Chapter 3096 the underworld is empty

Zuwu Houtu still wanted to punch Bailiyuan and activate his skills, but found that he couldn't attack Bailiyuan at all.

The brilliance of the moon was released from Baili Yuan's body and wrapped around Zuwu Houtu's body.

【Elegy of the Moon】!

An ability obtained by Bailiyuan when he ascended the god rank.

Two of the effects are that as long as the target's mental power does not exceed its own mental power, it will not be able to launch any form of attack, even level A; and strengthen the defense.

It has to be said that Zuwu Houtu, who was assisted by Ksitigarbha, is indeed very strong.

The moment Zuwu Houtu was about to activate his skills just now, Bailiyuan even felt a tingling pain on his skin, which was a premonition of the imminent crisis.

At this moment, the ancestral witch and queen soil cannot launch any form of attack, which basically means that more than half of their abilities have been crippled.

There are several control skills and strengthening skills that can be used in Zuwuhoutu, but can these skills hurt Bailiyuan?

Of course, similarly, when Bailiyuan released [Elegy of the Moon], he couldn't launch any attacks himself.

This skill is not double standard.

After realizing that the situation was wrong, Zuwu Houtu's first reaction was to distance herself from Bailiyuan, a guy who made her feel "weird".

Instead, Bailiyuan took out a deck of cards from his pocket and said to her with a smile.

"Ancestral Witch and Empress Do you want a game of Gwent?"

Zuwu Houtu stopped the movement of retreating.

Involuntarily nodded.


Jiang Chen and the others guarded the entrance of the ghost gate, looking at the peaceful ghost gate.

Someone has already suggested that they want to lead a team in to find out the situation for Jiang Chen.

But it was stopped by Jiang Chen.

Still need to inquire about the situation?

Jiang Chen can see things in the underworld clearly.

Because Bailiyuan and Jiang Chen have been maintaining a private message video call.

Now Jiang Chen watched Bailiyuan and Zuwuhoutu play cards with great interest.

"This Gwent card is a bug." Jiang Chen couldn't help sighing.

As for the various resources that Bailiyuan harvested, they all fell on the ground and were guarded by guards to prevent others from approaching casually, so as not to anger Bailiyuan.

In fact, Jiang Chen also asked Baili Yuan, and Baili Yuan said that no one is allowed to touch this pile of pet eggs until the pet eggs are finished.

Never let a female ghost go!

As for other things besides pet eggs, Baili Yuan didn't care much.

A bunch of things of the highest seven-color level are mostly undead resources, and the elves of Bailiyuan can't use them.

Because of the same level of resources, the elves who need them have better ones.

However, Bailiyuan wouldn't throw it away casually.

What kind of family, so ignorant of frugality.

Give Jiang Chen some good things at most, keep the rest, and either use it later, or upload it to the chat group in exchange for points.

You can also go to the store to sell, and you can also exchange benefits.

The value of things is indeed limited, but it cannot hold up to a large quantity.

Jiang Chen didn't keep watching Baili Yuan play cards.

He was also distracted, keeping an eye on his surroundings, and at the same time secretly asked someone he could trust to investigate possible enemies in the city.

The ancestral witch queen land and the gate of ghosts have not yet been concluded, Jiang Chen does not believe that the black hands behind the scenes really don't care.

Until, Bailiyuan stopped the video communication.

Because, Bailiyuan won some special things from Zuwu Houtu.


Baili Yuan looked at the animal skin clothes in his hands, and the naked ancestor and witch queen soil opposite him, and he said that he really didn't do it on purpose.

Bailiyuan and Zuwu Houtu hovered in the air, playing the Gwent card.

At this moment, it can be said that it can be seen in all directions.

Can this be seen by others?

Be careful to block you!

[Elegy of the Moon] prevents the two sides from attacking each other. It is very suitable for playing Gwent cards. You don't have to worry about the opponent suddenly showing their fists and showing an attack.

After all, playing the Gwent card will only limit one hand, and will not affect mental power, other hands or other organs.

But behind Zuwu Houtu, there are still seven hands.

As for Ksitigarbha, because the ancestors and queens were unable to do anything, they temporarily hang up in the treasure hall.

In playing the Gwent card, Zuwuhoutu is no better than Bailiyuan.

Because while playing cards, Bailiyuan was mentally disturbing the ancestral witch queen soil.

Mental interference is not an attack, but just the application of mental power.

Those beings with strong mental power, even if they don't take the initiative to release their mental power, the escaping spiritual power is enough to cause mental disturbance to the creatures around them.

So, it's just a state.

Bailiyuan doesn't know whether the real Zuwu Houtu will be disturbed by the spirit, or whether he has the spirit of the soul. Anyway, this time the primordial creature Zuwu Houtu can only suffer.

The ancestral witch and queen soil also do not have the ability to counter and respond. All her powers are limited by her own panels and abilities.

When Zuwu Houtu played cards, his brain was buzzing, how could he play well?

It's that mean.

For the sake of victory, not shabby.

Bailiyuan didn't know whether the existence of flesh and blood and his own body would drop pet eggs, so Bailiyuan thought that he could try playing cards.

What if the ancestors, witches and queens can be won directly?

This is the so-called - Underworld Abyss of Gambling!

"Oh, I won again!" Bailiyuan smiled at Zuwuhoutu.

Empress Zuwu cursed at Bailiyuan unwillingly, "Despicable!"

But under the effect of the Gwent card, the ancestral witch and the queen paid a random price.

The blessing attached to the ancestral witch queen soil was gone.

Zuwu Houtu's complexion changed drastically.

Bailiyuan had a strange expression.

Because he felt that he had a new dimensional pet——[Witch Puppet Ksitigarbha]!

It also made Bailiyuan understand that the Ksitigarbha King has indeed become a puppet at this moment, and it is still the kind that cannot be reversed.

Lost self, unable to give birth to self-awareness, can only be manipulated.

Incapable of acting alone.

"I'll win your support!" Bailiyuan said to Zuwu Houtu.

Zuwu Houtu was so angry that he wanted to curse.

Bailiyuan was still showing off, and shouted to the hall below.

"Ksitigarbha, give me a state to feel it."

The same light flew out of the hall and fell into Baili Yuan's body, Baili Yuan felt that he had indeed become a little stronger.

It can make Bailiyuan feel stronger, which shows that this strengthening is really powerful.

Bailiyuan looked at Zuwu Houtu, who couldn't escape.

Because a new game has started.

No one knew what Bailiyuan did in the underworld.

All I know is that Baili Yuan licked his lips and strolled out of the underworld an hour later, with his hands behind his back, and he still had a look of aftertaste.

Later, the underworld that plagued the Eastern Alliance was nothing to the Eastern Alliance, and the underworld became extremely empty.

This is all for later.

When Baili Yuan walked out of the ghost gate, Jiang Chen ignored other people's curiosity and directly pulled Baili Yuan.

"Come on, follow me into the house!" Jiang Chen said hurriedly.

Bailiyuan: "???"

Fuck, it's not a good thing to promise with your body.

But Jiang Chen obviously didn't have that dedication.

Moreover, Jiang Chen dragged Baili Yuan into the meeting room, there were only the two of them, and they wanted to say a very serious matter.

You can talk about it in the chat group, but now that Bailiyuan and Jiang Chen are both offline, and chatting online, it's either social fear or mutual opinion.

"Young man Xiaoyuan, just now I received news that two more Buzhou stone seals were forced, and the ancestor witch in the Buzhou stone awakened!"

"Huh? What a coincidence?"

"That's not the most important thing!"

"What is the most important thing?"

"I also received news that one of the twelve Buzhou stones was buried under the headquarters of the Eastern Alliance. I am worried..."


When was your Eastern Conference headquarters blown up? I can buy a ticket to see it!

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