I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 314 The Hemisphere Sealed Behind the Spider Silk

Bailiyuan stretched out his hands to Lao Tie who was bound by spider silk.

Because the eggs are under the spider silk, Bailiyuan needs to put his hand into the spider silk.

I don't know if the old iron who was trapped passed out. Up to now, this old iron has been very quiet.

Bailiyuan untied the battle armor on one hand, and then built a cutting device with nanomaterials, using a low-power laser to cut spider silk.

Although the spider silk was very tough, a gap soon appeared under the high-temperature laser, enough for Bailiyuan to put his hand in.

After confirming the position of the golden egg, Bailiyuan reached in through the gap and groped.



Well, it's confirmed, this old iron is wearing a piece of armor, which should be a warrior profession.

Then Bailiyuan started with the shape of a hemisphere, and the egg was on the hemisphere, and continued to test it, and there were two hemispheres.

Bailiyuan was lost in thought.

"This should be... a breastplate."

At this time, Bailiyuan suddenly felt a dangerous breath.

Bailiyuan picked up the egg at the first time, and then retreated quickly.

The spider silk cocoon, which had not moved before, exuded a terrifying aura.

Bailiyuan was taken aback, the aura inside the cocoon was even stronger than those spiders before.

And often, the strength of the strength can be compared according to the momentum.

So the question is, why is such a strong person caught by those spiders?

A strong fighter can't be easily caught by the three squishy spiders who are much weaker than him, right?

Bailiyuan recalled for a while, when he met those three spiders, he didn't seem to see marks or injuries from fierce fighting on the three spiders!

But, no matter what, Bailiyuan knew that the person inside the spider silk cocoon was about to come out.

And I... seem to be in trouble.

But Bailiyuan thought that he was a person who could afford to let go, so he made a decisive decision...

"Come out, Iron Rhino, and dig!"

Boom boom boom...

When Bailiyuan blocked the entrance of the cave, he heard an angry shout——

"Die, whore!"

Confirmed, it's a young lady.

And the voice was inexplicably familiar to Baili Yuan, as if... it was that female shield warrior!

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to sense Baili Yuan who had already dug a hole to bury him.

Baili Yuan was now in a pothole some distance from the ground, and beside him was an armored rhinoceros wagging its small tail.

Bailiyuan waited for a while, but no one had dug the hole dug by the armored rhinoceros. Bailiyuan felt that he should be safe.

You may not believe it, Bailiyuan really didn't do it on purpose, who knew that there was a young lady in the cocoon of spider silk, and she was still pretending to be dead?

So, is it worthy of being a high-level coat of arms envoy? This way of thinking is different from ordinary people.

You can still try to deal with those spiders Bailiyuan. Although the spider is also the strength of a high-level heraldry, but the strength is below the average, and the method is single. The most important thing is that the opponent is a crispy skin with thin health. Can win the opponent.

But this female shield warrior is different. First, the opponent is a shield warrior. The key point is that the warrior itself has thick blood and thick skin, let alone a shield warrior. Second, the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

The strength of the summoner lies in the same level battles and team battles.

But now Bailiyuan's strength is lower than the opponent's, and the strength of the elves is also one section behind the opponent's. In addition, the terrain is too small to be suitable for team battles.

What's more, if there is no accident, the opponent should be in an "angry" state at this time, and the attack power will increase.

That's why Bailiyuan chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

We cannot fight uncertain battles.

"The green hills don't change, and the green waters flow forever. It's better for us...to never see each other again."

Bailiyuan murmured silently in his mind.

After waiting for a while, Bailiyuan sensed the people on the ground and left. At this moment, Bailiyuan was completely relieved, and then chose to start activities.

Bailiyuan didn't go up to the ground immediately, but identified the direction, and then asked the armored rhinoceros to dig.

Bailiyuan was going to have a look at the clearly arranged star spider.

Bailiyuan has oxygen supply equipment on his body, which is enough for him to use in underground activities.

In order to deal with various situations, Yuncheng Academy prepared a complete set of equipment for Bailiyuan.

In order to save the space of the coat of arms, other heraldic envoys, except for common equipment and necessary medicines and food, carry the rest of the equipment when needed. But a man with four spaces!

One system space, plus three heraldry spaces.

Bailiyuan has plenty of space to put what you need.

Because there is a lot of space, it is natural to be well prepared.

In addition to equipment, Bailiyuan's space also has some precious materials, various equipment and necessities, as well as a month's worth of food for himself and the Pokémon.

Each of the four spaces has its own duties.

However, after loading these things, the four spaces were also filled to sixty to seventy percent full.

The spider's corpse Bailiyuan was also cut up before. Fortunately, although the spider looks big, it is not too big.

Bailiyuan kept advancing behind the armored rhinoceros, and soon reached directly below the easter egg, then Bailiyuan took back the armored rhinoceros, and then he himself used Caroline's battle armor to turn it into a digging device, and moved upwards little by little. Digging.

Soon, Bailiyuan saw a touch of red in the darkness.

After identifying it, it was indeed the red spider. However, even if Baili Yuan touched the red spider under the red spider, the red spider didn't have much reaction.

Because Starscream was completely pressed down by the soil at this time, and suffered a lot of injuries under the pressure of the soil. Although it seemed that Starscream could hold on for a while, it might not be so after a while.

"Okay, then hurry up and do it."

Two knives appeared in Baili Yuan's hand...


Murphy was very annoyed at this time.

In order not to worry her teacher, she came to rescue the brother she didn't like very much in private. After finally finding clues, she formulated a battle plan after some consideration.

Murphy's plan is to pretend to be caught, and then according to her own judgment, the spider will not kill herself, but transfer herself. She wants to find her brother, but she is also caught.

Ma Fei felt that only in this way could she be brought to the place where her senior brother was, and then she could rescue her senior brother and even others.

However, everything was ruined by the man who appeared suddenly, and that man actually took care of the spider!

Murphy almost said the mmp out of his mouth.

You killed the spider, who will take me to find my brother?

And the most outrageous thing is that the other party even attacked his chest while he was pretending to be dead!

Don't you fucking even let off "corpses"?

Do you want to be such a ghost?

So, finally, Murphy couldn't bear it any longer, and instead of continuing to play dead, she wanted to give that person a big blow.

However, after Maffey broke free from the shackles of the spider silk cocoon, the other party disappeared, and the other party disappeared strangely.

After finding no trace of the other party's departure, Murphy had no choice but to go on the road by herself.

One side of the passage was blocked, so Murphy had no choice but to walk on the other side.

Murphy felt that if she knew who the other party was, she would absolutely visit her after she got out and give her a big shot!

Fortunately, this underground passage is very straight.

"I hope there won't be a fork in the road." Murphy thought that if she got lost in the underground passage, it would be difficult for Murphy to get out. After all, she didn't know the map, didn't know how deep it was from the ground, and what was on the ground.

The most important thing is that once you take the wrong route, it will be difficult to save people.


A fork in the road appeared in front of Murphy.

Murphy: "..."

I'm not supposed to go out today! What does the life and death of that laborious senior brother care about me?

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