I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3047 Predicament

This chaos caused heavy losses for all races. Many races even lost their peak powerhouses at level ninety-nine, and members of the Ten Holy Race also lost their lives.

There are not many strong people who can remain, and many of them are seriously injured.

They were all bombarded after the outbreak of the attack summoned by the leader across time.

However, these seriously injured strong men dare not use the power of recovery and healing, and can only rely on the healing potions and healing scrolls they carry with them to slowly recover themselves.

Now in this different time and space, there seem to be only two or three hundred remaining members of various ethnic groups.

Because there is no gathering, it is impossible to count accurately, but a rough observation shows that even if there are strong people hiding, the remaining members of each clan will not add up to more than 500.

The loss of all races this time is really too great.

There are even some races, no matter whether they are representatives or powerhouses, none of them survived at this moment.

Fortunately, in this space of different time and space, as long as you don't die and use your power at will, you won't be backlashed by the power of chaotic laws. Even the great heraldry can survive here.

At this moment, the members of all ethnic groups are far away from each other, wary of each other.

What? Difficulties to unite?

Do not make jokes.

When there is a hero's contract, all ethnic groups are not united, let alone the contract is gone, and all ethnic groups are still in distress.

Not adding insult to injury is to consider the possibility of using the other party.

Even Baili Yuan was keenly aware that the powerhouses of other races around him had vaguely malicious intentions towards him, but they just hid it well.

Bailiyuan has indeed shown enough strength.

But at this moment, Bailiyuan is not in a perfect state, but has been backlashed by strength, and can only maintain a normal form, and his breath has dropped drastically.

It is hard to guarantee that there will be no strong races who feel that Bailiyuan at this moment can give them an opportunity.

Bailiyuan didn't bother.

Before the maliciousness is exposed, everyone can still live in peace.

Only races with really good relationships will get together.

For example, Galatron dragged the human race and the bloody goblin race to Baili Yuan.

If they can go out this time, then the human race will definitely become the closest partners with the scarlet goblins in the future.

The members of the human race like the simple-minded guys of the Scarlet Goblins very much.

Moreover, the human race and the blood-colored goblin race are probably the only races that suffered the least damage among all races.

The Scarlet Goblins acted together, so all members were intact, only a lot of bombs at the bottom of the box were lost.

Under the deliberate arrangement of the leader, the human race did not suffer any losses. Most of the strong were seriously injured, and they were all treated in Galatron.

There was only one Johnson, who died suddenly because he acted alone.

Fortunately, the body was intact, and was brought to Bailiyuan by the Yuehua Excalibur, giving him a chance to be resurrected. Now it is sleeping in the home space, waiting to wake up.

Then there is Andy who disappeared...

After the battle, Bailiyuan was naturally the first to check on the situation of his partners.

The partners in the home space all seemed very tired. But they are all intact, and even because they participated in a particularly high-level battle and shared experience, their strength has broken through, or they have touched the opportunity for breakthrough.

Oh, there are still many monsters that were killed, all of which were Leonix's monsters subdued by Shisui Uchiha, and the monsters released by himself were all protected by Shisui Uchiha.

The souls of these monsters, as well as the souls of the powerhouses and monsters who died on the Isle of Heroes, were drawn into the Moon God Realm at some point and fell into a deep sleep. Bailiyuan could wake them up at any time and transform them into My own apostle of the moon.

Then Bailiyuan discovered that Andy was missing.

Bailiyuan could feel that Andy was still alive, but he could also feel that Andy was not around and disappeared.

It made Bailiyuan a little worried.

There was another member of another race on Galatron, Nieria who followed the human race.

Neria has lost trust in her own race, and now she can only rely on Johnson's human race.

At least in this war, the human race was one of the races that had no traitors in the clan, and it could still protect the scarlet goblins.

At this moment, everyone in Galatron is also very helpless.

"We can make a big bomb to blow up this different time and space." Qiu Qiu raised his hands, then patted his chest to assure, "Don't worry, we Scarlet Goblins can still make bombs that can shatter space."

The strong people of the human race and Neria didn't know how to answer.

Because they don't understand bombs.

I just thought this proposal sounded a bit whimsical.

However, after thinking about it, Caroline felt that this proposal had an inexplicable probability of success.

In this space, the strong can't do anything, but the bomb can still detonate!

Maybe it really is possible to blow up the space.

The premise is to face two problems.

One is how to ensure the safety of all life in the space. The bomb that can directly blow up this space, Baili Yuan will also be directly revived by the bomb, oh, his resurrection has been used up.

The second is the material problem.

Caroline discussed this issue with the Scarlet Goblins, and the great scientists of the Scarlet Goblins all looked at Galatron at their feet.

"The power of this spaceship is very strong, half of it is almost enough." The scarlet goblins gave a calculated answer.

Caroline said it was time to change the subject.

Caroline emptied Bailiyuan's accumulation for so many years, and made a total of two pinnacle works, one is Bailiyuan's armor, and the other is the Galatron under her feet.

The most important thing is that Galatron has already given birth to life, not a cold machine.

And perhaps because of the same reason for the special life, Caroline looks at the Galatron that she created by herself, just like she looks at her own child.

How could someone dismantle his own child to make a bomb?

"It's better to believe in miracles!" Caroline thought in her heart.

Bailiyuan, use your invincible miraculous power to find a way!

The problem is that Bailiyuan can no longer transform into the shining form. Even if he recovers from his injuries in the future and transforms into the strongest form, it may not be able to break through this space.

After all, there are still peak powerhouses among the Ten Saints, and none of them can do it.

Today's Bailiyuan has the strongest combat power, and it is conservatively estimated that he can probably meet the patriarchs of the ten holy clans one by one.

If it is to deter other people, keep the mystery of strength.

It's better for Bailiyuan to use less of his strength.

Who let the powerhouses of other races not know that the shining form is an experience card, and the atmosphere is not enough, even if Bailiyuan recovers from his injuries, he can't transform.

Bailiyuan was thinking about detonating some artifacts in his inventory, wondering if he could explode this space.

Galatron can't be dismantled, but the armor can be blown up.

You're going to be trapped to death, why are there so many things that are stingy with a piece of armor?

When the space really expands to an uncontrollable level, even detonating the battle armor will be useless at that time.

Just when Bailiyuan and the others were helpless, Bailiyuan seemed to sense something, and turned to look to the side.

A faint light emerged.

Then two figures suddenly rushed out of the space.

Bailiyuan froze for a moment, then recognized the two strange figures.

The power of the mind allowed them to identify each other.


They are Andy and Angie in Ultra Warrior form.

After Andy pushed An Qi's body to appear, he directly used his hands to form a knife, and struck An Qi with a blow to his head.

An Qi's body turned into light and dissipated, leaving only a detached body, blown to nowhere with the power of chaotic laws.

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