Chapter 3108 pure strong

"It's you, Ax Splitting Mantis!"

"An elf I've never seen before!" Bob's heart tightened.

Just now, because I don't know the characteristics of Xicui Ice Rock Monster, I asked Xicui Ice Rock Monster to give the turtle-foot giant armor a first kill. This time, not only can't even judge the characteristics, but I have never heard of this elf name.

I have never heard of the appearance and name, but it is called a mantis, and this appearance, does this elf have anything to do with the flying mantis?

Or some kind of special evolutionary form?

Bob thought quickly.

Bob's guess was right.

The splitting mantis is indeed an evolution of the flying mantis.

To be precise, it is the ancient evolution type of the Xicui period.

The Flying Mantis can evolve into the Axe Mantis under the influence of special ore.

Parts of its body became rock-like, with the axes, claws, shoulders, and "hair" on its face brown and rocky, and the rest white, resembling a Japanese samurai.

The rocky part of the Axe-Splitting Mantis will often be damaged in fierce battles. The more battles the Axe-Splitting Mantis has experienced, the more serious the rock damage will be. However, the damaged part will become sharp instead, and the sharpness will increase.

The Ax-Splitting Mantis that appeared had quite a few rocks broken, which was enough to show that this Ax-Splitting Mantis had experienced a lot of battles, and its eyes were full of fighting spirit. It was obviously a fighting maniac.

Or it should be said that his temperament is irritable and irritable, and he has powerful destructive power, which can cause great damage to strong opponents. In the wild, he is more dangerous than a large needle bee swarm.

The scholars and breeders of the scholar organization referred to Bailiyuan's experience in cultivating rock-type elves, and injected a lot of special rock-type power into this ax-chopping mantis, which greatly improved the combat life and strength of this ax-chopping mantis. greatly enhanced.

The broken rock on the Axe Mantis will indeed make the attack of the Axe Mantis sharper, but the broken rock cannot be recovered. When the rock is broken to a certain extent, the Axe Mantis will lose the power it relies on to fight. reduce.

Perhaps because of this, the evolutionary form of the splitting ax mantis will disappear in history.

Of course, the disappearance of the form of the Axe-Splitting Mantis should also be related to the lack of evolutionary conditions for the Axe-Splitting Mantis.

If you want to evolve the flying mantis into the ax mantis, you need to borrow a special stone identified by the system as a black strange stone. This kind of stone is unique to this island, and it is also unique to the world of Pokémon that appeared with the arrival of the elves. thing.

Unfortunately, there are not many of them.

When everything is consumed, it will be difficult for the Flying Mantis to evolve into the Axe Mantis in the future.

The scholar organization has only cultivated a few ax splitting mantises for research.

At the same time, it is still researching how to copy or develop a substitute for the black stone.

Of course, the more important thing is to find the problem of avoiding or recovering the broken rocks on the Axe Mantis. In this way, the combat value and combat life of the Axe Mantis will be qualitatively improved.


"Giant axes cut down trees, tornadoes destroy parking lots..."

In the arena, following Baili Yuan's command, Axe Splitting Mantis and Jushi Ding were fighting frantically.

Both sides have bodies made of rocks, and the battle is still head-to-head.

It was Bob who was a little helpless about the name of the move that Bailiyuan called out.

The problem is, the splitting ax mantis really launched the attack according to Baili Yuan's command.

Boulder Ding kept stepping on the Axe Mantis with both feet, and the Axe Mantis ran under Boshi Ding's body flexibly, and counterattacked with the stone axes on both arms from time to time, leaving scars on Jushi Ding's body.

It was enough to leave traces on the body of the hard boulder Ding, and it was enough to show the power of the attack of the ax splitting mantis.

Of course, the ax on the arms of the Axe Mantis finally broke off a piece during the chopping again and again, but the Axe Mantis didn't care about it, instead it chopped more fiercely, and the stone ax became sharper.

"The hardness of the stone of the Ax Splitting Mantis is already very good, and it took so long to drop a single fragment." Professor Moses expressed his satisfaction.

And now the research on how to restore the stones on the Axe Mantis has also achieved preliminary results.

A stone as big as a broken piece can be replaced in about a month.

It's just that the ax-splitting mantis has never been idle because of its nature, otherwise the ax-splitting mantis would not have so many signs of damage to the stones on its body.

It's completely supplementary and can't keep up with the speed of consumption.

"There is still room for improvement in technology." While speaking, Professor Moses began to record.

It is also very important to obtain data during the battle.

Relying on its ferocity and Baili Yuan's command, the Splitting Axe Mantis was finally injured and fell down at the same time as Jushi Ding.

It is really that Jushi Ding's defense and physical strength are too strong.

In the end, the Ax Splitting Mantis was injured, because the entanglement time was too long, which reduced the physical strength of the Ax Splitting Mantis, and it was unable to dodge, so it was stepped on a few times.

But Jushi Ding is also uncomfortable, his body is covered with cut gaps and scars, obviously he has to repair it when he goes back, otherwise it may leave flaws, which is not good for future growth and battles.

The battle between the three elves below the 60th level has basically ended, and the next step is the battle between the main forces of the two sides.

Bob's eyes became sharper, and a rock-like aura emerged from his body.

This is the aura that has been infected by cultivating rock-type trainers and years of contact with rock-type elves.

It is also because of the way Bob chose, which is the defense of the rock, that he has such an aura.

If you choose the violent side of the rock, it will give Bob a violent momentum.

Sometimes, a powerful trainer can suppress wild elves by relying on his own aura.

At the same time, it can also let the opponent know what kind of strong man he is facing.

The scholar organization has already retrieved the collected information about Bob, and analyzed the three main elves that Bob is most likely to bring. Unless Bob also hides other hole cards.

They are Giant Charcoal Mountain, Rib Turtle, and the strongest partner, Violent Turtle!

It's a pity that you can't use extreme giantization on the island of scholars, otherwise you can see Bob's super giant turbulent turtle.

And Bailiyuan was also ready.

"Let's start the official battle!"

Because of Bob's aura, Bailiyuan's aura was also hooked.

It's just that Bailiyuan's aura doesn't feel anything special.

Unable to feel the characteristics of any attributes.

Bob couldn't control it, and a drop of cold sweat flowed out.

"Is this what those challengers said, powerful?"

Bailiyuan's aura, the feeling it gives Bob, and the first thought that can make Bob think, there is only one, and that is - strong!

Undoubtedly strong, without any rendering, regardless of any attributes, without any falsehood.

This strong feeling is not only because Bailiyuan's elves are strong, nor is it because Bailiyuan subdued the beast, but Bailiyuan itself is very strong.

It seems that no matter what kind of elf it is, as long as it is in the hands of Bailiyuan, it can become extremely powerful.

"Did he not take it seriously in the previous three battles? I understand, so that's the case. He was just showing off special elves before, right?" Bob thought to himself.

Suppressing the floating in his heart, Bob took out the Poke Ball.

"Please advise!"

Bailiyuan also took out the elf ball.

"Next, let's have an exciting and interesting battle."

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