I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3123 push the nose on the face

In the sewer.

A woman makes a quick escape with a group of lizard-like elves.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

"Why is the purple viper here? It also appeared at the gate of the expo? It ran into the advance team!"

"Do all intelligence agencies eat shit?"

The woman ran, cursing loudly.

The woman is Professor Flame Queen.

After the failure of the previous operation, she set her sights on the expo again this time.

Anyway, her mission is to cause a huge commotion and chaos in the Big Apple, and it would be better if it can cause a lot of casualties.

Because it can cause a lot of negative emotions such as panic.

To cause a lot of negative emotions in human beings is the purpose of the evil organization that Professor Flame Queen belongs to.

It is also the key to driving the next plan.

So she focused on the square for the first time, because there were so many people there, but unfortunately it ended before it started.

The second time, she chose the expo, because there are many people with high social status in the expo, and they are also related to many companies and groups.

If these people were attacked or something happened, the impact would be even greater.

It would also scare a lot of people.

Unexpectedly, when the advance team was sent out this time, when the manhole cover was lifted, they encountered a champion trainer.

The other party seemed to be waiting for her!

After all, it is an evil organization, and Professor Flame Queen still knows a lot about some official powerhouses.

Professor Flame Queen naturally knows the strength of Viper, that is, Taylor.

The most important thing is that the poison that the Fire Lizard commanded by the Fire Queen is good at does not have a particularly good effect on Taylor.

On the one hand, it is because Taylor is a woman, and on the other hand, it is because Taylor is also good at poisonous attributes.

Taylor's title is Purple Viper, not just because of the Flash Monarch Snake.

Pit vipers are also mostly venomous snakes!

So after learning from the advance team's report that Taylor was outside, Professor Flame Queen directly chose to abandon the advance team as a delay.

Then he took the rest of the large army, turned around and ran away decisively.

She's not stupid, she can't beat Taylor.

Even if it is a group battle, Professor Flame Queen is at most a powerful Heavenly King-level trainer, and the strongest in her hands is only Heavenly King-level Flame Queen, and there are no champion-level elves.

Forcibly killing it out, the result is unknown, anyway, she must die.

The rule engraved in the hearts of most trainers in this world is that the gap between levels is absolute, especially when the level is higher.

Unless the racial value gap between the two sides is too large.

No one would be so passionate as to use a rookie elf to fight a champion elf. Say yes, something silly.

The faction that Professor Flame Queen belonged to didn't inform her about Taylor. Champion-level powerhouses are not easy to follow, especially Taylor, who was born as an agent, is very experienced in tracking and counter-tracking.

There is also a special agent team following him at all times.

Unless you can't think about it, or your brain is broken, you will investigate their tracks.

What's the difference between staring at Taylor and beating the grass and scaring the snake?

Thus, it caused an embarrassing scene at the moment.

When Salamander lifted the drain cover, Professor Flame Queen felt that Taylor was short of saying "Come on, sister".

As for the real Bailiyuan, Professor Flame Queen Lizard didn't know him, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He just regarded him as Taylor's junior.


The earth cloud squeezed into the sewer, and Taylor jumped in without hesitation, even though she was still wearing high heels and a dress.

"Protect Mr. Xiaoyuan and his friends, put on alert, and I'll go after the attacker!" Taylor ordered the secret service team through the headset.

However, after Taylor finished giving the order, he turned around and found that Bailiyuan and the others had also followed.

"Hehe, it looks like we'll have fun tonight, Ms. Taylor, you don't mind taking us on a thrilling adventure?" Bailiyuan said to Taylor.

Taylor just froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile.


Persuading Bailiyuan to retreat?

Do not make jokes.

Didn't you see that Bailiyuan was riding on Tuyun's neck? Who can stop him!

Not only Bailiyuan, Huahua and Andy also looked very curious, poking at the land and clouds.

Huahua and Andy seem to be researching whether the cloud on the lower body of Diyun can carry people.

Tu Tuyun didn't give the two of them too much patience. After being ridden on the neck by Baili Yuan, Tu Tuyun, who didn't dare to chase anyone, followed the track he had captured and chased after him.

In Tutuyun's mind, Bailiyuan is considered a big boss among the elves. Although Tutuyun is afraid of Bailiyuan, he doesn't have much rejection of Bailiyuan.

In contrast to Andy and Huahua, Tudiyun doesn't quite agree to let humans have sex with him casually.

Even if the strength of the two is stronger than him.

It was for Baili Yuan's sake that they could poke him.

Taylor was calm on the surface when Bailiyuan was able to ride on Tuyun's neck and give orders, but he was shocked inside.

They organized and raised the Three God Clouds, and even the breeders who had the best relationship with them could only communicate with them at a certain distance.

Sanshenyun did not allow other people to touch them.

It is even more impossible to push his nose to his face and ride his neck on one step like Baili Yuan.

"As expected, the strongest trainer? Even the beasts will sell him face." Taylor sighed in his heart, but quickly followed Tu Yun.


Professor Flame Queen, who was running away, quickly noticed the target who was chasing after him, and the speed of the other party was very fast.

"Have you found me? They should be staring at me. It seems that we can only fight!" Professor Flame Queen frowned, then quickly scanned the surroundings, trying to find an environment that would be beneficial to him.

The environment in the sewer is indeed very suitable for the group battle of the Salamanders.

When the land cloud rushing to the front turned a certain corner, a large area of ​​venom impact skills and jet flame skills were mixed together and covered.

Encountering a surprise attack, Tudiyun also yelled angrily. With his hands together, a large piece of rock condensed out instantly, and then fell down, protecting him and Bailiyuan in it.

Rock blockade!

This move was used by Land Cloud to increase its defense.

No matter in terms of the release speed or power of the moves, there is a big gap with the rock blockade of ordinary elves.

The power of divine beasts is not simple.

Most of the venom and flames were blocked by the rocks. Although a small part splashed in from the cracks in the rocks, they were already harmless.

When the land cloud lifted the rock blockade, both sides saw each other.

The surprise attack on Diyun was led by a flame queen lizard, and there was a group of night thief salamanders.

The harem group led by the two flame queen lizards actually cooperated together?

Professor Flame Queen didn't show up because she was still running away.

This group of flame queen lizards is used to delay the enemy's footsteps and collect enemy intelligence at the same time.

An unassuming salamander with a camera on its body.

Professor Flame Queen, who escaped, saw the situation here at the moment through the camera, and also saw the appearance of the land cloud.

Professor Flame Queen knows that Land Cloud, a mythical beast raised by secret agents, will still appear occasionally, and has helped solve some troubles and even disasters that ordinary elves can't solve.

"Damn it, not only the champion trainer, but also sent a beast to chase me down!"

This feeling is the same as hitting mosquitoes with an anti-aircraft gun. No matter whether it looks weird or not, the mosquitoes who are hit on the contrary are absolutely uncomfortable.

Land Cloud stirred again out of thin air with both hands.

In the sewer, the power of the earth spread out and attacked.

The power of the earth!


The screen in Professor Flame Queen's hands went black, and he lost sight of the pursuers behind him.

"Bichi!" Professor Flame Queen cursed.

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