Chapter 3130

A champion elf is equivalent to the highest echelon combat power in the Pokémon world.

Ordinary elves have been promoted to the champion level, and they are eligible to compete with those naturally powerful top-level beasts.

If no one stops the champion elf, the champion elf can completely destroy the entire planet.

Of course, generally speaking, no champion level elf would do this.

Most elves, even if they become champions, cannot survive in the universe.

Due to racial reasons, the elves still cherish the planet and environment they live in.

Moreover, not only divine beasts, but also some powerful elves, by chance, can also be blessed by the power of the world. Those powerful elves will naturally cherish the environment more and take the initiative to maintain the harmony of nature.

The blackened elves are different.

Suicide destroys everything, find out.

Some scholars believe that every blackened elf, as long as it is not cleansed by probation, is a potential world-destroying demon king.

And the champion-level blackened Menus that appeared at this time is no longer a potential, but a mature world-destroying demon king!

Blackened Menus just wagged his tail and didn't attack directly.

The atmosphere became more and more tense.

Chen Hua took back the electric spider, leaving the cat boss behind.

Taylor chose the Monarch Snake.

There are also mythical beasts and land clouds.

Three powerful elves are staring at the blackened Menus.

"I think she may have just arrived in the Big Apple, otherwise the Big Apple would have been gone, hehe..." Taylor also told a joke at this time, and I don't know if he wanted to relieve the tension, or it was just pure Want to smile.

But no one laughed with her.

Perhaps it was because Bailiyuan was relatively close to the ground, he looked at the ground and asked.

"Did you feel that the ground seemed to be shaking?"

The air was suddenly quiet.

Listen attentively.


In the distance of the sewer, it seemed that something was rushing towards it, causing the entire sewer to vibrate.

Taylor and Chen Hua looked to the side for the first time.

The water in the sewers is rising.

The sewer where everyone is located is the kind with water flowing in the middle and the ground on both sides.

But now, the water flow in the middle has risen rapidly, flooding the ground on both sides.

The expressions of Chen Hua and Taylor changed drastically.

"Run!" Taylor yelled, picked up Professor Flame Queen, took Professor Flame Queen's elf, and ran away first.

Chen Hua and others naturally followed closely behind.

None of them were in the mood to pay attention to the blackened Menus anymore.

Because at the very moment when everyone chose to escape, the rushing water surged from the opposite direction of everyone's escape, filling the entire space of the sewer.

Blackening Menus looked at the few people who were running away, with a carefree smile in his eyes.

Blackened Menus manipulated the water here, causing the rush of water in this scene.

Blackened Menus didn't dodge.

When the rushing water flowed past where she was, she was like an elf in the water, swimming in the water, carrying the water, chasing after the crowd, but the speed of the water was a bit faster.

Bailiyuan and the others fled quickly.

When they found that people were not running as fast as the water, they all released their mount elves one after another.

Chen Hua stepped onto the back of the cat boss, and the muscular cat boss supported Chen Hua with ease.

Taylor released a self-explosive magnetite, stepped on the self-explosive magnetite and flew at low altitude and quickly.

Bailiyuan and Huahua were carried on the shoulders by Tuyun, one on the left and one on the right.

As for Andy, the warrior eagle was released, and the warrior eagle took her to fly at low altitude.

The rushing water followed closely behind, and everyone had no chance to get to the ground from the exit of the sewer.

Taylor quickly tapped a few times on the small computer he was wearing, and then shouted at the crowd.

"Come with me!" Taylor led the way, as if he had planned his escape route.

Both Chen Hua and Andy followed without speaking.

Huahua looked at Bailiyuan, "Xiaoyuan, why are we running?"

Huahua thinks that Gyarados can beat that blackened Menus.

"If you play in this sewer, then the Big Apple is unnecessary."

It cannot be used in the sewers. If a battle really breaks out and the blackened Menus runs into the city, the battle will escalate and the damage will be even more serious.

In fact, when everyone is running, they are not the only ones suffering.

Needless to say, those insects and mice that originally lived in the sewers died directly.

There are also many wild elves living in the sewers, such as Smelly Mud and Lada, who have also suffered.

Also suffering were the agents who were active in the sewers. Fortunately, all the agents had spirits on them, so they were not targeted and could barely survive.

The remaining wild elves, those who can run, run quickly, those who cannot escape, can only be swept away by the water, and whether they can survive depends on luck.

Baili Yuan, who was being carried by the earth cloud, had to allocate part of his mental strength to protect the elves who were swept away by the water and ensure that they would not be drowned directly. Of course, although life can be guaranteed, the crime still has to be suffered.

Bailiyuan couldn't directly defeat the blackened Menus with mental power, but protecting the elves was still very simple.

There are also many elves who want to resist, but find that, apart from the water, they don't know where the enemy who controls the water is.

Many elves even felt that the flood this time was human behavior.

One after another, they became angry with humans, and even started to hit the ground directly, wanting to let humans feel their pain.

However, the human beings on the ground are not stable.

The water was rushing in the sewer, and the manhole covers were blown up by the sprayed water, and a large amount of water was sprayed out of the sewer, causing chaos in a large area of ​​the city.

Fortunately, because of Taylor's early report.

Before the chaos, trainers from many departments had already been dispatched.

The elves that ran to the ground to attack people were stopped, and the spreading flood was temporarily controlled.

"Where did the big water come from?!"

"The elves in the sewer are attacking people!"


The news media also appeared one after another, setting up long guns and short cannons, filming the chaotic scene, reporters explaining the scene, and critics discussing in front of the camera.


Where is the worry, first find the person responsible for the incident, and then start spraying.

The bigger the incident, the happier the media.

"Who is responsible for this incident? Who pays for the damage? Who is responsible for the injured taxpayers?"

"Why didn't the municipal department clean up the backlog of water and spirits in the sewer earlier? There shouldn't be water and spirits in the sewer! Taxpayers' money has raised a bunch of waste, damn it, refund the money!"

"What's wrong with this country? Taxpayers are always the ones who suffer. I fell into deep thinking. There must be something wrong with the system."

The method of blackening Menus only spread to the Big Apple City, causing a lot of chaos in the Big Apple City.

In the sewer, the blackened Menus was still chasing Bailiyuan and the others closely.

Not because of hatred.

He simply wanted to kill Baili Yuan and the others.

Huahua was carried on the shoulders by the earth cloud and cheered loudly.


Andy also found it very interesting.

She decided to keep a good record of this encounter, and when she returned to Yuncheng Academy, she would reenact it for the students to test their strength.

Whether you choose to escape the water flow, choose to fight the water flow, or survive in the water flow, it is a very good training method.

This is much more exciting than driving a jeep into a student.

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