I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3037 The special imprint of the world inherited by the human race

"The status of the human race?"

Bailiyuan asked.

The leader spoke slowly.

"The heroes defeated the gods, established the mortal generation, and made an eternal contract, but there is no so-called equality of all races!"

"Otherwise, the content of the eternal contract is not that the races of the other party cannot be destroyed, but that they will not fight each other." The leader showed a sarcastic smile.

Bailiyuan listened silently.

"Although the gods are gone, those powerful races were equivalent to new gods in that era! When the heroes are gone or disappear, these races no longer care about the friendship they once fought together!"

"They used their powerful strength to formulate new rules. The various ethnic groups are divided into first, second, and third classes based on their identities as gold race, silver race, and bronze race. The higher class enslaves the lower class. Waiting for races to be food!"

"The human race was one of the lowest bronze races at that time. It was the 'delicious' food in the mouths of many races! It was oppressed and humiliated! Some races were even called cannibals directly!"

Bailiyuan asked suspiciously, "What about the inheritors of the heroes of the human race?"

The leader smiled, "In that era, the Island of Heroes and the Tower of Skylight were under the control of powerful races. They allowed you to enter the inheritance before you could enter the inheritance. The premise is that you must be the dog of those powerful races." !"

"Even if you are lucky enough to get a hero inheritance from outside, you will be killed by those powerful race experts. Not only the hero inheritors, but also the geniuses in the race will be killed, so that the bronze race will never have a bright future! "

"What kind of world conference is it? It's something that was established by various races after the human race showed its strength!"

"History is glorified!"

Baili Yuan was astonished.

"I can't express the darkness of that era in a few words. Those of us who live in the bright era must have the highest respect for our ancestors."

Bailiyuan looked a little crazy at the leader's appearance, and he suddenly asked: "Is it because you saw this that you chose to tear down the Qiongguang Tower?"

If a person sees too much injustice and darkness, that person's heart will inevitably change.

The leader smiled and nodded, "You are very smart. I was indeed greatly influenced by this period of history. I have always felt the urgency to enslave the human race again, so I decided to overthrow the island of heroes and lift the hypocritical contract."

"Actually, if possible, I would rather never see that period of history, because in this way, my enemy is only that race, not the whole world!"

It's different from seeing the future.

The leader can only see the future before his own death. For the leader, this time is more than 10,000 years.

But looking to the past, the leader can see the scene of the heroic age!

Because he can see the mark of the world in the past, which is inherited from the hero!

"Because of my good talent, I was accepted as a disciple by the guardian who rescued me at the beginning. Later, I participated in the World Conference, came to the Tower of Light, and got this world mark representing the [past] on the human floor! Let me see Go to everything in the past, learn countless secrets, and secret methods!"

"The bloodline curse imposed by sacrificing nearly 100 million members of the race is a secret method that was once wiped out by all races. It has no inheritance in modern times, but I have seen it in the past."

Bailiyuan was hesitant to speak but stopped, and then suddenly had a bold idea.

"Can you really see everything?" Baili Yuan asked tentatively.

"Most of them are fine, as long as they are not covered by someone who also has the power of time." The leader said frankly.


The leader didn't continue the conversation with Baili Yuan, but continued to tell the history.

"Every race today should be grateful to the human race. If it wasn't for the rise of the bronze race, which hurt those superior races, there would be no harmonious situation today. The superior and powerful races would still not face up to other races. , and it is even more impossible to establish a world conference, so that the lower races can speak freely and have the opportunity to express their needs."

"Most of the races slaughtered by the human race back then were also races that used the human race as their food and oppressed the human race. As for the other races, they also chose to attack the human race because of their interests. After all, in that era, many races were It’s a dependent relationship, if you move one, you have to face the other, and if you don’t attach, these races can’t survive.”

"I said this not to help human beings get rid of crimes, to say that the human race is innocent. In fact, there is no absolute good or evil in racial struggles. They are all for survival and strength. I just want to tell you that the human race is strong enough, not only past……"

"It's still the same now!"

The leader stared at Baili Yuan and said.

"The human race is hostile to most of the foreign races, because the human race has been oppressed so much that they can't trust other races at all. If they are not my race, their hearts must be different. This is not only the past, even if it is reappeared in this era, for the human race is also applicable."

"Even if the human race allows other races to establish settlements in the human race's territory, it's not because the human race trusts other races, but because the human race has enough strength to be sure that these alien races can't make trouble."

"Do you really think that the peace of the human race is innate? It's just an agreement with other races. As long as other races stop thinking about the human race, the human race is willing to be peaceful for a day. But other races are still vigilant, wary of this human race Are the hidden sharp claws sharpened by rubbing!"

Because of the series of words from the leader, Baili Yuan fell into deep thought.

Then, Baili Yuan asked.

"Then how did the human race rise? Why did the man-made disaster end? And why... the shackles of the coat of arms appeared!"

This is the key to everything.

If the human race does not rise, there will be no man-made disasters, and the world situation will not change because of this.

If the man-made disaster does not end, the current situation in the world will change dramatically, and it is very likely that the human race will rule the big world.

Leaders do not hide.

"The reason for the rise of the human race is that the heroes of the human race seemed to have peeped into the future of the human race, leaving a layout and a special world mark for the human race." The words of the leader became a little reverent.

The heroes of the human race have dedicated too much to the human race. They not only fought for the freedom of the human race in their era, but also left the precious power to change the adversity for the descendants of the human race.

"A special mark of the world?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"The World Seal [Swallow]!" The leader paused, and then explained, "This is a World Seal hidden in the blood of the human race, without any inheritance of heroic abilities!"

"The imprint of the world [Swallow] is hidden in the blood of the human race by heroes. Only the human race with the corresponding qualifications can awaken it. Even if this human race dies, other human races will awaken this world imprint in the future, and the hero contract ensures that the human race will not will perish, there will always be a clansman who can awaken this world imprint!"

"Why this world seal?" Baili Yuan was puzzled.

"Because a powerful race is powerful because it relies on the power in its blood, so if the human race wants to change its weakness, why not snatch the blood of a powerful race to strengthen itself?" said the leader.

This is the calculation of heroes!

It is also the ambition of heroes!

It also leads the ambition of the leader!

This world imprint has been sent to Bailiyuan by means of his means, and it will be an important force to help Bailiyuan and the human race rise in the future!

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