I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3020 The attack from teleportation

Boom boom boom——

The island of heroes trembles.

The battle on the island of heroes is now concentrated around Baili Yuan.

No one guards and pushes towers anymore.

Powerhouses of various races who cooperated with [Innocence] are attacking Bailiyuan, and they have all received orders to besiege Bailiyuan.

Although they were a little puzzled, they all chose to carry out the order.

Because the order said that this human summoner named Baili Yuan, who could turn into a giant, had the ability to hinder the completion of their plan.

Even though the Skylight Tower has disappeared and the hero contract has begun to dissipate, this person named Bailiyuan cannot be let go.

Who knows if he still has the ability to make a comeback?

The strong think it makes sense.

Because of this kind of extreme anti-killing situation, most of the strong have experienced it more or less.

When Baili Yuan was besieged, Uchiha Shisui naturally led the monsters back to help immediately, and Vulcan Moth was wrapped in the law of flames, hitting the battle circle like a big sun.

Although the rest of the powerful members of the friendly clans didn't know why the enemy wanted to besiege Bailiyuan, but now that Bailiyuan belonged to him, most of them also chose to support and help Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan is naturally not a sewer hero waiting to be rescued by others.

The power of Leonix activates.

Three figures flew out from the resplendent battle instrument.

Three powerful monsters, Maga Hai Pajton, Death Scythe, Goldrath, and Spacetime Destroyer Saigang, joined the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, apart from the two demon monsters of level ninety-nine, these three monsters are the three most powerful monsters around Baili Yuan.

Immediately afterwards, the Brilliant Combat Instrument was thrown out by Baili Yuan as a javelin, directly crucifying a supreme-level enemy.

Then Bailiyuan crossed his arms.

The red light was released from Baili Yuan's arm, sweeping around, and the enemies below the supreme level were directly vaporized, and the enemies who were not as powerful as Baili Yuan were seriously injured even if they did not die.

The power displayed by Bailiyuan did not frighten the enemy, but instead aroused the enemy's determination to kill.

When Bailiyuan launched an attack, countless attacks hit Bailiyuan at the same time from another direction.

The law power of various attributes, even the ultimate power, bombarded Baili Yuan.

The body of more than 50 meters high in the sacred form was directly overwhelmed by countless attacks.


Some strong men opened their eyes expectantly.

But then the green figure holding the Zanpakuto rushed out from the light effects of various attacks, beheading a strong man with a single sword.

Light ghost form!

The body attached with spiritual power gave Baili Yuan the ability to escape into the spirit world, and he was also quite resistant to many types of damage.

Zanpakudao swastika dispelled, turned into countless light blades, shrouded the sky and sun, and directly plowed a 10,000-meter gully on the ground.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

After the diffuse smoke and dust, a blue-purple figure flashed past at an extremely fast speed, leaving behind an afterimage.

The decapitated energy blade with the power of the moon came through the air, split a mountain range in two, and severely damaged the supreme enemy hidden in the mountain range.

The energy blade also chopped up the smoke and dust, revealing the blue-purple figure behind the smoke and dust.

Luna form!

The Luna Wheel of Time appeared behind Baili Yuan, and as Baili Yuan raised his hand, the Luna Wheel of Time shot out quickly, and a sharp light blade was attached to the Luna Wheel of Time.

Ultra Severed Head Luna Light Wheel!

The Luna Wheel of Time revolved around the battlefield, inflicting heavy damage on several strong men, and finally being knocked into the air by the strong men's explosive force.

"That artifact has the power of the law of time!" A strong man said in surprise.

There are also strong people who want to hit the time and moon god wheel.

"Watch me remove his weapon!"

More importantly, whoever snatches Bailiyuan's weapon may become his own after Bailiyuan is eliminated.

Whether it's the Luna Wheel of Time, or Baili Yuan's Ultimate Battle Instrument, Brilliant Battle Instrument, and Zanpakuto, they are not weaker than divine weapons.

However, Bailiyuan's weapon is not something that can be easily obtained.

A weapon that has been consecrated has its own will!

The Luna Wheel of Time and Moon trembled, exuding the power of the Law of Time and the Law of Space, directly engulfing the enemies rushing towards it.

There is a Time and Shadow Realm space in the Time Luna Wheel that can accelerate time, and you can practice in it at ordinary times, which is equivalent to opening a practice accelerator.

But again, this space can also be used by enemies.

The Luna Wheel of Time swallowed several enemies instantly, frightening the other powerhouses to stop hastily. Taking this opportunity, the Luna Wheel of Time also entered the space, disappeared in front of all the powerhouses, and returned to Baili Yuan's side.

There are also people who want to make a move on the Ultimate Combat Instrument and the Brilliant Combat Instrument.

However, some monsters will take the opportunity to attack these greedy enemies, and Baili Yuan can also recall the two combat instruments at any time.

As for Xie Jie's Zanpakuto, even without Baili Yuan's control, the Zanpakuto is enough to repel the enemy on its own, and it turns into a ray of light that covers Baili Yuan's body, but this layer of light is an incomparably sharp blade of light Form the defense!

Immediately afterwards, a fist entwined with the law of darkness punched out.

Bailiyuan had turned black at this moment.

Fallen form!

What is released along with the fist is a special field with a lot of negative power.

Fallen Domain, open!

A group of strong people felt that their power was suppressed.

Faced with different attacks, Bailiyuan kept switching forms. Different forms could always give Bailiyuan a favorable position in different situations.

There are many forms, that is, you can do whatever you want!

This is the fighting style of the new generation of Ultra fighters!

There is always a form that will be suitable to solve the immediate situation.


Don't have a suitable form?

That must be because you haven't developed it yet, use your almighty light to think of a way, and believe in the power of miracles!

Fortunately, there are friendly monsters and powerhouses who help Baili Yuan share a lot of power. Otherwise, even Baili Yuan will be directly resurrected if a group of supreme powerhouses attack with concentrated fire.

After resurrection, it is natural to hide in the home space, and will not come out after saying nothing.

But at this moment, Bailiyuan was not fighting alone.

In the God Realm, the elves give power to Baili Yuan, so that Baili Yuan can use the power of the elves, even the power of law!

The leader looks down on the chaotic battle.

"I used to want [Innocence] to have a certain right to speak among the human race through some channels. Whether it is good or bad, as long as it has the ability to interfere with human decision-making, there is a chance for human beings to awaken themselves and rise up path of……"

"Yet he stopped me many times."

"But when I set my sights outside the human race, everything went very smoothly... At that time, I realized that he is the opponent chosen by fate and the world for me."

"His great achievements will be in my body, and my achievements will be manifested in him!"

The leader raised his hand and waved lightly.

"The attack that was transferred before will be returned to you..."

What was the previously diverted attack?

It is the full output of the nine ninety-nine-level powerhouses of the Ten Saints when they want to smash the world bubble!

The power of the law of time deflects all attacks.

The leader now pulls those attacks back.

The leader transmits all attacks to this moment!

Several powerful attacks suddenly appeared at this moment, and the area where the attacks were located was the scuffle area where many powerful men besieged Baili Yuan!

The terrifying attack appeared instantly, and many strong men couldn't react at all, and were even directly hit in the face by the attack.

Even the strong man who was used to try to block the bubbles with his body was teleported to this time, reappeared, and then was overwhelmed by the attack.

Boom boom boom——

The attack falls, and the law explodes.

These attacks sent to this time will not distinguish between enemy and friend.

A group of powerful people are all targets!

The island of heroes, split open...

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