I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3084 Douluo Star A Hundred Years Later

Each world time flow rate of the chat group is different.

Some energy levels are relatively low, and time flows extremely fast.

For example, Douluo Continent.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed.

Wuhun Federation, Notting City, Holy Soul Village.

More than a hundred years have passed, and the Holy Soul Village still exists. Although it is still a village, it is much richer.

Although small villages are easily destroyed by disasters, they can also continue to be self-sufficient for a long time without disasters.

The Wuhun Awakening Hall in the village is gathering many people.

Today is another day for Wuhun to awaken.

Parents brought their children of the right age to the Wuhun Awakening Hall.

Since Wuhundian unified the mainland a hundred years ago, there has been no concept of country and nobility, only some families and sects have been retained.

But they all belong to the Wuhun Federation and are under the control of the Wuhun Federation.

A hundred years have passed, and the loose system of that year has also been stabilized and perfected. Many remaining families and sects are also developing honestly, because the dishonest ones are gone.

The Wuhun Federation can now ensure that every village in the federation has a federation deacon every year to help the children in the village awaken the Wuhun.

The place to awaken the martial soul is no longer the temple, but the martial soul awakening hall.

Because although the belief in gods still exists in the federation, and there is freedom of belief, all beliefs are under the management of the federation.

Even if you believe in evil gods, you have to report it.

Of course, people who generally believe in evil gods dare not report.

The reason why there is such a strange situation is because there are many believers in the Douluo Continent who believed in the Greedy Clone back then. Although the Greedy Clone looks like an evil god, it is his own.

It was very helpless.


The Wuhun Federation abolished the aristocratic system, but the status of soul masters is still not low. The difference is probably that the behavior of soul masters is controlled by federal laws, and ordinary people are not as afraid of soul masters as they used to be. Teacher, there is no need to kneel down and call Master.

The young village chief Jerry, with his son Jesse, led a group of parents and children to the Wuhun Awakening Hall.

The door of the Wuhun Awakening Hall has been opened, and a young man with blue-blond long hair and a gentle smile is standing inside the door, waiting for everyone to arrive.

"Mr. Jerry." The young man greeted with a smile.

Jerry also responded with a smile, "Master Tang Soul, I will leave the children to you."

"Don't worry, come in, little ones, I'll hold a martial soul awakening ceremony for you."


inside the hall.

The young man asked the children to stand on the Martial Soul Awakening Stage, and then raised their hands.

A blue-gold Blue Silver Emperor appeared in the hands of the young man.

"Don't be afraid, I will help you guide the martial soul."

With the awakening of the martial souls, the lights on the stage light up, and the children's martial souls are awakened one by one.

The first one to awaken was naturally the son of the village head, Jesse.

A crystal-like carrot appeared in Jesse's hand.

After seeing Wuhun, the young man nodded.

"That's right, the mutated spirit, crystal carrot, is an excellent food-type spirit, let's test the innate spirit power."

turn out--

"Innate full of soul power!"

Jesse jumped for joy, and Jerry laughed from ear to ear.

"My Jie family's ancestral grave is smoking, and my son Jesse is worthy of the title Douluo!"

A food-type soul master who is born with full soul power is extremely rare on the mainland, and he can be called a genius.

And on the spot, Jesse accepted the young man's invitation to join the Wuhun Federal Academy, and he could directly enroll in the school in a few months.

Wuhun Federation Academy is an academy sponsored by the Federation. It is recognized as the best academy in Wuhun Federation. Not only are tuition and miscellaneous fees free, but they can also work directly in the Federation after graduation.

Only true geniuses can enter, and they must have at least eighth level of innate soul power. They are recruited from all over the continent, but the number of students that can be recruited each year is still no more than 300.

Of course, corresponding to the benefits are the huge responsibilities that need to be borne in the future.

But few think about future responsibilities.

Having enjoyed the benefits, it is right to take responsibility.

As for the other children, they have also awakened their martial souls, and they have at least one level of soul power.

Since the battle of Jue Tian several decades ago, the energy level of Douluo Continent has been improved, and the number of talented soul masters in Douluo Continent has increased dramatically. Ordinary children can also have at least one level of soul power.

The so-called Absolute World War is about the gods of the upper realm wanting to intervene in Douluo Star's affairs. Douluo Star's strong hands cut off the ability of the gods to interfere with Douluo Star's attack, and they also snatched a lot of power from the God Realm by the way, allowing Douluo Star to fight. The world's energy level has improved.

As for whether the god king will allow it or not, then we have to ask the powerhouses who guard Douluo star whether they agree or not.

Anyway, Douluo Star is developing very well now.

Even the strongest God Shura didn't say much.

Ordinary people don't know much about these things. After all, it doesn't affect their daily life. On the contrary, future generations can have soul power and become soul masters. They all think this is a good thing.

"When you reach the tenth level of practice, you can go to the Spirit Pagoda in the big city to choose souls for free and get soul rings." The young man finally urged.

The Spirit Transferring Pagoda was built by the Wuhun Federation. Through the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, the souls of those dead soul beasts can be communicated and contracted with.

It involves related power systems such as undead magic, summoning magic, and contract magic from different worlds.

Human beings and soul beasts reached an agreement to coexist peacefully. The souls of soul beasts that died for various reasons in the soul beast forest will be sucked into the Spirit Tower and become souls. They have a chance to recover again, and can also help soul masters solve the problem of the soul ring. question.

Greatly eased the conflict between the two sides.


The Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony ended, and the young man sent everyone away in person.

The young man looked at the father and son Jerry and Jesse who left, and smiled slightly.

Even with the improvement of the Douluo star's energy level, the probability that the originally soulless carrot martial soul will become a mutated martial soul crystal carrot within a hundred years is still full of soul power, and the probability is very small.

The reason for this is because the youth did it secretly.

Old Jack took care of him for six years, and he improved the qualifications of the six generations of Old Jack, and at the same time guarded the Holy Soul Village for a hundred years.

Jesse is the sixth generation. The crystal carrot martial soul with innate soul power is enough for Jesse to enter the Wuhun Federation Academy. In the future, Jesse and his descendants will be bound to the Wuhun Federation. Dedicated to life.

The door of the hall is closed.

A figure quietly appeared behind the young man, it was a plump, enchanting and charming woman, like a beautiful snake.

The woman directly wrapped her arms around the young man's waist from behind, and said with a smile.

"Little San, the martial soul of the sixth generation of the Jie family has also successfully awakened. It's time for us to leave."

"Sister Yan, it's time for us to leave, and it's time to deal with the garbage that's been there for a hundred years." Speaking of this, a murderous look appeared in the young man's eyes.

The young man is Tang San a hundred years later, and the woman is his wife Dugu Yan.

Now their title is--

God of Douluo, Tang San!

Rakshasa God, Dugu Yan!

In a hundred years, the two have become gods.

Tang San practiced himself to become a god, and created his own god position. After the Battle of Juetian, he took the name of Douluo, called himself Douluo God, and guarded Douluo Star.

Dugu Yan received the inheritance of the Raksha God, and now he is the Raksha God and Tang San's wife. Because after the Battle of Absolute Heaven, the power level of the plane has increased, even gods can stay on Douluo Continent for a long time.

Now their strength is at the second level of God.

A battle armor appeared on them.

Its name is Doukai.

It combines alchemy, forging, inscription and other power systems. It is a substitute for soul bones. The powerful battle armor can be equipped with more than ten soul skills.

The battle armor that Tang San and Dugu Yan can wear is no longer an ordinary battle armor, but a god-clothed battle armor that even gods can use!

As for the garbage that Tang San said was going to be cleaned up.

It is the anti-federal rebels headed by Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong and others who escaped back then and their descendants.

Different from the peaceful evolution decided by Qian Renxue, Tang San wanted to wipe them out completely, frightening Xiaoxiao with bloody means.

It will take a hundred years to do it, so naturally they want to gather all the rebellious parties together, and then they will end it in one pot!

However, when leaving, Dugu Yan suddenly said.

"Little San, by the way, my grandfather sent me a message saying that he gave birth to a brother-in-law for my new grandma."

Tang San almost fell down.

Dugu Bo is still alive, and now Dugu Bo has also become a third-level god, titled Poison God.

That is, the old tree of Dugu Bo blossomed, not only took a new wife, but also gave birth to another child.

It made Tang San and Dugu Yan, who had no children, feel complicated.

It is too difficult for gods to have offspring. If they had known about it, they would not be in a hurry to become gods.

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