Chapter 2977 Illusion is playing with everything, reality makes illusion come true!

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. The only thing that can interfere with fantasy is the power of fantasy!" Baili Yuan murmured in a low voice.

At this moment, without Baili Yuan saying much, Caroline deduced the truth based on the known information.

In the cosmic battlefield, Bailiyuan's vision of the future was affected, and he wanted to escape failure and hide in his home space, but the system was also affected.

The system said at the time, "Among the teleportation power, there is also the power of fantasy"!

Fantasy is real, teleportation is fake.

There are hero inheritors who have mastered the world imprint of this power, and used the power of heroes to restrain Bailiyuan's "God" attribute, so that they can interfere with Bailiyuan's future vision without Bailiyuan noticing it. , and let Bailiyuan fall into his trap.

"Let me just say, there are so many monsters, I thought you were driving, I blamed you wrongly." Baili Yuan teased in his heart.

I can only make fun of it in my heart, because unless I communicate with my mind in the universe, what I say will never reach the ear of the other party.

When Bailiyuan saw through the fantasy, everything around him began to change, returning to the original state.

At this very moment, Bailiyuan is sitting on the stage of the cosmic battlefield!

When Bailiyuan appeared, some strong people in the conference room noticed Bailiyuan's appearance.

"The strong man of the human race is back?"

"It's lucky that he's still alive."

"Wait, why is there a strong man opposite him, from the Bright Moon Elf clan?"

"They all have the mark of the world on their foreheads, are they all inheritors?!"

Everyone in the human seats smiled.

Then everyone in the human race and the powerhouses of other races, even those in the seats of the Bright Moon Elf Race, were puzzled.

"What's going on? Why is the inheritor of the Bright Moon Elf Clan there?"

Facing the inquiries from the strong men of other races, the strong men of the Bright Moon Elf Race were also puzzled.

"I don't know!?"

However, at this time, the human race cast suspicious eyes on the Bright Moon Elf Race.

The representatives and powerhouses in the seat of the Bright Moon Elf Race felt quite wronged, and they didn't know why the inheritors of their own race would appear in the space battlefield.

And it seemed that he was still confronting Baili Yuan.


Bailiyuan was not teleported away at all!

Just being pulled into a tangled realm of fantasy and reality, fantasy and reality.

In this domain, all perceptions and perceptions of Bailiyuan will be affected. Those monsters are not real, but illusions created by illusions, so their talents are endless and powerful.

But even though they are fantasy monsters, these monsters can turn into reality at any time. If Baili Yuan is really killed by these monsters, Baili Yuan's death will also become reality!

This is the terrible thing about this power.

It is also the truth about the power of the unknown type of world imprint of the inheritor of the Bright Moon Elf Clan!

Not only can he actively create illusions, but he can also continuously generate more illusions because of Bailiyuan's own intuition and thoughts.

Even if Bailiyuan kept his hole card, when Bailiyuan revealed his hole card, there would definitely be many phantoms in the domain to target Bailiyuan's hole card.

Then turn all illusions into reality.

It's a fan of the authorities!

Illusion is playing with everything, reality makes illusion come true!

When was Bailiyuan affected?

Perhaps, the appearance of An Qi's avatar was to attract Baili Yuan's attention, so that the enemies hiding in the dark could use their tricks.

Or earlier, Bailiyuan was affected.

The influence of illusion will make people doubt reality.

Bailiyuan was also not sure about this matter, and if it wasn't for the power of his own world imprint at work, Bailiyuan might even doubt whether it was true or not that he broke free from that domain.

The feeling of being connected to the world, as well as the power of [Balance], told Baili Yuan that all of this is real.

The power of illusions that can be generated because of Bailiyuan's intuition and thoughts is completely useless because Bailiyuan sees through the reality.

The way to crack it is to firmly believe in your own truth!

When the real covers the unreal, then this ability is no longer a threat.


This power also affected many experts in the conference room, including other inheritors of heroes, but they didn't notice anything unusual.

Because of the appearance of the teleportation array, it aroused the thoughts of many strong people, thinking that Bailiyuan was teleported away, and the space battlefield was empty.

No strong man noticed the strangeness in the arena.

These onlookers are also authorities.

"The power of the imprint of the world is really powerful, and it doesn't make sense at all." Bailiyuan sighed, and then smiled, "Fortunately, I have it too, and there are still two!"

With the power of [Balance], Bailiyuan has gradually evolved into an existence that exists between fantasy and reality, so it will no longer be affected by the opponent's power.

It's a pity that after Bailiyuan left that environment, the power of [Balance] was still at work, completely turning Bailiyuan back into a real creature adapted to this world.

There is no way to preserve state on itself.

Moreover, the power of [Balance] comes into play gradually, so that Baili Yuan could not adapt to the power of fantasy in the first time, which wasted some strength and energy, but now Baili Yuan can retain a special state for a period of time, ensuring Will not be plotted by the other party again.

"But because of my god status, the enemy miscalculated the possibility that I also have a world imprint, and my world imprint helped me get out of the gap between fantasy and reality!" Baili Yuan continued.

When Bailiyuan looked at the inheritor of the Bright Moon Elf Clan who was using the World Mark in the distance, he could clearly see the astonished and shocked expression on his face.

Surprised or not? Is it surprising?

"The Bright Moon Elves?" Baili Yuan's smile subsided.

I am very happy to have found the enemy and have a way to crack the enemy's ability, but then I think that the Human Race and the Bright Moon Elf Race are in an alliance.

That would not be very pleasant.

It also has a creepy feeling.

It's like a family of Death Eaters living next to Harry Potter's house, making Dumbledore unable to sleep at night anyway.

And often, the impact of the truth is no less than pushing a toilet plunger through the belly button.

Bailiyuan kept his sitting posture, raised his finger slightly, and Uchiha Shisui's figure appeared beside Bailiyuan.

"Catch him, interrogate him, and let him explain everything!" Baili Yuan said.

Uchiha Shisui disappeared instantly, and began to carry out the task assigned by Bailiyuan.

The powerhouses in the conference room were a little surprised when they saw Uchiha Shisui summoned by Baili Yuan.

"Fuck, is this summoner so cruel? How can a human summoner contract a fellow clan? What kind of slave contract is this!"

"No, it's not a human race, but for some reason, it resembles a human race."

"Indeed, that person seems to have some characteristics of our soul race."

"Looks like a spirit? Guardian spirit or something? Humans still have guardian spirits?"

"You also know the occupational situation of the human race. Don't make a fuss. It looks like you have never seen the world."

Due to many reasons, the occupation and power brought by the human coat of arms are quite complicated.

The focus of the strong people's consideration is not Uchiha Shisui's race and identity, but Uchiha Shisui's strength.

"Another second-level guardian level combat power?"

Can you still afford it?

He is definitely a spy sent by Gaia, maybe he is a double agent!

It's a pity that the powerhouses didn't see the scene of Bailiyuan's full firepower before.

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