I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2971 The Blocked Dome Tower

World Conference Room.

When Skein Darklight's voice fell, a laugh rang out.

Everyone looked at the laughing primitive representative.

"Sorry, I'm not professional enough."

In fact, it is not only primitive representatives who want to laugh.

After the Ten Saints were initially surprised by the massacre of the representatives of the swamp trolls, they were all speechless at Skaine's words at this time.

I still want to laugh.

Start a new generation?

Do you deserve it?

Even for a race as powerful as the Ten Saints, it is not clear when the new generation will come and what the new generation will look like.

I never thought of starting a new generation.

The race system is just a new gadget in a period.

When did Gaia say that the game would be revised? When will Big World 4 be released?

Why haven't they been notified?

Did Alaya agree?

Did Wanzu agree?

Does the cat in the house agree?

"The ignorant are fearless."

"Is it another evil force that wants to play some tricks?"

"So, this kind of rubbish will always appear, and now you dare to jump around at the World Conference."

"Does the Mingyue elves want to completely exterminate the clan? Do you really think that with the previous contract, we can't further attack the Mingyue elves?"

The strong men of some races discussed with disdain.

Conspiracies and tricks are just worthless crumbs in front of absolute strength.

What's more, why did the Mingyue elves, who had already been beaten into dogs, stand up and say that?

Some strong men who understand the experience and current situation of the Mingyue elves are very disdainful of the Mingyue elves.

The ambition is quite big, and the means are also admirable. The problem is that an ordinary team of brave men was overthrown, Kuchazi almost lost, and now he has become a bereaved dog. Isn't this a joke?

Skye, however, did not look nervous.

For the time being, there is no strong person to capture Skaine, because no matter how he thinks, Skaine can't escape.

"Ignorance? You think you have mastered everything in the world and understand everything in the world, but in fact, the world you see is just the scene of your own enclosure." Skain sighed with a sneer.

"Take him down and let someone with a strong mental system interrogate him!" A strong man suggested.

Other powerful people agree.

However, just when the strong people in the nearby seats wanted to make a move.


The meeting room seemed to be enveloped in a layer of special power fluctuations, blocking everything.

The representatives of the Bright Moon Elf Clan and the strong man shrank their pupils sharply when they saw this scene.

This scene seemed familiar.

In the past, the Mingyue elves also used tricks to block the meeting place when the strong members of the bright moon elves were in a meeting, trapping the high-level and strong members of the bright moon elves to death!

Is this a replica of the previous scene? !

On the seat of the Bright Moon Elf Clan, the representative of the Bright Moon Elf Clan stood up excitedly from his chair.

They are familiar with this situation, they have experience!

It's just that we haven't waited for the Bright Moon Elves to say anything.

The Ten Saints have already made their move.

At the same time, many strong people are still very puzzled.

When was it arranged in the World Conference Room? Meeting rooms are different from cosmic battlefields.

The cosmic battlefield can also be flown up and arranged in advance, but the world conference room can only be entered when a meeting is held, and there is no chance for people to make arrangements in advance.

Also, the World Conference Room is so big, it is a big project to complete the layout without being discovered in advance.

But no matter how it is done, now want to block the conference room?

Do you really treat all ethnic groups as decorations?

The Ten Saints were the first to disagree.

The World Conference allows the Ten Saints to maintain their transcendent status, and also allows the Ten Saints to obtain sufficient benefits, so the Ten Saints pay more attention to maintaining the normal progress of the World Conference than other races.

The majesty of the World Conference is not allowed to be destroyed!

Moreover, the strongest person in the conference room at this time is also among the Ten Saints.

The strong men of the ancient demons and the titans made their moves.

The other ten saints did not intervene.

A ninety-nine-level powerhouse flew out from the two races respectively.

The powerful ancient demons burst out special magic energy with strong corrosion laws.

The powerful Titans erupted with ultimate power entwined with the Law of Power.

One of the two attacks with energy, and the other with physical attacks, trying to break the blockade that blocked the conference room.

Tell those with ulterior motives that all their calculations are just a joke.

However, the attack with the power of law fell on the blockade, but failed to shake the blockade,

The blockage is still intact, not even a vibration.

At this time, the strong man who was locked in the conference room could not only get out of the body, but also couldn't get out of the blockade mentally.

Seeing that the blow didn't work, the two ninety-nine-level powerhouses directly launched a stronger attack.

But no matter how the two strong men attacked, the blockade all over the meeting room remained motionless.

This gradually changed the faces of many strong men, including the Ten Saints, and began to try to break the blockade by other means.

Skyein smiled, as if he had won the game, convinced that no one would be able to break the blockade.

The other strong men of the Ten Saints also began to end, trying to break the blockade by various means.

"Spiritual means are useless."

"Soul means are useless."

"The power of the hero is invalid."

"It's not a formation, it can't be cracked."

"My family can't get out either. It seems that there is some special force blocking everything." The primitive man said, showing interest.

To be honest, in this world, there are not many blocks that can stop the primitive people.

Not only are the abilities of the primitive race blocked, but many special abilities have lost their effectiveness during the blockade and cannot be used on the blockade.

"The ability to predict cannot judge the situation of this blockade."

"The rules don't work anymore."

"I can't return to the racial floor! Maybe something happened to the Skylight Tower!!!"

"That's not good news."

"There are so many strong people present, but none of the strong people of a race have mastered the means to break through the blockade? Is there really such a perfect blockade in the world? Isn't this a lie?"

"No one dares to write such a perfect blockade method in the novel."

"You said, will Gaia intervene?"

"It must be Gaia's cauldron!"


While discussing, many powerhouses focused on Skaine one after another.

Isn't there an enemy member here? If you have any questions, just ask.

"Catch him and search his memory!" A strong man couldn't stand Skye's arrogance, and planned to read Skye's memory to obtain the means to unblock him.

Skain smiled and said, "If you want to know, I'll tell you directly."

As he said that, Skyein informed many strong men of the means to break the blockade, "Actually, I don't know how the blockade is arranged. I am just a microphone, but I was told how to break the blockade. I can I'll tell you what I know, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not."

"Stop talking nonsense, speak quickly!"

"The way to break the blockade is to let ten second-level guardians of any race explode and attack the blockade." Skaine said surprisingly.

"Presumptuous!" A strong man yelled, thinking that this was a lie, and it was Skaine who wanted to fool many strong men.

However, a strong man who is good at detecting lies said: "My ability tells me that what he said is true, or it can be said that this is the way he knows to break the blockade."

The other strong men were silent for a while.

Skaine let out a triumphant laugh, "Just sacrifice ten second-level guardians of any race, and you can get out of the blockade. And some strong guesses were right, the island of heroes should be under attack at this time Bar."

Then Skain was beaten up by the strong man because his words were too annoying.

The ones who take the lead are the experts from the Bright Moon Elf Race and the Human Race.

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