Chapter 3149 Otherwise, let's run away

The scenery of the spirit world opened Selina's eyes.

Human souls, Pokémon souls, and a large number of ghost-type Pokémon.

It was something that Selena had never heard of or seen in her life for so many years.

In the outside world, ghost-type Pokmon are very rare. Only in some cemeteries or ancient houses will there be a small number of ghost-type Pokmon.

Of course, the spirit world is also quite dangerous.

Selena also knew clearly that without Geng Gui as a deterrent, they would have been swallowed by a group of ghost-type Pokémon, and even those dead souls with malice and resentment.

When Selena was observing the dead soul, Huahua was also behind Selena, observing the savage bass soul biting Selena's ass.

The bite is really dead, and it doesn't let go at all.

But it seemed that the savage perch soul couldn't do any harm to Selena, and Selena didn't feel it at all.

In this way, everyone kept moving forward.

Everyone didn't rely entirely on walking, and they all had elves that could be ridden.

Riding on the elves, everyone soon arrived at the area of ​​Heluga's nest.

Just when they got close to Helujia's nest, everyone felt something strange.

Because the soul density here is far higher than other areas.

Not just the souls of humans, but also the souls of elves.

Moreover, in the spiritual world, which is mostly turquoise, there is actually red light emitting from here, and the red light sets off every soul here, which is extremely terrifying.

Some souls are still entangled with black air, and some souls even appear twisted and mutated.

Souls from other places are unwilling to approach this place, and those souls who enter here by mistake will be affected by the red light and become very scary.

Other than that, it was eerily quiet here, with no soul making a sound.

The ghost elves wandering in this area are also the most dangerous ghost elves.

Such as the cursed doll full of resentment and mini Q.

Soul-eating and life-giving crystal chandelier.

Surrounded by several night demons.

The Night Demon stayed far away, and from time to time used strength to pull the soul out of this area, and then worked hard to change the soul into a normal appearance.

After letting go of the soul that has become normal, it will take a while for the Night Demon to repeat the previous operation.

"Is there something wrong with the soul here?" Selina asked Shisui Uchiha a little cautiously.

Uchiha Shisui frowned.

"The resentment here is too strong. Many souls have been affected by the resentment. Among them are souls that exude terrifying resentment. These souls are transforming into resentment. I suspect that there are resentment hidden inside."

Andy and Huahua also realized the seriousness of the problem.

They all recognize Wraith.

Among the undead, most of the resentful souls can only be regarded as the lowest level of undead. Apart from being full of resentment, they are also irrational and have no special abilities.

However, once the resentful soul has harmed others, grows up, and becomes rational, it will become a special kind of undead that is more idealistic.

Strength and combat power cannot be calculated according to what you see.

Some resentful souls can become very strong as long as their resentment is deep enough. Even if they don't become stronger, once their resentment exceeds a certain threshold, they will mutate and possess certain special abilities.

For example, the resented target is immortal, the resentful soul is immortal, or the resentful soul is immortal, everything that is the resentful target will be cursed horribly.

Now this group of souls here are being transformed into resentful souls, and they are still gathered in one place so quietly.

It is very possible that there is a powerful resentful soul hidden inside.

"A resentful soul? What is it? Is it similar to a ghost? It's not a good soul, right?" Selina asked.

"That's true." Baili Yuan also nodded seriously, "Those people or elves who died with great resentment will become resentful souls if the resentment persists after death."

"Resentful souls are very dangerous existences in the spiritual world. They will not only attack other souls, but also threaten the survival of other elves. With their strong resentment, they can even open a channel to the material world and flee to the material world to wreak havoc and harm people."

"The night demons are also responsible for capturing and purifying resentful souls, but in the current situation, it is obvious that these few night demons cannot handle all the resentful souls."

"But in common sense, the possibility of resentful souls appearing in the spirit world is very small, and it is almost impossible to cause such a big impact, unless..."

Selena looked at Bailiyuan, "Unless what?"

"Unless there is more than one resentful soul, but a bunch of them."


A look of understanding appeared in Uchiha Shisui's eyes, and then he let out a long sigh.

The scope of the spirit world here corresponds to Helujia's nest.

And in Hei Lujia's nest, there are obviously many inhumane laboratories hidden, and many cruel experiments have been carried out.

Uchiha Shisui has read the experiment records, and he sent the experiment records to Bailiyuan and Caroline.

Bailiyuan and Caroline also reacted.

Bailiyuan frowned.

"This can only be regarded as self-inflicted." Caroline laughed.

Bailiyuan then added.

"Judging from the current situation, it seems that the resentful souls here may open the passage to Helujia's lair at any time, and rush into the material world with a group of resentful souls."

"The reason why we haven't done that is probably because we want to transform more souls into resentful souls to strengthen the team."

Selina asked next.

"What if all the souls here are transformed into resentful souls and they rush into the material world?"

Bailiyuan calculated in her heart, and then said rigorously.

"They will attract a large number of dangerous ghost-type elves into the material world together, and Heluga's lair will turn into a ghost land, and only people and elves with king-level combat power will have a chance to escape."

"Big Apple City will also suffer a disaster of resentful souls because of this."

"Of course, the premise of all this is that no champion-level ghost-type elves are attracted and follow them out."

How could there be no champion-level ghost elves in the spirit world? On the contrary, it should be said that there are still a lot of them, and they are all old ghosts.

It's just that no one has encountered it.

After learning about the crisis that Heluga's Nest and the Big Apple City were about to encounter, Selena also had a hard time accepting it, so she took a deep breath.

Selena spoke sincerely and seriously to Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui.

"Let's run away. Immediately, immediately, now, let's leave the Big Apple. I have a seaside villa in Aloha State. Let's go together. Sunshine, ocean, sandy beach, beauties, everything, I guarantee that you will never forget to return."

Both Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui were speechless.

You are so serious, just to persuade us to run away?

Andy smiled helplessly, she thought Celine was going to ask Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui to save the Big Apple City.

Huahua has aroused interest in Aloha State.

"I like the ocean and the beach." Huahua is a child from Daxueshan. She is always curious about things that Daxueshan doesn't have.

Selena said that she is just a woman who likes to have a good life, not a superhero.

And in this country, Selena would rather pick up some stray cats on the side of the road to take care of than to save others casually.

Because some people will take advantage of the kindness of others.

As for those so-called charity evenings, donations to charitable foundations.

Don't make trouble, those foundations all have Selena's shares, how the donated money will be spent in the end, and who will spend it, it's not up to Selena.

Besides, donating to the foundation can legally avoid taxes~

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