most of the trainers don't know what the law is and how to comprehend the law.

Below the Heavenly King level, that is, below the 80th level, the gap between the two elf worlds is not that big. Because the main competition between the two sides is level and skill, at most because of some inheritance and training methods, there is a gap in the strength of certain or several types of elves, but it can only be regarded as an example.

At the Tianwang stage, there is a gap, but the gap is relatively limited. The gap is mainly in the application of fetters, the application of spiritual power, and the cognition and comprehension of the law.

The key point is the law. Baili Yuan didn't realize until after he started to comprehend the law that some kings of the Pokémon world had already begun to guide the elves to comprehend the law even at the stage of the master's strength.

The trainer can't comprehend the law by himself, but he can guide the elves to comprehend it, and then feed it back to the trainer himself. The trainer can more easily cultivate new elves, accumulate and grow in a continuous cycle, forming a virtuous circle.

In fact, some trainers don't know what the law is, they just know that cultivating elves in this way can make a qualitative change in elves.

And elves guided by such a trainer are often easier to comprehend the laws than wild elves, and then become stronger.

At the beginning, Menus of Bailiyuan was taken away by Kona and trained for a period of time. After returning, the reason why he became stronger was because of the influence of some law-oriented training. It can be said that Kona planted the power of law in Menus. seed.

However, neither Bailiyuan nor Kona was aware of this at the time, and neither of them had the concept of laws at that time.

The masters of the Pokémon world are called masters because they are really masters in certain attribute fields.

However, only a few elves and trainers with strong talents and abilities can successfully comprehend the complete law at the stage of the king of heaven. It can only be said that this stage is still a stage of accumulation.

As for the heavenly kings who came to the world, the masters are simply titles of rank.

The biggest problem that has come to the world is data-only theory!

The level and race value, plus the individual effort value at most, is all.

After all, in a scientific world, the arrival of elves has been accepted for several years, and suddenly they realize that there are some idealistic things and mysterious aspects in this world, which is a bit super-classical.

As for the championship stage, the gap between the two worlds is absolute.

Because of the Pokémon world, almost all the trainers and elves who can enter the championship stage have comprehended a complete law, and their combat power has soared. With an elf, there are not a few people who can single out those powerful beasts.

If it weren't for some of the beasts hiding deep, maybe there would be champions who would take turns to give the beasts a big fight.

Because of challenging the beasts, you get a lot of experience!

Don't forget, elves have a setting of experience, as long as they have enough experience, they can upgrade and evolve directly.

Of course, the higher the level, the more experience is required.

And understanding the law can often save a lot of experience consumption and make it easier to break through.

But the descending world is different. The champion-level elves descending into the world are almost all experienced. There are only a few elves with extraordinary talents. Because of their good aptitude, they gradually mastered the power of laws during the process of upgrading.

Most of the law power that elves can master is the power corresponding to their own attributes.

It can also be regarded as - attribute awakening.

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