I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3153 Green figure in the universe

Satellites in the universe are relatively safe on planets that do not have the Rift Seat.

Although Likongzao is not hostile to all satellites, the frequent launch of satellites, and the launch of satellites just above his head, makes Likongzao very unhappy.

A few minutes before.

The satellites of many countries are diligently taking pictures of the earth's weather.

Suddenly, satellites in many countries issued alarms.

This represents a drastic change in weather conditions.

Meteorological stations of various countries call out the weather picture within one minute at the first time.

Then, they all saw that the clouds in a large area of ​​the earth were directly divided into the middle.

From the lighthouse country, towards the direction of the Pacific Ocean, all the way to the Huaguo in Asia.

A typhoon passed by on the way.

The typhoon cyclone that still existed in the last second.

It disappeared in the next second.


This kind of weather change directly makes the satellites of various countries a little bit incompetent.

Never seen such weather.

After all, it didn't just happen naturally.

Countless people are guessing the reason for such a scene.

Some people guessed that it was an attack from a powerful elf.

But many more said it was impossible.

Just relying on a beast like the Three Divine Birds can gain a certain advantage in the battle between the same level, but it can't change the world.

In the eyes of many people, the divine beasts are at the level of ordinary three divine birds.

As for the steel super dream, it can only be an example.

Of course, some people wondered if Baili Yuan's Steel Super Dream did something and directly started to link up with the scholar organization.

No one has found it, and it is in a location that cannot be photographed by satellites.

A slender green figure flew past freely without disturbing any existence.

Moreover, this green figure seems to be affected by a special force, and it is changing, becoming thicker, bigger and longer.


The passage to the spirit world is just above the Big Apple City, so it can't stop people who want to peep on the other side.

Even Uchiha Shisui's terrifying sword aura couldn't deter everyone.

There is always someone who is not afraid of death.

Sometimes there are few people for a reason.

After the sword energy dissipated, many people who were in Hei Lujia's lair, relying on the elves with the ability to fly, flew high into the sky, wanting to find out, and even go to the spirit world to investigate.

There are even police and media helicopters flying in the distance, approaching.

They all saw the powerful attack just now.

"That's definitely an attack from a divine beast!"

"I'm going to subdue the divine beast! Hahaha, I must be the first to arrive, the first to subdue the divine beast!"

"If I had such a powerful beast, I would be the king of this country!"

"Oh oh oh, go! Get some good things, and you will have all the wine and beauty!"

"Big news, big news! This is definitely tomorrow's headline!"

Countless people cheered excitedly.

They rushed to the sky level with the passage of the spirit world, and then they couldn't move.

Because there is a powerful breath being released from the channel of the spirit world, the oppression of the breath alone makes the elves around them dare not approach them, and even those who approach them feel that their blood is coagulated.

And what did they see?

Along the limited space of the spiritual passage, they saw——

A super Gengar with flowers and a crown on its head, pink and white with a touch of blue, is fighting a very large dream monster.

All kinds of skills do not consume power, and can be released crazily.

People's shadow balls are rubbed one by one.

Their shadow balls are released one by one.

It is still a huge shadow ball and a pink and white shadow ball, this kind has a special shadow ball.

In the distance from them, there is a huge green existence. That existence has wings and holds a spiral sword, just like the Yatengu in the legend of Sakura Country.

The green giant is fighting countless dead souls and ghost elves.

Is the green giant an elf too?

Divine beast?

Does Geng Gui still have that special look?

Can dream monsters grow so big?

But there is no doubt that across the passage is a chaotic battlefield!

Many people have not recovered from the news of the huge smelly mud yesterday, but they were shocked by the war in the spirit world they saw today, and they don't know how to describe what they saw.

Taylor, who had already fallen asleep, was woken up by a phone call again. He didn't even bother to hide the dark circles under his eyes, so he hurriedly rode Magneto.

Similarly, the trainer of the Blood Wing Wyvern who appeared yesterday, and Anthony came together.

They come, even the champion trainers, their thoughts at the moment are——

What's this? what is that? What are they?

After the arrival of the elves, they originally thought that they had adapted to the world, but now they found that the world was still changing too fast.

What next?

They choose to wait and see.

As long as the elves on the opposite side don't come over, they won't go there.

After all, champions don't want to get into big trouble, either.


In the spirit world.

Spiritual power riots, like ocean waves.

Bailiyuan raised his hand, and a layer of defense appeared beside everyone.

However, Bailiyuan didn't completely block all the spiritual power, and still leaked some spiritual power into the shield to make contact with everyone's bodies.

Getting in touch with spiritual power will help to improve the power of the soul.

As for an ordinary person like Selena, if she has good soul aptitude, she might be able to awaken some spiritual abilities this time and become an acquired spirit master.

In the Pokémon world, such people should be called psychics, and they are often the most suitable people to become ghost trainers.

At this moment, because of the riot of ghosts in the spirit world.

The night demons who were originally in charge of maintaining order couldn't block so many elves in one go.

However, the night demons didn't mean to go all out. Although they all felt extremely angry, they just did their best.

After all, managing the spirit world is just their habit, it can be said to be a hobby, not a duty.

If relying solely on the Night Demon, the final outcome would be a large number of ghosts and ghost-type elves rushing into the material world, causing huge casualties.

At most, after that, the Night Demon Spirit will slowly capture all the souls back, and jointly punish the leading Dream Demon.

Fortunately, the Night Demon is not the only one present at the scene.

Bailiyuan and others were on the scene.

Uchiha Shisui controls the huge complete body Susanoo, blocking all souls and spirits who want to attack the passage.

Unlike dealing with the two wood owl killers, Uchiha Shisui did not draw out a weapon aimed at the soul, but only used his own spiral sword.

These driven souls and spirits are not worthy of death.

If it is really a heinous person, if the soul does not dissipate after death, it will often become a resentful soul.

Uchiha Shisui didn't kill the group of resentful souls controlled by the overlord Dream Demon, because Uchiha Shisui knew that many of them were innocent souls affected by resentment.

Uchiha Shisui just stopped them.

"Spiritual Skill Ninja Array of Hidden Gods!"

The complete body Susano held up the spiral sword in his hand, and the spiritual power in his body exploded, and a huge mysterious formation appeared in a large space around him, and the formation was full of mysterious words.

All the trapped souls and elves, as if lost their way, began to circle in place.

This is a technique developed by Uchiha Shisui combined with the spiritual power of sealing technique, illusion technique and guardian spirit, referring to the technique of dark walk!

It is large in size and can be used against numerous targets.

The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of mental energy.

But Uchiha Shisui doesn't care, he also has a reason to charge.

Bailiyuan couldn't help squinting one eye.

For a moment, Bailiyuan felt that his mental power was taken away by Uchiha Shisui.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan's spirit began to recover quickly.

It was Selena who was always chattering aside, which made Bailiyuan feel a little noisy.

"Ah, so handsome, what kind of skill is this?!"

"Is that green giant the elf of Mr. Zhishui? It must be a divine beast!"

"The strongest person in the world, Xiaoyuan, can't compare to Mr. Zhishui!"

Andy made a horizontal zip movement in Selena's direction, and then Selena felt that her mouth was sealed, she couldn't speak, she could only make a sound, And looked very flustered.

It was finally quiet, and Andy breathed a sigh of relief.

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