I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3009 only a fool will shout

As an artifact connected to a family's luck, it's no surprise that it has the power of will.

Not having the power of faith is all because of not enshrining it.

This kind of artifact will not be simply transferred to others simply because of its power.

When Bailiyuan noticed the wish power on the Yuehua Divine Sword, he knew that the Yuehua Divine Sword flew into his hands not because of the power.

It was because Yuehua Excalibur wanted Bailiyuan to save Johnson, and felt that Bailiyuan could save Johnson.

The Yuehua Excalibur did not originally have a weapon spirit, because the weapon spirit would have its own ideas, and a divine weapon connected to the luck of a race is naturally the best tool.

With the blessing of the luck of the race, the Yuehua Excalibur is one of the strongest artifacts even if it does not have a weapon spirit.

But at this moment, for some unknown reason, the Yuehua Excalibur is full of spirituality, and it can act on its own to find someone to resurrect Johnson.

Artifacts blessed by luck will naturally be affected by changes in luck within the race.

Now there are two forces in the Bright Moon Elf Clan, both of which are for the good of the race, and the luck of the race has also undergone serious fluctuations.

The reappearance of the Moonlight Excalibur may be to suppress the luck of the race, but Garia, who held the Moonlight Excalibur, was killed.

Unexpected changes took place in the Yuehua Excalibur, which was out of control.

The Yuehua Excalibur actually gave birth to spirituality.

It is also affected by the wish power that is entwined on it.

Among the wishes, the Bright Moon Elves wanted to repay the wish of Johnson who had saved the Bright Moon Elf, and then Yuehua Shenjian sensed the power of the Moon God, and chose to bring Johnson's body to find Bailiyuan to revive Johnson.

Not only that, the wish power entwined on the Yuehua Excalibur, but also the wish to punish heroes who have hurt Johnson and others.

Many ideas that used to be just wishes are now being realized one by one by Yuehua Excalibur.

Bailiyuan could see that in the Yuehua Divine Sword, the soul of a Bright Moon Elf was imprisoned and tortured, and there was also a sword intent with the ultimate attack attribute, which was crushing the soul of this Bright Moon Elf.

It is Garia's soul.

Garia's body died, her soul was injured, and she was directly absorbed by the Moonlight Excalibur. Because of the power of the will, Garia was punished. The sword intent left by Johnson did not disappear, but shattered Garia like tarsal maggots. Rhea's soul made Garia feel boundless pain.

With Garia's soul strength, she may have to bear the damage for hundreds of years before her soul completely dissipates.

The souls of the elves are inherently powerful, which is a racial talent.

This is also Garia's punishment for committing an absolutely unforgivable crime!

It is also because of Garia's constantly being shattered soul power that makes the Yuehua Excalibur more spiritual. Whether it can be born or not depends on luck. It is easy to give birth to a weapon spirit.

Yuehua Excalibur came with Johnson's body and asked Bailiyuan to help resurrect Johnson, and directly told Bailiyuan the price he was willing to pay.

If Bailiyuan helps revive Johnson, Yuehua Excalibur is willing to follow Bailiyuan and become Bailiyuan's weapon.

Following Baili Yuan and becoming Baili Yuan's weapon means breaking away from the Bright Moon Elf Clan and no longer being affected by the luck of the Bright Moon Elf Clan, and having the ability to give birth to spirits.

Probably because of absorbing Garia's soul power, the Yuehua Excalibur, which has just been born with spirituality, has a careful mind.

Now that the Bright Moon Elf Clan is about to split, the situation is unknown, and the Yuehua Excalibur doesn't want to serve them anymore.

After protecting the Bright Moon Elf Clan for so many years, what happened to the Yuehua Excalibur's unrestrained expression?

Bailiyuan didn't know so much, but he didn't know how to use the Moon Blossom Excalibur.

Because Yuehua Excalibur is a sword!

"I already have a sword." Baili Yuan said.

Zanpakuto is the weapon that most fits Bailiyuan's soul. Its power becomes stronger with Bailiyuan's use. It has the potential not to be weaker than any top-level artifact. Whether it is strong or not depends entirely on Bailiyuan's power.

What's more, there are two big sisters in Zanpakuto.

Bailiyuan had promised Zanpakuto long ago, and he would not hold any other sword weapons. If you touch the hilt of other swords, you have to wash your hands when you go back.

His hand holding the sword can only be reserved for Zanpakuto.

Didn't you see that the big sisters in Zanpakuto are all wearing Bai Wugou?

No matter how top-notch your Yuehua Excalibur is, I, Bailiyuan, are not that kind of person.

"I saved Johnson, leave the sword to Nicole." Bailiyuan said that he could use the sword, but he couldn't.

Give the top-level artifact to Nicole, and when the spirit of the weapon is born in the future, Nicole's combat power will also be stronger.

The Pokémon world does not pose much threat to Nicole, but Nicole will return to the big world after all.

Reviving Johnson is not too difficult.

Call back Johnson's soul that has not dissipated, complete Johnson's body, and put the soul back into the body before the soul and body have separated for a long time. As long as all the conditions are gathered and the life force is poured in, the person is basically resurrected.

It's not like Bailiyuan has never done this kind of thing.

However, generally only the life that has just died for a short time can be revived.

Death is nothing more than death, just death is not death.

Senior Johnson, resurrect...

So under the watchful eyes of all the strong men, the dark giant who had just walked aggressively towards the Tower of Skylight stopped, and at first he didn't know what he had done.

It made the hearts of many strong men who were already ready for battle become agitated.

In many cases, a knife hanging around the neck is more frightening and terrifying than a knife cutting into the flesh.

Torture people.

For a while, no strong man dared to continue to act.

Only the battle away from the direction of the tower of dome started again.

For example, the ten saints besieged the fallen giant.

Such as Andy's fight in the forest.

The old man, the man and the child, all three shot Andy one after another.

Andy's complexion changed.

"Why did Xiao Yuan stop? Help me." Although Andy thought so in his heart, he didn't think about asking Baili Yuan for help.

After all, Bailiyuan had already given her something to save her life.

Andy took out two items in the emblem space.

Affected by the two items, Andy's chest lit up.

This is the light of Bailiyuan.

Normally, Andy can't use the light. Only when Andy takes out the item in his hand can he activate the power of the light.

And the two items that Andy held in his hands were impressively—the Zeta sublimator and the Otto medal.

Only with the light of Bailiyuan, Andy, who is a human race, can transform.

At the moment when Bailiyuan's light reappeared, Bailiyuan noticed where Andy was.

The old man and the three saw Andy take out something, and his chest began to glow, secretly thinking that Andy really had the strength to resist, they speeded up, but the real target was An Qi at Andy's feet.

They should give priority to saving An Qi.

However, just when the three were about to catch An Qi, Andy pressed a button on the sublimator.

The figures of Andy and An Qi disappeared in place.

Andy took An Qi into the Miao Miao House, which is the transformation space.

An Qi opened her eyes wide, looked at everything suspiciously, and asked Andy loudly, "Where did you take me?"

Andy glanced at An Qi, didn't answer, just picked up the Otto Medal and inserted it into the sublimator.

According to the method Baili Yuan told her, the three Ultra Medals were inserted into the sublimator one by one.

Bailiyuan·Sacred Form Medal.

Bailiyuan · Corrupt Form Medal.

Baili Yuan Light Ghost Form Medal.


The figure of Bailiyuan's original form appeared behind Andy, with his arms open.

Angie stared at this scene with her eyes wide open.

"What? Fuck, why does it look a bit like that dark giant outside? Fuck, Fuck..."

Andy ignored his noisy sister, raised his head, and raised the sublimator in his hand with a serious face.

Shout out my name—

"Only a fool would shout!" Andy said that he would not do such a second thing, especially with An Qi watching from the side.

At worst, try first if you don't shout, and then shout if it doesn't work.

Press the button again.

The light blooms.

"...As expected, it can be used without shouting."

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