Chapter 3144 Wooden Owl Killer

In the world of Pokémon.

There is a saying about fate, that is—a predestined meeting.

Also known as - Fateful Encounter!

It is regarded as a sign of Pokémon.

The level of science and technology in the world of Pokémon is very high, but even scientists at the doctoral level believe in the saying of fate, and have dabbled in many things related to metaphysics.

Whoever made the Pokémon world has many unscientific things.

Many trainers and scholars believe that the encounter between a certain trainer and a certain elf will be an arrangement of fate.

Even if it is the same place, other trainers may not gain anything if they go to explore a hundred times, but after the selected trainer enters, they will be able to meet their destined elves.

When some people go camping, they can see the legendary dream, but those who go with them can't see anything.

Some people have never seen a mythical beast in their lives, while others have even ridden quite a few of them.

Some people can only catch King Carp when they go fishing, while some people can just catch Kyoka.

Those people and elves who are chosen by fate, even the most ordinary insect catchers and green caterpillars, have their own difficulties, and they can often achieve each other.

Even if the two parties only met once, the future will be exciting for each.

Because they are not only chosen by fate, but also favored by fate.

People who are favored by fate must be unique.

This is part of the reason why the shrine of the God of Fate built by Baili Yuan in the dojo is so popular.

Go to a shrine that enshrines the god of fate, and maybe you will be chosen by fate, and you will meet the elf that fate has arranged for you.

After all, the god of fate, if something happens, it is true, and sincerity is true.

As the shrine's highest-ranking shrine maiden's favored child, she once said that every time she went out to subdue elves, she always met very good elves.

This kind of fateful encounter is not only valid for ordinary elves, but often involves many fantasy Pokémon.

For example, at this moment, when a special elf appeared, fate had actually helped it choose the most suitable trainer.

The government, military and secret service organizations of the Beacon Country have the Three Gods Pillars, Three Gods Birds and Three Gods Clouds respectively.

Is it really just a simple check and balance?

But this kind of arrangement has never been felt bad by humans and elves.


Heruga's lair.

When the powerhouses of the Lighthouse Kingdom besieged the poisonous and smelly mud, the thorn shell and the blackened Menus fought.

Uchiha Shisui also got what he wanted to know.

After receiving the news, the shadow clone who stayed outside took Vulcan Moth and Selena to leave.

"Is this the end?" Selina still couldn't understand.

I brought it here to set a fire tonight, what's the matter with me?

"An enemy of this level, what else do you want to do?" Uchiha Shisui's shadow clone said.

As for the purpose of bringing Selina, it is naturally because Selena has that special pickpocket cat. If they meet Darkley, who is the source of the pickpocket cat's mutation, they may be of some use.

Even if you don't meet them, this time can be regarded as the team's first mission.

Forming a team with a special identity as a trainer will always be useful one day.

Uchiha Shisui's words left Selena speechless.

"Of course, it's also possible that we have other interesting activities tonight."

Then Uchiha Shisui took back Vulcan Moth.

And at this moment, a vague gunshot sounded in the darkness.

It was the sound of a pistol with a silencer.

Selena didn't hear clearly, but Uchiha Shisui moved his ears and listened to the voice.

Even before the sound sounded, Uchiha Shisui felt the crisis, and his head flickered.

A bullet grazed the mask on Uchiha Shisui's face, leaving a faint trace on the mask.

Uchiha Shisui was expressionless.

Selena was taken aback, and without saying a word, she hurriedly turned around and ran to the distant bunker with the pickpocket cat in her arms.

"No, there is a killer!"

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Shisui shot a Senbon in the direction of Selena's escape.

Chimoto's target is not Selena.

Instead, he nailed a bullet aimed at Selena at the position next to Selena, and deflected the bullet so that Selena could safely run into the bunker.

After doing all this, Uchiha Shisui turned his head.

The mask covered his face, but those who stared at Uchiha Shisui could tell from Uchiha Shisui's exposed eyes that Uchiha Shisui was smiling.

Selena hid behind the bunker, looked at Uchiha Shisui who was not doing anything, and only had time to care about herself, the titular captain, and shouted: "Run!"

Uchiha Shisui just turned around calmly.

"Assassination in front of me?"

"But you guys are a bit slow to come. I've been waiting for a long time, and I almost went back to sleep. Are you the fish I really want to wait for, or are you a random intruder?"

Attack such a stronghold.

The behind-the-scenes forces in the stronghold should not be watching.

Maybe someone who can deal with Uchiha Shisui will be sent on the spot.

Look, people are coming here, right?

The killer who shot in the dark was dumbfounded.

The pistol with the silencer fired two shots in a row, which should have been foolproof.

As a result, one person dodged by turning his head, and he also blocked the second bullet fired at the other person with a thousand books.

Let's hang up!

However, there is more than one killer.

Uchiha Shisui also said "you".

On a tall building in the distance, a figure with a sniper rifle has already locked Uchiha Shisui's forehead.

Then the trigger was pulled.


The powerful bullets of the sniper rifle were fired.

Target Uchiha Shisui.

mission over?

Uchiha Shisui drew out his own sword, and slashed out vertically.

The bullet shot at Uchiha Shisui was accurately split in two from the middle, and fell behind Uchiha Shisui, making two potholes.

It wasn't until the two potholes appeared that Selena on the side realized what an outrageous thing Uchiha Shisui's gesture of swinging the knife had done.

Knife splitting bullets?

Or sniper bullets? !

Fuck... oh, it's a metahuman, that's fine.

The killer who saw this scene turned around and wanted to run.

As a result, a hand was already on his shoulder.

This killer was a killer who hid in secret and assassinated with a pistol.

The killer just blinked, and Uchiha Shisui disappeared in place, appeared behind him, and put a hand on his shoulder.

Not only that, the killer suddenly felt that his whole body was under control, he couldn't struggle, and he couldn't even bite the poison sac in his teeth to kill himself.

Uchiha Shisui looked at the killer under his control, controlled him to turn around, and faced himself.

This is a killer wearing a cyberpunk wood owl mask. It looks a little scary. Judging from his temperament and physical fitness, he is also an elite killer.

The kaleidoscope is turning in Uchiha Shisui's eyes...

When the killer fell down, the killer was still alive, but because of the powerful spiritual power to probe his memory, he became completely demented.

Uchiha Shisui is not so gentle and careful when dealing with enemies.

"The Wooden Owl Council? The Wooden Owl Killer?" Uchiha Shisui was thoughtful.

He felt that he seemed to have learned about another interesting organization.

And this Mumuxiao Council seems to be very awesome.

"My lord will definitely be satisfied with this information."

the other side.

After the sniper saw the outrageous scene of Uchiha Shisui splitting the bullet with his knife, he turned around and ran away without a sniper rifle.

It's just that when the sniper ran into a dark alley, he thought he was safe.

A pair of kaleidoscope sharing eyes emerged from the darkness of the alley.

There is more than one shadow clone that Uchiha Shishui left.

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