Chapter 3051 Return to the human race and move

"I once promised to take you to watch the sunrise, and this time I have reached an agreement." The leader of the heroic spirit laughed.

There is indeed An Qi's body in the tomb, which was retrieved by the heroic spirit leader.

What the leaders did did indeed cause huge casualties. In the eyes of many races, they were not good people and did not do good things.

But his will and spirit have been recognized by the human Alaya, who is willing to make him a heroic spirit.

Of course, when the leader activates the world imprint, even if he does not do good deeds, he already has the qualifications to become a heroic spirit.

"My lord, do you still want to lead us?" the old man asked.

The heroic spirit leader shook his head.

"It's just that Alaya agreed to let me come down to see you. Next, I will ascend to the Hall of Valor and never return to the world."

All the [Innocence] members were sad.

The heroic spirit leader smiled at the crowd instead.

"Don't be sad, this is the ending I have witnessed a long time ago... Next, I will tell you my final arrangement for you."

The heroic spirit leader became serious.

Everyone also looked serious.

"From now on, you are no longer [innocent] people, you will be people of the human race!"


"Your world mark is taken from time and space for you. Now that the world mark has returned, you only need to change your appearance to restore your body. I will put the props that can help you change your appearance in Yuncheng. When the time comes, it will be natural. Someone will meet you."


"If you encounter something that cannot be resolved, go to Bailiyuan and tell me my name, and he will protect you."


"Then everyone... Please dedicate your life to the human race and dedicate your life!"

The heroic spirit leader bowed deeply to the crowd.


A group of members had already burst into tears, shouted loudly, and then also bowed deeply to the heroic spirit leader.

The corners of the heroic spirit leader's eyes became moist, and he finally sighed in his heart: "If there is a chance, I really want to see the true glory of the human race..."

In the golden light of the morning, the leader of the heroic spirits turned into countless light spots, slowly flying high into the sky.

"Please sleep peacefully, the future will be as you wish!" The crowd finally shouted.

Finally, the leader of the heroic spirit seemed to smile.

At this point, the leader of the heroic spirit ascended to the Hall of Valor.

The people below kept bowing for a long time, unwilling to get up, unwilling to raise their heads, unwilling to see the disappearance of the leader of the heroic spirit.

So far, the human race has no more 【Innocence】.


I don't know where.

In the princess room of Alaya of the human race.

Alaya of the human race placed a statuette of a leader in a hand-made cabinet.

Looking around, there are several identical hand-made cabinets, and the cabinets are full of statues of statues.

These are the great figures in the history of the human race, as well as the former human heroes who opened the world mark by themselves.

"In this era, there are quite a few that can be put in the cabinet, heh heh heh~"

The human Alaya hummed a ditty, closed the hand-made cabinet, and left his princess room.

Go out and start a daily lineup with other races Alaya.


"Back back!"

"You fucked my chest, didn't you!"



Time passed slowly.

The next day, Bailiyuan was hung up by Andy for groping while sleeping.

Galatron returned to the territory of the human race early with representatives of the human race and several guardians.

They want to bring the news back as soon as possible, and at the same time discuss the future development with the high-level people of the human race.

Bailiyuan, Andy and the others continued to stay on the Island of Heroes, looking for the stone statues of the heroes of the human race, and making final contact with the strong men of other races.

Now in the big world, the only people who can stay out of the matter are the primitive people who don't know where the tribe is hiding.

"Mr. Bailiyuan, what you did this time will be remembered in our hearts."

"My family is looking forward to Mr. Bailiyuan's presence at any time."

"Afterwards, representatives of our clan will visit the human race, hoping to meet Mr. Bailiyuan again."


Also, the two semi-artifacts created by Bailiyuan for the strong Ziyuan clan and the strong golden salamander clan were almost completed during this period of time.

Fortunately, both clients survived.

The delivery of two good semi-artifacts once again bought a lot of resources for Bailiyuan.

A week later, Bailiyuan and the others escaped and began to return to the human race.


What happened on the Island of Heroes has spread throughout the entire world within a week.

After all, the fact that the leader sealed most of the planet before attracted the attention of almost all races and powerhouses, and soon they received the news from the powerhouses of their own race, and they were shocked.

The details of this incident were not disclosed, but ordinary people were informed that [Innocence] attacked the island of heroes, and the previous seal was created by [Innocence].

[Innocence] The leader has been killed.

It didn't cause too much panic.

But all the ethnic groups who knew the details were worried.

On the one hand, there are hidden [Innocence] members. All clans are worried that there are still [Innocence] members in their own clan who will stab them in the back.

On the other hand is the strength of the human race.

"Attack the human race, the leader of [Innocence] is the human race, let the human race pay with blood!"

There are many strong and high-level races who have made this suggestion.

These suggestions, however, were not adopted or endorsed by a race that dared.

Bailiyuan is still alive!

There are also unresponsive strong men, regardless of their race, who directly carry weapons and rush straight into the human territory, wanting to make the human race pay the price.

Then this strong man disappeared before entering the territory of the human race, completely lost his trace, and frightened many races.

Because it was a powerful second-level guardian who rushed to the human race, and the converted level also looked like ninety-eight.

Even if it was intercepted and attacked, there shouldn't be any movement.

Does the human race have such defensive means?

There are strong men who are good at divination, and the scene of divination is only a moment - three top powers of the human race, holding artifacts, surrounded the second-level guardian.

Three ninety-nine-level players and one ninety-eight-level one, with an artifact, can make a little waves, which is the disrespect of top powerhouses and artifacts.

What the races don't know is.

When the matter of the island of heroes was reported back to the human race.

In every top city of the human race, several figures who had been asleep for an unknown amount of time opened their eyes.

"From today, the human race will be recalled, and the border of the human race will be on the second level of security."

The same order came from some special buildings in the top cities of the human race, and spread to the entire high-level of the human race secretly. Every city of the human race is responding to the order, sending strong men to guard the city and the border.

Even some details hidden by the human race have been taken out.

Like some artifacts!

However, except for the high-level and powerful people, most ordinary people don't know what happened.

I still live as usual, but the inspection at the border is much stricter.


Bailiyuan finally returned to the human race.

But Bailiyuan did not return to his residence.

Because he was dispatched.

Bailiyuan was transferred back to Yuncheng College again and was in charge of guarding Yuncheng.

The research institute was moved back to Yuncheng College by Caroline.

No matter how much the human race trusted Bailiyuan, they would not dare to let Bailiyuan be a god to guard the land of the fallen gods.

Those who were related to Bailiyuan were basically cleared out from the forest.

The network cables are all unplugged.

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