Chapter 3042 restart a predestined world

Gaia took Baili Yuan to a hole that looked like a well.

Followed by a group of alayas of various ethnic groups who came to watch the excitement.

That is to say, Bailiyuan didn't have a feud with any race, otherwise the Alayas of all races would not be so peaceful.

As a special existence condensed by a race, Alaya itself has extremely special and powerful power.

"Jump down from here!" Gaia pointed to the well and said to Baili Yuan.

"What?" Baili Yuan looked astonished.

Even more confused.

"No, you didn't tell me where this is, and you didn't tell me what happened, just let me jump into the well?"

"Yes, jump down, and you can go back." Gaia said.

"Go back..." Baili Yuan was silent, and then asked: "Then my concept of existence..."

"It's not my business."

"Wait, aren't you Gaia? Why can't you do such a small thing?"

"Because I didn't get it for you, I will not interfere with the development of creatures in the world, unless they touch taboos."


Baili Yuan lay directly on the ground, and started playing tricks.

"I don't care, I don't care, I will, I will..."

Extremely proficient.

Gaia waved her hand.

"Throw it down."

Alaya, who looked like a few big sisters, came up.

Perhaps reproduction is very important for many races, and they are all put in the first place. The alayas of many races are women, and the races of male alayas are often the alayas of races with extremely high patriarchy.

I saw a few big sisters wanting to do it.

Bailiyuan took off his pants directly.


Alaya, who looked like a few big sisters, hesitated.

They are Alaya, they will not be pregnant!

Alaya of the golden salamander tribe licked his sexy and enchanting red lips.

Alaya of the golden salamander tribe does not have so many racial characteristics, but the most original appearance of the golden salamander tribe, a mature woman, like a human race, but with a smooth feeling.

"I'm coming!" Alaya of the golden salamander clan said directly.

The big deal is to be exposed to the entire race, isn't this what the Golden Salamanders are looking forward to?

If something really happens with the Alaya of a race, some situations are indeed very likely to be synchronized to every individual of the corresponding race.

If Alaya of the golden salamander family really got the genetic factor of Bailiyuan, it is really possible for the members of the entire golden salamander family to conceive before marriage, and directly give birth to a group of special individuals with the giant gene of light, improving the entire population. The bloodline of the race.

Alaya would not be pregnant.

Gaia looked at Bailiyuan calmly, and spoke in an emotionless tone.

"What is here is not your body, but your spirit. Because of your special achievements, you have the opportunity to come here, and you will get certain benefits here."

"But I won't help you solve the problem of the concept of existence, because this is the embodiment of your merit."

Hearing Gaia's words, Alaya of the golden salamander retreated regretfully.

Excited, I forgot that Baili Yuan is only a spiritual body, even if I do it, I won't get genetic factors.


Baili Yuan stood up with his pants up, looking unhappy.

"Tsk, it's not interesting."

He's just all set.

"..." Gaia and the human Alaya looked at Bailiyuan with disdain.

"Then I don't want the merits and benefits, can you help me recover the concept of existence?" Baili Yuan asked Gaia again.

"No, what has been done cannot be changed, it is the rule here."

Simply put, no returns.

"That's fine, I'm leaving, big sisters, goodbye." Baili Yuan walked towards the mouth of the well regretfully.

I don't know what to regret.

The human Alaya kicked Bailiyuan's ass from behind, kicking Bailiyuan into the well.


"I am your Alaya, don't let me flirt with Alaya of other races!"

The human Alaya shouted loudly.

However, Bailiyuan who fell into the well could no longer hear it.


In a burst of dazzling colors, Bailiyuan regained his vision.

"I am..."

Bailiyuan found that he was still in the shining form, and his battle suit and armor had returned to him, floating in front of the leader.

As before disappearing.

However, including the leader, no one seemed to notice him.

Not only them.

"Where is the fate? Where is the fate? My fate——" the Easter egg system yelled like mourning.

After finally meeting an excellent host, it suddenly disappeared, making it lose so completely.


Caroline didn't make a sound, but turned on the strongest calculation, trying to calculate the information of the world and find the location of Baili Yuan.

However, she was still in Bailiyuan's body, but she didn't realize it. It seemed that something blocked her perception of Bailiyuan, or Bailiyuan couldn't make her recognize it.

The partners in the home space and God's Domain also became extremely flustered.

"Hey everyone, I'm right here!"

Bailiyuan tried to communicate with his partners, but found that even with his symbiotic Caroline, he couldn't communicate.

The other party can't hear it at all, and the other party won't feel anything when it moves.

The other party who is in contact with each other seems to be in a different world.

"I..." Baili Yuan silently looked at his hands.

When Bailiyuan moved, his hands went through the battle suit and armor.

Bailiyuan can touch everything, but he can't affect everything. When he wants to affect the state of other objects because of his actions, he will directly pass through the objects.

including creatures.

Bailiyuan stepped forward.

The armor remained in place, and Caroline also remained in the armor.

Baili Yuan gently stroked the face of the battle armor with his hand, obviously touching it, but didn't feel the slightest bit.

"But at least, this makes me feel your presence." Baili Yuan said with a heavy heart.

Caroline analyzed a large amount of data, but still did not find any trace of Bailiyuan, but, she seemed to feel the existence of Bailiyuan vaguely.

This also made Caroline more anxious!

"Xiao Yuan must still be there, but where is he? The leader, it must be what the leader did!"

The armor suddenly raised its head and stared at the leader.

It was Caroline who was manipulating the armor.

"Leader!" Caroline suddenly called out to attract the leader's attention.

"Who are you……"

"I am the symbiotic in Bailiyuan's body, tell me where Bailiyuan is!"

"..." The leader shook his head, "I don't know."

Bailiyuan who has lost the concept of existence, although some people can still remember him, and his traces can still exist, but no one can find him, including the leader.

Even the leader can't see any future involving Bailiyuan.

"I don't know?!" Caroline laughed angrily.

"I only give you one chance to tell me where Bailiyuan is, otherwise... I will live with Bailiyuan. I know what he knows, and I will destroy everything you want to create!"

"!" The leader stared at Caroline instantly, with a terrifying killing intent in his eyes.

However, after peeking into the future with two world imprints, the leader found that he had no way to stop Caroline.

Everything that Bailiyuan can have, Caroline can also have.

But the difference is that Bailiyuan has a status restriction.

Caroline only cared about Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan doesn't know what Caroline will do without the restrictions of Bailiyuan, and to what extent she can do it.

The future glimpsed by the leader tells the leader that the impact Caroline can have on the world is extremely terrifying.

Because the growth of Bailiyuan will also benefit the symbiotic Caroline. With Caroline's evolution to the present, she can no longer only travel through the data network.

She has even been able to start capturing information from the world!

The most terrifying future is that Caroline is integrated into the information of the world, exists everywhere in the world, knows all the information of the world, and can influence all the information of the world.

The cognition and understanding of the world even surpasses Gaia.

Even so, Caroline did not find Baili Yuan.

In the end, Caroline chose to restart the world.

Constantly restarting the world...

I only hope that Bailiyuan will appear again after restarting the world sometime.

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