I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2987 The Last Will

In a hidden valley, a space passage suddenly appeared, and then Rhea fell out of it.

Pinching Rhea clutching her blood-stained shoulders, leaning against the rock to pant, recalling the experience just now.

There is actually a group of people in the clan who split the clan just like Garia, and cooperate with a certain organization and some outsiders in an attempt to subvert the eternal contract, and then annex other races to strengthen themselves.

Those who did not join Garia's side became targets that needed to be wiped out, including the royal family member and guardian of Nieria.

Nie Rhea received such treatment with such an identity. Nie Rhea couldn't believe what happened to other guardians, inheritors, and ordinary clansmen.

However, Nie Ruiya has no idea how many clansmen there are in the Bright Moon Elf Clan, and what kind of clan members they are, so they choose to stand on Garia's side.

She must find a way to bring the information back and save the innocent people!

Because of Garia's words and what Garia exposed, Pinia's mind was shaken violently.

The enemy she has pursued for four hundred years has always been by her side, and she is also her closest sister! ?

If it wasn't for the responsibility of the race and the support of the hatred in his heart, Kiaria might go crazy and launch a suicide attack on Garia recklessly.

Perhaps it is really as Garia said, in many things, both she and Johnson are weighing the pros and cons, and cannot do whatever they want.

But Garia, who holds the Moonlight Excalibur, is indeed very powerful.

Even if Nie Ruiya escaped across the space secretly, Ge Ruiya seized the opportunity and hit her with a sword.

"In the end, it seemed that some force helped me block part of the attack, so that I was only seriously injured on the shoulder, but not died." Nie Ruiya murmured.

But Rhea had no time to waste, she took out the healing resources from the storage space, swallowed the healing pills and potions, treated the wound briefly, then dragged her disabled arm, hurried to the Tower of Light direction.

At this time, the situation on the Island of Heroes has indeed improved a lot because of the strong members of the Ten Saints.

But Neria had talked to Garia, and she knew that the real danger was yet to come.

No, it has already arrived.

The fallen giant has come ashore.


When the fallen giant went ashore, it attracted the hostility of the powerful Titans. The powerful Titans rushed towards the fallen giant regardless of other enemies.

Not only because of the identity of the fallen giant.

It was also because the fallen giant was actually transformed by his Titan giant clan powerhouse!

How can it be? !

How could the naturally powerful Titans transform into fallen giants because of their power?

What's more, Mount Anduru, who is still the leader of the clan.

Someone must have plotted against him!

Be sure to tell the patriarch and let the patriarch take revenge!

Discovering that his clansmen were assassinated and transformed into fallen giants, the powerful Titans wished they could eat the flesh and blood of the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, the fallen giant must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Fallen giants themselves are not weak, not to mention the fallen giants transformed from the Titans. If they are left alone, the future will become extremely terrifying.

Now the size of the fallen giant has surpassed the size of the strong Titans, so the strong Titans have to quickly inform other strongs of their interests and seek help from other strongs.

In the end, the strong men decided that the four strong men from the ten holy races would go to besiege the fallen giant, and the remaining strong men would continue to stabilize the situation.

Angie, who swallowed Andy into the Witch Power, came nearby to watch the actions of the fallen giant.

Compared to those monsters herded by fallen giants, fallen giants are real monsters!

"Sister, this time, we won. Neither you nor anyone else can stop us." An Qi said while stroking her belly that seemed to be pregnant in October.

Andy is now in Angie's belly.

An Qi can sense that there is life throbbing in her stomach, but it is not like giving birth to life, making life stronger and stronger, but An Qi is constantly decomposing and digesting everything about Andy, Andy's breath of life is gradually weakening.


Four 98-level powerhouses of the Ten Saints surrounded the fallen giant.

"Mount Andulu, wake up, and see who I am!?" The Titan giant shouted loudly, wanting to test whether the fallen giant was still conscious.

When the fallen giant was called out by his name, he stopped, looked at the powerful Titan, and then spat out a name: "Antamir?"

An Taimir couldn't help but smile when he heard that Andulushan still remembered his name, and then shouted: "Andulushan, what have you been through? You stop now, and when the patriarch arrives, he will definitely find a way to rescue you. , you shouldn’t continue to make mistakes!”

Compared with other races, the Titans are not so much a race as a big family.

After all, the number of members of the Titan family does not exceed one hundred, and it is even less than the number of clan members of some human races.

The number is scarce, making every member of the Titan family very precious, and the relationship between each other is also quite close, and they all treat each other as relatives.

If possible, Antamir really hoped to save Mount Andulu back.

However, Antamir's persuasion did not seem to be effective.

No, it should be said that maybe it was Andurusan's last kinship with Antamir that made Andurusan directly break Antamir's fantasy——

Mount Andurus launched an attack directly on Antamir.

Instead of using some conspiracy to lure Antamir to his side, and then suddenly attack and devour Antamir's flesh and blood.

"Antamir, what are you hesitating about? I am a fallen giant, and I can no longer turn back. Have you forgotten the rules of giants? When you meet a fallen giant, you and I can only divide life and death! I will devour your flesh and blood, Then become even stronger!" Andurusan's voice reached Antamir's ears.

There is no turning back for a fallen giant.

And even if he could turn back, Andulushan's last rationality was unwilling to turn back, whether to return to the race and bring guilt to the race, or to go to destruction as a villain. Andrew Hill has made his choice.

He, Andurusan, is now just an evil fallen giant!

The Titans, a race of victims who lost a strong man, are still a race of heroes guarding the island of heroes.

An Taimir showed an unbelievable expression, and then his eyes were red, he clenched his teeth, shouted angrily, and also raised his fist, facing Andulushan's fist.

When two fists with extreme strength and the law of strength collided, the space was shattered and collapsed, revealing a large number of space cracks.

And the space crack also cut their arms.

Andurusan's corroded arm was shattered.

Antamir's arm skin resisted the damage of space cracks.

The other three powerhouses of the Ten Holy Clan saw Antaimir attacking Mount Andulu, and they didn't hesitate anymore, and released their attacks directly on Mount Andulu.

When he saw An Taimir punching him, a calm smile appeared on Andurusan's ferocious and corrupt face.

Then, in the eyes of the fallen giant, the aura belonging to Mount Andulu completely disappeared, and Mount Andulu's mind completely sank, and the evil will occupied his body.

The indifferent smile disappeared and turned into an arrogant and evil smile.

"Antamir, I want to eat you!"

Andurushan's last mentality was to let his fellow tribes attack him. When Antamir made a move, Andulushan had completed his task, so he didn't have to continue to insist.

At this moment, Mount Andulu, who was a family of Titans, disappeared.

Only one fallen giant with all the memories and experiences of Mount Anduru remained.

The fallen giant still has wisdom, but this wisdom does not belong to Mount Anduru, but a newly born evil will.

An Taimir noticed this, and teardrops like boulders fell from the corners of his eyes, and then infinite murderous intent erupted from his eyes.

Antamir said to several strong men of the ten holy clans around him: "Mount Andulu is the inheritor of the heroes of the Shepherds of My Race. It can make itself have a strong vitality."

Informing other people of Mount Andulu's world imprint and cards, Antamir has only one purpose.

"I hope you all will help me kill the fallen giant! Take revenge for the strong of my clan!" A tragic aura enveloped Antamir.

"as you wish!"



The fallen giant let out a weird smile, staring at Anthemir's body without blinking, and swallowed his saliva, as if he was facing something delicious.

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