I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 312 The spider ran away with his sister-in-law

After simply cleaning the battlefield, Bailiyuan led the elves to move on.

Bailiyuan's behavior was a bit hasty, after all, saving people is like putting out a fire, who knows if Mary can persist until she saves her?

Although the battle just now didn't look that intense, the consumption of the elves was not small, and the reason why Bailiyuan chose to let only some of the elves use their full strength was because there were two gold-level enemies afterwards.

Only some elves fight, although it increases the risk in the battle and consumes the elves, but it is a kind of defense.

This is a combat method that Shedu handed over to Bailiyuan.

Warriors are very strong in battle and still need to save some points, let alone a summoner.

There is a difference between a team battle and an individual battle, because it is a team battle, so the trend of a battle is not only on the summoner himself, but also closely related to all the individuals in the team battle.

Moreover, because it is a team battle and the battle circle is enlarged, it is naturally impossible for the summoner's reaction speed to be compared with the individual reaction speed during an individual battle.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, therefore, it is necessary to keep a hole card for defense.

The most reasonable way to keep the hole cards is to leave behind the strength for evacuation and protection.

Moreover, the remaining power can not only be used as a hole card defense and a means of evacuation.

When the combat power in the front is weak, the remaining forces can step forward to fill the vacancy and buy valuable rest and recovery time for other combat power.

Similarly, this will not cause the front line to be broken due to the large-scale loss of combat power, and the success will fall short.

Prolonging the combat time, increasing the team's continuous combat capability, and ensuring the stability of the battle circle are the core of this theory.

And this is just the foundation.

On the basis of this theory, Shedu also extended Bailiyuan's "light and dark hole cards", "double hole cards" and "multi-layer hole cards" which can not only protect himself, but also dig a hole for others.

For example, when the opponent thought that all the cards of the summoner had been dealt with, the summoner actually had hidden cards at this time, making the opponent hard to defend against, and finally won the battle.

So, those who play tactics are not necessarily big bosses, but those who play tactics have a dirty heart.

In Shedu's words, fighting is a competition of strength and hole cards. When the opponent has no clear cards, one must not let down one's vigilance. Who knows if the opponent's last remaining hole cards are two kings?

The battle here is not easy, not only the enemies in front of you, but also other enemies who may come to support at any time, so even if Bailiyuan is a little anxious to save people, Bailiyuan still chooses to be safe, in case Mary does not After being rescued, if he puts himself here again, then it is really Cucurbit Baby saving Grandpa——

Send them one by one!


When Bailiyuan hurried to the depths with the elves, something unexpected happened to Bailiyuan.

"Run... ran away?" Bailiyuan looked at the big hole in the ground and the two golden eggs that disappeared on the egg detector with black eyes.

The spider webs in this area and the traces on them can be judged that this is the old nest of those spiders, but now there are only spider webs left here, no spiders, and no people who were caught.

Then there is only one truth, that is, the spider ran away with the sister-in-law, ah bah, it was the spider who ran away with the hostages!

The opponent's escape path should be under this big hole in the ground.

Because the surrounding area is closed, the elves checked quickly, there is no other exit here, and this big hole has been there for some time, the other party must have entered the Shadowless Building through a hole from the ground, and now escaped through this hole.

Bailiyuan guessed that this big hole led to the spider's real lair!

Baili Yuan hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth.

"It's all here, chase!"

Mary has been with Bailiyuan for a while, and people's hearts are fleshy, even Ultraman is the same. Although Bailiyuan's character is a bit deviated, his essence is still rooted in the red, and there is an ancestral tradition. The light is evidence.

Therefore, he could not just watch Mary being taken away and finally killed.

Caroline turned into a battle armor in an instant.

Bailiyuan took back the elves, jumped down the big hole in the ground, and chased them out according to the traces.

Caroline transformed into flight mode, let go of the speed, and moved forward quickly.

There is only one passage connected to the entrance of the cave, and the direction of Bailiyuan is very clear!


the other side.

old street.

The captain of the guard followed behind Shedu with a complicated expression.

And behind the two of them, there are countless spiders lying dead, including many large spiders with the strength of high-level heraldry envoys.

As for Muji, the two didn't take Muji with them when they left. The captain of the guard didn't know what Shedu meant, so he didn't say much.

Until now, the captain of the guard did not understand how Shedu got here.

After Shedu got up, he brought him here directly. After arriving at the destination and starting to fight, the captain of the guard realized that he had brought him here to steal the house... Yarn!

Directly rushing to the crystal before the development?

I'm afraid I've lost my mind!

To be honest, when he saw so many spiders, the captain of the guard subconsciously wanted to call for backup.

In fact, the captain of the guard can sit in this position. His own strength is not bad, and he also has the strength of a high-level heraldry envoy, and he is not a parallel importer. When there is a swarm of spiders, the only way to go is to subconsciously call for support.

Too many ants kill elephants, not to mention poisonous spiders.

The captain of the guard felt that his small arms and legs were not enough for these spiders to plug their teeth.

However, Shedu demonstrated to the captain of the guard what is meant by "people don't talk too much".

Seeing the spider swarm, Shedu summoned the contracted beast and rushed up without saying a word.

It was as if Shedu had opened Wushuang when he entered the field. He killed the spider swarm from the front to the back, and then killed it back. After entering and exiting a few times, the spider swarm was basically clean.

But Shedu only used two fire elemental contract beasts.

After Shedu killed all the spider swarms, the second wave of enemies came immediately—it turned out to be ten huge spiders with the strength of high-level heraldic envoys! And two even bigger spiders whose strength is between the high-level heraldic envoy and the great heraldic envoy.

The captain of the guard almost knelt down.

Although those giant spiders with advanced heraldry strength are not that strong, the captain of the one-on-one guard team is sure to take down the opponent easily, but there are ten of them at once!

What's more, the ten spiders are still cooperating!

Not to mention that there are two stronger spiders that are eyeing each other.

Then... the twelve spiders rushed to the street.

It was Shedu who did it. Shedu did not reach the strength of the Great Heraldry Envoy. Specifically, the strength is between the strength of the Advanced Heraldry Envoy and the Great Heraldry Envoy.

If the heraldry of other professions faced ten spiders, they would almost have to kneel. After all, even if the opponent is not very strong, but the wheel battle and team battle, the strength displayed is not what ordinary people can face.

But here comes the important point, what these spiders are facing is a summoner!

And Shedu is not one of those summoners who are still growing up.

As for the process of fighting...

Shedu didn't say a word the whole time, but directly pulled out a team...

Then the spiders are gone.

Soon, Shedu brought the captain of the guard to the side of a cave.

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