I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2991 Primitive Race: So Fun~

No matter how small the probability is, as long as the base is large enough and aggregated, it will be considerable.

The strength and weakness of each race are different, and the number and quality of the strong are also different.

As for the human race in the middle, there are no less than double-digit second-level guardians and hidden powerhouses. Although Bailiyuan doesn't know what the hidden powerhouses of the human race are, there should be ninety-nine levels. the strong.

Those races that choose to unite with [Innocence] are mostly races that are similar in strength to or stronger than the human race.

What's more, there are also top races who sit just a few circles outside the most central ten holy races.

These top races are only a few steps away from the top. If they want to step up, the easiest way is to kick away the ten holy races and take their place.

With the combination of these races, even if each race only sends one or two 99-level and 98-level powerhouses, the combined number is quite considerable.

The Ten Saints are certainly powerful, but in this World Conference, none of the Ten Saints were dispatched as a whole.

Facing the prepared enemies, whose number was several times that of their own, the ten saints who were present really felt some pressure.

What's more, some strong men from the Ten Saints left just now, planning to go outside to see the situation.

"It's not good." The Titan giant sighed, but there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you sure you want to be our enemy?" Starfield Dragon Queen also asked.

"It seems that a race war is about to break out." The ancient immortals laughed.

"Breaking the hero's contract is evil, and those who do evil will be punished by heaven!" Said the strong man of the Celestial Race.

"Hawk, chirp, hit if you want!" The ancient demon clan powerhouse directly drew out his forty-meter-long machete.

Although the strong members of the Ten Saints felt the pressure, none of them had their own pride, and they chose to give up resistance when they were besieged by the enemy. That was a cowardly act.

Since the enemy wants to fight, then fight.

Today, let's kill!

Seeing that the besieged ten saints not only did not stay where they were, but also resisted, the besieged ten saints couldn't help saying: "ten saints, you are too arrogant!"

"At this time, are you still looking down on me?"

"Hehe, the chaos outside is coming to an end soon, I've solved all of you, just to knock down the Skylight Tower!"

Thinking looks appeared in the eyes of the powerhouses of the Ten Saints.

They've been talking about tearing down the Tower of Dome.

But how?

A strong man with peak strength, even if the Ten Saints join forces, can't destroy the Skylight Tower, what power can knock it down?


It was Gaia who shot!

"The space here is too small to use, so go to the universe to fight!" The Golden Behemoth strongman smiled wildly, and the several strongmen in the seats directly opened the space channel and went to the space battlefield.

"My family will go too." The same is true for the strong elemental family.

Seeing the powerhouses of the ten holy clans leave, the faces of the powerful people of all races surrounding the ten holy clans also changed, and then opened the space channel in the seat, chasing the universe.

The same is true for the other Ten Saints and the powerhouses surrounding the Ten Saints.

Only the strong primitive tribe remained in the seats, and a dozen strong men stared at them.

The strong primitive tribe looked indifferent, looked here and there, clapped their hands in private, as if watching a play, and said.

"It's fun~"

"...you are under siege, be serious!"



No one noticed that at the position where the Dome of Light Tower inserted into the sky, on the side of the Dome of Light Tower, a figure slowly emerged from the wall.

There is a flickering world imprint between the brows of this figure, and he looks like an old foxman.

The old man appeared, then vomited blood, and fell from mid-air powerlessly, with shock and fear that could not be concealed on his face.

Even the body of a second-level guardian has no strength to support it and is seriously injured. If it falls to the ground from such a high position, it will be half disabled even if it is not dead.

But then, a figure came out from the void, grabbing the back of the fox-human elder.

This figure is hidden in the black robe, making it difficult to see its appearance and race.

The fox-human elder was rescued, took a few breaths, stabilized his emotions, and then said: "Thank you [Innocence] leader for saving this old man. I am ashamed. I never thought there would be a strong man willing to sacrifice himself and blew himself up."

"It doesn't matter, the hidden companions have already made a move. The representatives and powerhouses of all races in the meeting room will be held back, including the powerhouses of the Ten Holy Races." A young voice came from under the black robe, "The hardworking fox is old!" , this will send you to the side of the tribe."

"Thank you [Innocent] leader." The old foxman obviously respected the [Innocent] leader.

There are many strong people from other races joining [Innocence], but [Innocence] can still maintain the leadership of the human race. Naturally, there is a reason.

If it is not necessary, the old man of the fox tribe is not willing to offend this [innocent] leader.

That's right, the one who added the ban to the Tower of Light is the old man of the fox tribe. He is the successor of the fox tribe's heroes and the hidden strongest of the fox tribe.

A ninety-nine-level peak inheritor, the ability of the world imprint is [isolation].

It was he who used the imprint of this world to activate the strongest ability to seal the Qiongguang Tower, leaving a group of powerful people helpless.

Among the ancestors of the fox people, the hero who corresponds to this world imprint once used his own power to seal off the sacred mountain where the gods lived, and cooperated with other heroes to catch the gods in the urn, and the eggs on the sacred mountain were shaken to yellow.

As long as you find the right method, the ability of world imprint is indeed extremely strong.

Of course, after this ability is broken, the backlash caused is also very serious.

The aura of the old man of the fox tribe is falling unstoppably. After this time, it will take a long time to recover his strength.

Now the old man of the fox tribe has no strength and needs to return to his tribe and get shelter.

The leader of [Innocence] did not show any strange emotions towards all the failures, as if he had expected it long ago, and had made various arrangements long ago.

The fox-human elder carefully looked at the leader of [Innocent], since he had been in contact with the leader of [Innocent] for so long, he always felt that the leader of [Innocent] seemed to be able to see through the future.

Many races have the ability to see the future, but this ability is not omnipotent, because it is generally accepted that the future can be changed.

The scenes you see will definitely appear, but the process and results will always be unexpected.

After hesitating for a moment, the old man of the fox tribe asked softly: "[Innocence] leader, can the goals of our various tribes really be achieved?"

To break the ban by sacrificing ten second-level guardians and blow themselves up, this is an act of madness in the eyes of the fox-human elders.

But because of this crazy behavior, he felt the pressure, and doubts and fears inevitably arose in his heart.

Powerful enemies are not to be feared, but crazy enemies are to be feared!

[Innocence] The leader replied indifferently: "Don't worry, the Tower of Skylight will definitely collapse today!"



In the space battlefield.

Thirteen second-level guardians rushed towards Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan put on his battle clothes and fought the twelve guardians.

The simple fight allowed Bailiyuan to figure out the general strength of the enemy.

"One is level 99, two are level 98, and the remaining ten are level 97... Which idiot arranged to deal with my people?" Baili Yuan was speechless.

This really doesn't want to give yourself a way out.

If I really let the elves explode and their strength is damaged, I really can't beat these enemies.

"But the hardness and length of my Bailiyuan are beyond your imagination!"

Goddess Taohua was summoned by Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan slapped Goddess Taohua on the ass.

"Go, give them two slaps!"

The ninety-nineth level of ultimate power does not melt bones, a slap with the law of strength, can you bear it?

Goddess Taohua glared at Bailiyuan instead, and shouted loudly: "You actually took advantage of me, I'll give you two slaps first!"

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