I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 318 Boss Ahead

A hilltop in a mountain range.

A peculiar magic circle is engraved on the ground of the mountain top, and pure light power is released from the magic circle.

The starlight fell on the top of the mountain, but the top of the mountain was illuminated even brighter by the light emitted by the magic circle.

There are a lot of rare light-system materials and items piled up on the magic circle, even including glow stones!

The power of these light-type materials and items is constantly being extracted by the magic circle, and then sent into the ground, while the items and materials that have been extracted with clean power turn into waste and dissipate with the wind.

On one side, there are people who are constantly adding new light-based materials or items to the magic circle.

Including people who add light materials and items to the magic circle, there are a total of five people beside the magic circle.

A man in black robe was hidden in the black robe, standing in the center of everyone like a leader, standing there quietly, looking at the magic circle in front of him.

On both sides of the man in black, there are four people.

A beautiful girl in a kimono, with bright red flowers embroidered on the girl's kimono, and a folding fan in her hand.

A tall man with sunglasses, yellow hair, and a flamboyant overcoat, with a wild smile on his face.

A beautiful woman with a slender figure, wearing tights, showing off her good figure, with long dark purple hair hanging on her body, but there are hideous spider patterns on the woman's chest and back. At this time, she is adding magic to the magic circle thing.

The last person looked like a child with a blank face, and there were two metal blades connected to chains floating around him.

"A guest is here." The man in black said suddenly.

After the Heipai spoke, the others were taken aback.

The kimono girl frowned beautifully.

"I don't know if there are still people coming from behind. The other party may have discovered the way to come here. It seems that we have to do it in advance. At dawn, we should be able to officially awaken the Yaozu Giant Armor." The man in black said, Then it seemed that some power began to be mobilized, causing the whole mountain to tremble suddenly, and then returned to calm.

"It's going to be dawn soon. Although it's a pity to start early, there are enough people arrested now, so you can't be too greedy." The woman in leather said with a smile.

"Then I'll take advantage of this time to exercise." The blond man said with a big smile. After speaking, he turned and left without waiting for other people's reactions.

"Cave No. 10 and Cave No. 17." The man in black reminded him and told the blond man the exact location.

"Two groups?" Lou, a woman in tights, smiled and licked her lips.

However, at this time, the child turned around.

"Why, is little brother Barr ready to show his skills?" The woman in tights looked at the child.

"Hmph, it's too boring." The child said coolly.

"Then how about this, big sister is boring too!" said the woman in leather.

"Hmph, no need for meddlesome women!"

The child ignored the woman in leather and left on her own, while the woman in leather seemed not to notice the little boy's attitude, and also followed behind on her own.

Only the girl in kimono frowned and stayed where she was.

"Why, aren't you interested in the incoming guests?" the man in black asked.

"Hmph, I only care about the success rate of your plan." The girl said silently.

"Heh, at this point, do you still have any hesitation?" The man in black stretched out a hand, covering the moon in his sight.

"After it's done, you, me, and them will all have a longer life, and have more time to get what you want!"

The man in black whispered.

Hearing these words, a gleam flashed in the eyes of the girl in kimono.

Although it is not a long-lived species, the conversion from a short-lived species to a long-lived species is still attractive enough, which is also the reason why several of us get together.

At this time, the other three people also walked into the surrounding forests.

There are countless spider silk cocoons hanging on the trees in the forest, and a huge magic circle looms on the ground.


Under the leadership of Murphy, Bailiyuan walked out of the cave easily.

At this time, Bailiyuan and Mary had already introduced each other, and they were familiar with each other, so Ma Fei didn't think too much about it, maybe there was a reason why the current situation didn't allow Ma Fei to think too much.

The role played by Bailiyuan is an ordinary child who is involved.

Bailiyuan was a little surprised by Murphy's identity.

Baili Yuan and Ma Fei had met once, but Ma Fei probably couldn't remember Bai Li Yuan.

Murphy was one of the disciples of the scholar... who taught in the tree of Akamoy.

Bailiyuan remembered that she seemed to be a second-level scholar, and a golden egg was refreshed on her body.

In fact, Bailiyuan didn't expect that the other party was not only a scholar, but also a high-level heraldry envoy!

The most important thing is that the combat power is still so terrifying.

No wonder the opponent was holding a shield at the time.

However, having said that, is the threshold for being a scholar so high now?

It was not easy to get out of the cave, and there were many spiders outside the cave, but under the leadership of Murphy, it was still possible to blaze a trail.

Although these spiders are powerful, they haven't been refreshed with easter eggs.

With the continuous understanding, Bailiyuan also has a new understanding of the easter egg refreshment of the easter egg system.

Easter eggs will not only be refreshed in dangerous locations and on special characters, but also, if they are in special locations, or if the opponent is a legion, there will be new refresh rules for the refreshment of easter eggs.

Under normal circumstances, there are two refresh rules, which are—regional individual rating refresh and overall rating refresh.

Regional individual rating refresh is the most common refresh situation, which refers to refresh in an area. Generally, easter eggs will be refreshed on individuals or some dangerous locations according to the individual's strength.

Ordinary cities, turbulent time and space, Yuncheng College, Shadowless Building, and even those spider lairs that have been fought before are all refreshed in this way.

The refresh of the overall rating is based on the subordination structure of a certain faction and team, and finally refreshes an Easter egg of comprehensive strength rating at a key position.

For example, in the world of Leo, the easter eggs of Black Star were refreshed in the underground command room of Black Star.

But if it is calculated alone, the danger level of the enemies on Black Star does not reach the seven-color level, but the calculation of this seven-color pole has multiple aspects.

Because the strength of those disk creatures and the situation of Black Star were calculated together, the danger level of Black Star was directly pushed to the seven-color level.

However, when the disk creatures were attacking the earth, Bailiyuan stole Blackstar's home.

Later, all those disc creatures were sent into the pot after Bailiyuan collected enough materials for him.

There was no way, after Blackstar exploded, Bailiyuan couldn't control these disk creatures, so he had to make the best use of them. Except for those materials that could be used, the rest was edible food.

Otherwise, Bailiyuan really thought about keeping these disc creatures and pulling them out for a walk in future battles.

In addition to Black Star back then, there is also the area where Bailiyuan is now.

That's why those spiders were not refreshed with new easter eggs.

One more thing is very important -

This kind of overall rating refresh often means that there is a BOSS ahead!

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