I might be a fake Ultraman

Reference 2993 Darkness surges, monsters follow

The moment Goddess Taohua appeared, those powerhouses who besieged Bailiyuan realized that it would be difficult for them to win Bailiyuan.

You can only give it a try!

"Let's hold this woman, Your Excellency, please go kill the clan summoner!" A ninety-eight-level powerhouse said to the ninety-nine-level powerhouse.

"Okay!" The ninety-ninth-level powerhouse nodded in agreement, then bypassed Taohua Goddess and rushed towards Bailiyuan.

The two powerhouses at level 98 planned to take the remaining ten powerhouses at level 97 to hold Goddess Taohua for a while, and let the powerhouse at level 99 quickly kill Bailiyuan.

Before Bailiyuan blew up ten supreme-level contracted beasts, it was impossible to have no effect.

It was just because Bailiyuan's battle clothes covered his face, making it difficult for people to see his state clearly.

They are also betting that it is impossible to have another contracted beast with a strength of level 99 next to Bailiyuan.

Two ninety-eight-level powerhouses and ten ninety-seven-level powerhouses surrounded Goddess Taohua in the middle.

The ninety-nine-level powerhouse broke out at full speed and rushed in the direction of Bailiyuan.

But she didn't realize that Goddess Taohua didn't intend to stop the ninety-nine-level powerhouse at all, she just licked her sexy lips at the enemies around her.

I started~


The ninety-ninth-level powerhouse rushed to Bailiyuan in the blink of an eye, "I bet you don't have a peak contracted beast in your summoning slot!"

This is a strong man of the Blood Dark Race, who looks like a werewolf covered in pitch black, with a bloody aura permeating his body.

The blood-dark race is a subordinate race of the elemental race, one of the elemental creature races, and belongs to the silver race.

Elemental creature races are all life born from natural elements, and they also have the ability to reproduce themselves. The general division method is distinguished by attributes and forms.

For example, fire elemental family, water elemental family, stone elemental family, blood elemental family, double elemental family, multi-elemental family...

Wolf-shaped elemental family, human-shaped elemental family, tree-shaped elemental family divided by form...

The elemental family among the ten saints is the most powerful elemental creature race, and also the most comprehensive elemental race, including clansmen of various attributes and forms, so they are directly named after the elemental family.

Different elemental races have more specific attributes and morphological characteristics.

The dark blood clan is generally in the form of a beast, with both blood elements and dark elements, so in fact, the full name of the dark blood clan is "blood and dark beast form element clan".

Letting someone with this kind of power attack and kill Bailiyuan, the enemy obviously did some research.

Because the second coat of arms announced by Bailiyuan is the giant of light, the attribute of power that Bailiyuan has always displayed is light.

And light and darkness often restrain each other, but whichever is stronger can suppress the other.

The dark attribute power of a ninety-nine-level powerhouse is no match for your ninety-seventh-level light attribute power?

Bailiyuan's answer was that, regardless of the facts, regardless of the quality and total quantity, one's own light is indeed no match for the opponent's darkness.

But why did he use light against darkness?

Join if you can't beat it.

The moment the dark blood clan strongman came to kill, the domain and law released by the blood dark clan enveloped Bailiyuan.

Unsurprisingly, the field is full of blood elemental power and dark elemental power.

Blood elements are generally born from blood, and blood elements can also exist in some special environments and substances.

As for why the elemental power can be born in the blood, I can only talk about the mysterious side, so don't ask too much.

Scientists can use science to separate red blood cells from blood, and the mysterious side can use power to extract bleeding elements from blood, and then condense the bleeding elements. Biological wife is no problem, right?

The laws released by the blood-dark strongmen have three attributes, namely the law of darkness, the law of blood and the law of killing.

The power of the law of killing makes the power of the blood dark clan powerhouse full of danger.

Moreover, the law of killing can only be comprehended through continuous killing. Those who can comprehend the law of killing are all murderers among murderers.

It is true that one will succeed and all bones will dry up. Under the law of killing, there are countless bones of countless people who were killed.

When Baili Yuan was covered by the domain of the Dark Blood Race expert, the Blood Dark Race expert knew that Baili Yuan had no chance!

"Your light is like the light of fireflies!" The blood-dark strong man taunted in his heart, the attack in his hand did not stop at all, and the pair of wolf claws contained the dual power of blood and dark elements, and they grabbed at the wolf silkily. Bailiyuan.

Blood Dark Clan Secret Biography·Nirvana·Blood Dark Fall!

Attack unleashed!


— Target lost?

Blood Darkness Sinking was empty.

The strong blood-dark clan was startled.

Because the moment he made his move, his original spirit of locking on to Baili Yuan's location also fell through.

No, not a failure.

Rather, he felt that at that moment, Baili Yuan turned into darkness and merged into his domain.

Isn't his attribute light?

How can light blend into darkness?

Are you so dark?

【Dark Domination】!

When Bailiyuan turns into darkness, he is the king who rules the darkness!

Isn't it simple for the little prince of darkness to dissolve into the darkness?

Take notes, the little prince of darkness dissolves in darkness.

What's more, the adaptive ability of [Balance] World Emblem also began to take effect on Baili Yuan, transforming Baili Yuan into a body of darkness.

It played a role twice in a row, making Bailiyuan gradually realize.

He will no longer be afraid of any domain abilities that envelop him!

The power of [Dark Domination] makes [Balance]'s adaptive ability to adapt to the darkness to an extremely high level.

Bailiyuan was able to blend into this domain in the blink of an eye, hiding in the darkness of the domain.

The blood-dark domain released by the strong blood-dark clan has now become Baili Yuan's best hiding place.

The strong man of the Blood Dark Race was stunned for a second before he quickly understood the situation. Although he was extremely shocked, he also thought of a solution immediately.

That is to release the domain and use the power of law to forcibly kill Baili Yuan.

However, the complexion of the blood-dark strongman changed drastically immediately afterward.

"Can't remove the domain? No, there is a force that is interfering with my domain. This is no longer just my domain!"

The purple-black power flows in the blood-dark field. When the blood-dark clan powerhouse senses the purple-black power, the purple-black power has already spread everywhere in the blood-dark field, forming a huge The vortex is like an abyss demon opening its huge mouth, waiting for an opportunity to move.

And this purple-black power is surprisingly demon energy!

Danger! Danger! Danger!

The alarm bell in the heart of the strong blood-dark clan rang loudly, and immediately raised the height, and at the same time bombarded the center of the vortex below with the power of the law of darkness, the law of blood, and the law of killing.

Combination of the Three Rules - Dark Wheel Blood Dance!

The three laws were arranged in a certain way, and unexpectedly combined into a terrifying blood-colored ghost, rushing into the vortex.

The vortex of devilish energy was collided by the bloody ghost, and exploded with a bang. There was a scream from the vortex of devilish energy, and a monster rushed out of the vortex of devilish energy.

It's Yan Luo Warcraft!

To be precise, it is the ninety-ninth level Yan Luo Tianmo!

Yan Luo Demonic Beast didn't expect that the blood-dark clan powerhouse could use the combination of laws in the blink of an eye, and suffered a secret loss.

But it also made Yan Luo Warcraft fiercely focus on the strong blood-dark clan.

The child's bear will be beaten to the ground!

Although she was beaten not once or twice.

As a level ninety-nine monster, Yan Luo Demonic Beast naturally possesses some power of laws, but her major is not laws.

Heavenly demons are strong, and their cultivation is naturally a means of disturbing people's hearts and allowing them to grow.

When he saw the Yan Luo monster appearing, the blood-dark strongman secretly thought that something was wrong. No matter how powerful the Yan Luo monster was, with the same ninety-nine-level Yan Luo monster, he would not be able to win Baili Yuan quickly.

The blood-dark strong man was extremely shocked, "There is a monster contracted beast of this strength beside him?!"

But, it's not over yet.

Another terrifying figure appeared behind the strong man of the blood-dark clan, but the strong man of the blood-dark clan failed to notice it immediately.

It is of the same strength as Yan Luo Demonic Beast, Roti Demonic Beast!

The main body is also a ninety-nine-level demon!

Besieged by two heavenly demons, the strong blood-dark clan no longer had to think about killing Bailiyuan quickly, because now the strong blood-dark clan was the prey they were targeting.

With the ultimate combat instrument on his shoulder, Bailiyuan walked out of the blood-dark realm so easily.

"It's a pity, the Bright Moon Elf Clan is in my hands. If he sends back the information, you will know what combat power is around me, and you won't be so stupid."

"The battlefield here doesn't need me anymore, it's time to go to the island of heroes."

"Galatron sent a message saying that there is a situation with Andy."

Because [Balance] The power of the world imprint has not faded.

Bailiyuan is still in the dark form, the light in his eyes has become gloomy and dark, and the expression on his face is full of evil.

When Bailiyuan carried the ultimate fighting instrument forward, the monsters in the fighting instrument followed very actively.

Darkness, come!

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