I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3146 A peaceful day

A new day begins.

Last night's fight created a huge buzz in the Big Apple.

Undoubtedly, the headlines on the front pages of all the newspapers and media the next day were about last night's battle.

But the content is naturally whitewashed, and important things are never mentioned.

[The mutated stinky mud in Big Apple City appears! The champion trainer Anthony turned the tide, subdued the mutant stinky mud, and saved the Big Apple City! 】

This is a media newspaper belonging to the government.

[The Big Apple is in disaster! The champion trainer carries the Bloodwing Wyvern to conquer the disaster! 】

This is a media newspaper belonging to the military.

[With both beauty and strength, the purple viper leads to the crisis in the Big Apple, proving that poisonous snakes can also be a weathervane of freedom! 】

This is a media newspaper belonging to the secret service organization.

Unsurprisingly, the media of the three major forces highlighted their own people as the focus. As for the people of the other two forces, they all mentioned them in one stroke, and all they had to say was "those who fight together are enthusiastic passers-by."

Anthony subdued the poisonous smelly mud and became the biggest winner. He reported it widely, as if he had defeated the poisonous smelly mud alone, and never mentioned that he was going to pick peaches.

The military trainer was beaten up and didn't play a big role, but he fought until the end, saying that he suppressed the disaster, which was regarded as an honor, and almost lost his wife and broke the army.

As for Taylor, it is natural that the publicity is that she "sharply" discovered the crisis, which allowed the crisis to be resolved. Both Anthony and the military have to thank her.

Most importantly, Taylor was very good-looking, and as soon as the heroic battle photos were put on the front page, the sales volume of the newspaper became the highest among the three.

It also made Taylor famous.

Although the secret service organization lost, Taylor himself won a lot of fame.

When Bailiyuan saw Taylor the next day, Taylor was still in a good mood, and he didn't have too many negative emotions caused by the poisonous smelly mud being taken away.

Of course, there is still some discomfort, but the poisonous snake's counterattack is often to hide first, then deliver a fatal blow, and then swallow everything.

In addition to the three media, many other media also reported what happened last night.

However, the media of the three major forces have covered up the truth. Those media who did not arrive at the scene and were stopped outside, it is difficult to understand the whole thing.

But it doesn't mean that they don't have anything to write. Instead, they write a lot, find out 800 directions, and start to criticize everything.

As for compliments?

Now who likes to watch compliments, the more intensified conflicts, the more money the media will make, okay?

[A critically endangered elf appears in the Big Apple City, is the Big Apple City still safe? What is the role of the police? 】

[Mutated smelly mud? Is it natural variation? Or a test product in a laboratory? How much is the government hiding from us? People should have the right to know! 】

[The mutation caused by the natural environment is nature's counterattack to humans after destroying nature! 】

[Meat eating causes smelly mud to mutate, and humans need to be vigilant. Will humans be the next one to mutate? 】


In short, when Bailiyuan followed Caroline to read the newspaper, he almost thought that he had entered a parallel world.

I always feel that the content in the newspaper is familiar, but there are quite a lot of differences.

By the way, these newspapers all have one characteristic in common.

That is about Bailiyuan's solution to the blackening of Menus, protecting the Big Apple City; Chen Hua's assistance in the battle... These things are never mentioned, as if everyone has lost their memory.

Except for the person involved, no one knew that Bailiyuan and Chen Hua had appeared on the battlefield.

As for Professor Flame Queen, he was captured by the Secret Service.


"It's really interesting."

Bailiyuan stood on the street, reading the tabloids.

Taylor took Annie and Huahua to the shopping street not far away.

Taylor experienced a tense battle in the middle of the night last night, and went back to work on a lot of things. Today, she has to serve Bailiyuan and the others with a smile on her face, which is really hard for her.

Bailiyuan had already seen Taylor's dark circles.

Although Andy and Huahua also stayed up late, their physical fitness has surpassed that of ordinary people. Even if they don't sleep for a few days, they are still full of energy.

Even if Taylor said that he was an agent, it would be fine if he didn't sleep for a few days.

But Bailiyuan and the others were still a little worried about whether Taylor would die suddenly.

Some trainers are prone to sudden death as soon as they relax after a long and exciting battle.

In many official games, the most important thing is the medical team.

As long as there is something wrong with the trainer when he leaves the field, he will be carried away on a stretcher.

Caroline suddenly popped up a projected pop-up screen beside Baili Yuan, and there was an envelope symbol on the screen.

"Someone sent a message about clues about the Wooden Owl Council," Caroline said.

"Oh? Is the back hand left by Zhishui successfully triggered? It's really fast." Bailiyuan smiled, continued to read the newspaper, and said casually, "Let Zhishui track down the group of people hiding in the shadows at night." Li's round face is chubby."

"I'm going to investigate something special tonight."

Bailiyuan planned to take care of some things by herself tonight.

The issue that required Baili Yuan to come forward naturally involved divine beasts.

When Uchiha Shisui came back, he brought two important pieces of information.

The first is the Mumuxiao Council, which said that according to the investigation information, the Mumuxiao Council controls many forces in the dark.

The second is the ongoing research of the Dragon Society.

The Dragon Society is not only a dark and evil force, but also has the support of a larger force behind it, arresting trainers and elves, and conducting evil research.

After knowing the Mu Muxiao Council, Uchiha Shisui reasonably suspected that the forces behind the Dragon Society were not the Mu Mu Xiao Council, but also had a lot of connections with the Mu Mu Xiao Council.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a coincidence that he was attacked by Mu Muxiao's killer just after he burned down the Dragon Society's manor.

Uchiha Shisui learned the secrets from the Evil Dragon Society, without Darkrai, but found that the Evil Dragon Society is creating blackened holy swordsmen, and judging from the content of the data, the Evil Dragon Society has already made some progress. It worked out.

Even, the blackened holy swordsman has appeared.

Bailiyuan and Caroline didn't figure out why the blackened elves appeared, and even the blackened elves didn't know why they appeared.

Because the memory of the blackened elves starts from the time of their birth, and there is no memory before their birth, so Bailiyuan and Caroline feel that the blackened elves are not transformed from ordinary elves, but appear for special reasons new life.

Unexpectedly, the evil dragon society has already figured out a way to create a blackened elf, and even blackened the holy swordsman.

It's just that it's not clear whether the evil dragon will understand the root cause of the blackened elf's appearance.


The daytime passed quickly.

The battle last night aroused heated discussions, but for most people, life was still as peaceful as usual, except that there were more after-dinner conversations.

Bailiyuan and the others also faced everything calmly.

Let Taylor and the secret service organization behind him, and even the lighthouse country, breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Bailiyuan didn't cause any trouble because of last night's incident, they didn't care about the blackening of Menus, because they all felt that the blackening elves couldn't be commanded to fight, so it wasn't of much value.

Finally, night came.

Taylor, who was off work, said he could finally rest.

Bailiyuan and the others had a peaceful day, which made her very satisfied.

That is, when Taylor left, Bailiyuan had already changed into clothes for going out.

"Little Ultraman is here~"

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