Chapter 3111 Come and compare with Xiaoyuan's evil dragon

Regardless of the current national conditions of the Lighthouse Country, at least many important locations are quite safe and beautiful.

Times have changed, but the nature of this country has not.

As long as the money is in place, everything can be beautiful.

The security level of important places is not comparable to other places, and it is also an important guarantee for ensuring stability.

There are many pedestrians in Times Square in the Big Apple, and there are many treasured or beautiful elves playing happily and walking freely on the street. It makes the whole area look very prosperous, the shops on both sides of the street are full of customers, and most of them have relaxed and joyful smiles on their faces.

Beauty, food, modernity, luxury, fashion, entertainment, elegance, nobility... all kinds of beautiful and interesting things are filled in this area.

There are many security personnel in uniforms patrolling the streets with elves. Each of them looks like an elite, and the elves around him are all over level 60.

I have to say that this is indeed a good place to visit and enjoy life.

The large screens on the walls of the buildings are broadcasting advertisements for various luxury items, but most of them are about elves and trainers.

From the content in the advertisement, it is easy to know which companies and forces are in the top positions among the trainer forces in this country.

Being able to appear on the big screen advertisement here, the things behind it are not just money.

But whatever it all stands for, many people come here to enjoy and relax.

Life is already very troublesome, why not enjoy it?

[Glory Breeding House, let your elves become stronger, fully develop their own potential, embark on the road of glorious evolution, bathe in glory, and achieve extraordinary achievements! 】

Breeding House is a very popular institution for Pokémon to come to the world.

The customers we are facing are those who need the level and strength of their elves, but they don't have much time to cultivate elves, or they don't have the talent of trainers.

It is equivalent to a power leveling organization.

You only need to send your elves to the breeding home, pay a sum of money according to your needs, and get the elves back after a period of time, so that your elves can improve their level, learn certain moves, and even complete evolution.

Bailiyuan sat on a chair by the street, looked up at the advertisement on the big screen.

At the end of the commercial screen, it was fixed on each powerful elf, and there were even many quasi-god elves among them.

"With the elves cultivated in the breeding home, the intimacy between elves and trainers should be much worse."

"However, unless it's elves that need intimacy to evolve, for most people and trainers, intimacy doesn't seem to affect anything."

Bailiyuan gave a comment.

Indeed, only when masters compete, apart from all hard power, will the intimacy between the trainer and the elves be valued.

For many trainers, even experienced trainers, intimacy is useful, but not very useful, and it is even more difficult to apply the power of intimacy in battle.

What's more, many people choose to walk on the path of a trainer, simply because they have time and financial resources, and they choose a way of entertainment.

Because intimacy is not valued, it is very common for elves to exchange, release elves, and take care of elves.

At the same time, this is also the reason why many evil organizations keep appearing.

Ordinary trainers don't pay much attention to intimacy, let alone those who join evil organizations, they only want elves to bring their own power, and use elves as tools.

Many people in the native world of Pokémon are unable to love their elves very much, and treat elves as their partners and family members, let alone the world where Pokémon comes.

For many people, even the kings and champions of this world, elves are just tools to gain fame and fortune.

The most important thing is that relying on the simple accumulation of resources and scientific cultivation, the elves can really become very strong.

Are you angry?

For those who regard elves as family members, establish bonds with elves, and want to realize their dreams together and reach the top.

It's just sarcasm.

But these, what's the matter with Bailiyuan?

Bailiyuan was just a passing child.

"Zoroya, use the shadow to sneak attack!"

Huahua's voice came.

Naturally, many battlefields were built on the streets of this square.

Huahua is commanding a white fox-like elf to fight in the battlefield.

Huahua, who is very curious about the profession of a trainer, will naturally not miss the opportunity to experience the battle of a trainer.

The one fighting against Huahua was a woman dressed as a company white-collar worker, using a jumping pig with super power attributes.

The elves of the super power system, facing the moves of the ghost system, can only drink hatred.

The jumping pig didn't react much, was attacked by surprise, and then fell to the ground.

"What? Why can your Zoroya use shadow sneak attack? Isn't Zoroya from the evil type? Why use ghost-type skills!" The white-collar woman was obviously shocked.

During her lunch break, she planned to come out to play against Tiao Tiaozhu for two rounds, using superpower attributes to abuse the food, but they turned out to be a dish instead.

The white-collar woman yelled at Huahua for cheating.

The Zoroya used by Huahua is naturally not an ordinary Zoroya.

It's Xicui Soroya, the color is gray and white with a little pink, compared to the ordinary Soroya, it looks like a fox ghost.

Xicui Zoroya, normal + ghost attribute, resentful fox Pokémon, level 30, characteristic: hallucination.

Xitri Zoroja was very happy to win a battle.

"Is this the shining Zoroya? Can he use ghost-type moves?" Someone said in surprise.

Apparently someone turned the Zoro Adam of a different color into a shining elf.

But this evaluation is a bit of a layman. Even ordinary Zoroya can also use ghost moves, but shadow sneak attacks are not included.

Some people looked at Xitri Zoroya's appearance, and there was fire in their eyes, and they couldn't help but have some thoughts.

Many people gathered around Huahua.

"This trainer, why don't we exchange elves? My stinky mud has evolved and is quite powerful."

"Beauty, do you want to get acquainted? I have won thirty-three consecutive victories in this square."

"Would you like to share your battle experience? My family's battle field is quite big."


A group of people surrounded Huahua, making the secret agents unable to sit still.

For the order given above, it is best for Bailiyuan and the others not to communicate with anyone.

There will be no trouble.

However, before the agents could do anything, Xitri Zoroya suddenly turned into a demon, scaring off a group of people.

Huahua showed a smirk behind Xi Cui Zoroya, and her teeth reflected a sharp cold light.

Huahua is not a fool, and she is not an ordinary person, so she can still sense the malice of other people.

This group of people are elves who have their eyes on her, and there are others who are after her.

Among other things, Huahua is a real child-faced giant, and her appearance is very pure.

"It's so scary~ people only accept elves to fight, is there anyone else who wants to fight?" Huahua smiled.

Some confident men licked their lips, and then showed what they thought were the most handsome smiles.

"Come on, but if you lose, don't cry."

"If you lose, how about going for a drink with me?"


They didn't notice that Huahua took back Xicui Zoroya's elf ball and found out the elf that Bailiyuan lent her.

"Come on, Flash Gyarados!"

Flashing Gyarados, level 96!

Approaching fifteen meters, a super-large flashing Gyarados appeared.


With a roar, all the elves in Times Square in the huge Big Apple fell silent in an instant.

At this moment, here is the Glittering Gyarados Square!

Huahua leaned on the Glitter Gyarados, and looked at the group of people who wanted to challenge her with a smirk, with an eager and excited expression on her face.

"Come on, when you release the elves, come and compare with Xiaoyuan's evil dragon, whose one is thicker, longer and harder!"

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