Chapter 2968 the future of the enemy is above me

No matter how weird the dress is, even if she comes up naked... Baili Yuan will still lean back a little.

The battle started again.

Team up!

This time, the wind speed dog is the main attack, the giant pincer mantis and the fast swimming frog are the assists, and the Bailiyuan and the poisonous algae are behind.

Baili Yuan looked at the strong troll who was hiding himself.

There was no weapon hanging on the opponent's body, and it was difficult to tell his specific occupation through his attire.

But it doesn't matter, Bailiyuan opened the pupil of God, and directly used the see-through ability of the pupil of God to check the specific situation of the strong troll, so that he could judge a lot of information about the strong troll.

The robe on the strong troll is a special piece of equipment that can block peeping.

Bailiyuan couldn't see through it immediately, but when Bailiyuan exerted force, his eyes lit up with a clear golden light.

Finally seeing through the barrier of the robe, Bailiyuan got a glimpse of the situation of the strong troll.

Then Bailiyuan was taken aback.

"Damn it, it's so big!"

This troll powerhouse turned out to be a woman?

And bigger than your own head.

Wait, no, the other party is not a troll!

No matter which eye Bailiyuan used to look at, he could only see that it was a human female body!

what happened?

The troll side turned out to be human?

After realizing that the situation was wrong, Bailiyuan immediately stopped the wind speed dog, giant pincer mantis and fast swimming frog, and then turned his gaze upwards, wanting to check the appearance of the enemy.

The enemy seemed to have sensed Baili Yuan's peeping, so he stopped hiding and took off the robe directly, revealing a head of beautiful long red hair and a glamorous appearance.

Bailiyuan was stunned for a moment.

It was a familiar face.


"No, it's Angie!"

Because on this face, one eye is wearing an eye patch, and the eye patch is carved with blood-colored rose patterns, adding a bit of charm to the master.

The one with the same appearance and hair color, but missing one eye, is Angie!

An Qi realized that she was seen through, so she stopped pretending and took off her robe directly, and the camouflage that the robe helped her to do also disappeared.

The troll-like figure changed back to her normal figure, and her breath also slipped back to the strength of a first-level guardian.

While Andy was promoted, Angel was also promoted.

The saint and the witch are entangled, one becomes stronger, and the other also becomes stronger.

"Pervert! As expected of a child raised by that woman." An Qi cursed in her heart.

When Bailiyuan looked through her body, she felt offended.

But An Qi was very cautious when facing Baili Yuan.

In other words, not only her, but the entire [Innocence] who entered Yuncheng and was blocked by Bailiyuan, all attached great importance to Bailiyuan, and were very cautious about Bailiyuan's affairs.

It is also because she appeared here.


An Qi showed her true face, shocking the powerful of countless races.

The swamp trolls challenged the human race, and the two races had a race duel, and a human race suddenly appeared on the swamp trolls side.

No matter how you think about it, something is wrong!

what's the situation?

There has never been a precedent for racial duels to allow strong men of other races to help one's own race fight.

Could this be foreign aid invited by the swamp trolls?

There are human traitors who want to deal with the human race?

Everyone in the human seat was equally astonished.

"Andy? Why did Senior Andy do that?" Zhao Ziya was shocked.

"No, that's not Andy!" Ren Yin sensed some differences between An Qi and Andy, and judged that it wasn't Andy.

The others didn't know the situation, but a woman who looked exactly like Andy appeared on the side of the swamp trolls, and this matter still made the tribes have to pay attention.

It's a pity that the other strong men are not very clear about Andy and An Qi.

"Is it possible that it is an illusion disguise?" Someone speculated.

"Maybe..." The others weren't sure.

Hua Shi's eyes fell on Bailiyuan, and he said with a serious expression: "Maybe it's not a disguise, Bailiyuan's guardian looks like he recognizes the person who looks the same as Andy's guardian."


Angie appeared.

It's 【Innocence】!

Bailiyuan reacted instantly.

It must be [Innocence] what to do!

"Could it be that the previous reminder from the Bright Moon Elves is related to [Innocence]? [Innocence] wants to destroy the World Conference? Hey, hey, are you joking? [Innocence] Why?"

[Innocence] Can't even beat Baili Yuan, but still want to meet a strong man of so many races?

This is suicidal.

There is no such thing as looking for death.

Bailiyuan's mind was full of thoughts, but he had already secretly released Geng Gui, letting Geng Gui touch An Qi's direction, preparing to capture An Qi alive.

"Since you have appeared in front of me, I will catch you and give it to Andy."

The racial duel was not over, and Baili Yuan would not be able to return to the meeting room unless he conceded defeat, so now he could only win An Qi first.

As for whether An Qi wants to plot against him, there is no need to think about it, An Qi is not a fool, she appeared in front of Baili Yuan, she definitely wanted to do something.

But as long as Bailiyuan's speed is fast enough, An Qi can't do anything.

Angie smiled.

Bailiyuan could indeed take her down quickly, but it was useless.

"I've already prepared it here. Today's race duel is just for you!"

Geng Gui appeared behind An Qi, grabbed An Qi's body, and wanted to stuff An Qi into his body and imprison him.

An Qi's body quietly turned into demon energy and dissipated.

It's just a stand-in.

No, this is not just a stand-in!

The devilish energy formed by An Qi's broken body circulated in a very special trajectory, instantly triggering some kind of power.

A special formation lit up the entire arena.

Bailiyuan stared.

【Innocence】Arrangements were made in the cosmic battlefield?

"How is it possible? I didn't notice it at all? Even the future vision didn't see this scene. No, this power a world mark! Someone changed the future picture!"

Bailiyuan understood that it turned out that someone used the power of the world imprint to make arrangements in advance on the ring, and even used the power of the world imprint to change the future picture that Bailiyuan saw with the future vision.

"What kind of ability is this? A world imprint of what attribute? Or is it not the power of a single world imprint?"

Immediately, Bailiyuan also lit up his own world imprint.

When it was arranged, no one knows, maybe before the World Conference was held, someone flew to the universe to operate it.

It may also be that in the previous racial duels, some strong people secretly entered the ring and made arrangements.

"It's not good. If it's the latter, it means that among the many races, there are strong people from other races who are [innocent] people!"

While thinking about this, Bailiyuan immediately recalled all the elves, and then wanted to cross space, escape into the universe, and leave the scope of the ring.


Bailiyuan lost his only chance to escape because of the act of recalling the elves.

Perhaps, the fact that Baili Yuan would recall the elves has also been calculated by [Innocence].


The beam of light enveloped Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan followed and hid in the home space.

The ability to see the future can no longer be trusted, and now we must face everything cautiously.

This might be an enemy's attack, Baili Yuan immediately chose to dodge.

However, the other party seemed to have expected this as well.

The easter egg system was actually affected by this power.

"Damn, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiaoyuan, someone is going to teleport me away!" the easter egg system exclaimed.


The easter egg system between reality and fantasy, even the home space that cannot be affected by the destruction of the universe, was actually affected by this power.

"Yuan, this power also has the power of fantasy, I can't bear it." The Easter Egg System said that it's not that I'm not strong enough, but that the enemy's ability is too weird.

Bailiyuan understood instantly.

"The future of the enemy is above mine!"

Since the enemy can block the images he sees in the future, it is natural that he may have the ability to use the future vision to spy on him, and then use this to see through all his hole cards and make targeted arrangements.


Before Bailiyuan and the easter egg system could say anything, they were teleported away from the cosmic battlefield, and when the power of the formation dissipated, they had disappeared.

"The troublesome person has been successfully sent away, and we can start our plan." In the distance of the universe, a person hiding behind the planet said flatly.

"Tear down the tower of heroes, and from then on, all living beings will rise!"

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