Chapter 2963 Orc Wind Speed ​​Dog

"It turned out to be another contracted beast with the strength of a second-level guardian!"

A racial representative in the conference room exclaimed.

Bailiyuan's contracted beast once again refreshed the perceptions of the representatives and powerhouses.

They were even more curious, did Bailiyuan have more second-level guardian-level contracted beasts?

Bailiyuan didn't mean to explain, because the battle was extremely fierce from the beginning, and Bailiyuan had already launched a fierce offensive.

The coat of arms on the back of Baili Yuan's hand lit up.

The first coat of arms, the coat of arms of the summoner.

Aura skills——

Recovery halo: recovers the injuries and physical strength of the contracted beasts within the range, and increases the ability of persistent combat.

Frenzied Aura: Increase the attack speed of the contracted beasts within the range, and increase the attack power of the contracted beasts within the range.

domain skills -

Weather Domain: Feel the different weathers and simulate the climate of the weather in your own domain.


Strengthen the core: the core can be integrated into the body of the summoned unit to enhance its ability. A single unit can be strengthened, or the strengthening effect can be reduced, and multiple units can be strengthened in a range.

The two halos intertwined behind Baili Yuan, covering Feng Speed ​​Dog's body.

The field expands, and the sunny weather activates, which makes the fire attribute power of the wind speed dog active, and it seems that a small sun has risen in the universe.

The strengthened core submerged into Fengsugou's body, causing Fengsugou's size to suddenly expand by a section, and it seemed that it had been greatly improved.

When the enhanced core was submerged into Fengsugou's body, Bailiyuan's power was also connected to Fengsugou.

"Come on, Fengsugou, run!" Bailiyuan raised his hand, and his voice entered Fengsugou's head.

After being strengthened, the wind speed dog launched an attack on the troll warrior again without any pause.

This time, it was the wind speed dog who charged at the troll warrior!

When the wind speed dog rushed to the troll warrior, he was entwined with fierce fire power.

Fire cannot burn in the universe, but this is the embodiment of the power of fire!

Fire Wheel!

The troll warrior who was knocked down got up from the ground, and the giant ax in his hand was not released. A defeat did not make the troll warrior flinch, but aroused the troll warrior's anger.

The troll warrior's rage increased, the muscles on the surface of his body tensed, followed by expansion, and the power that enveloped the troll warrior burned like a flame.

The troll warrior with explosive power condensed the explosive energy and used combat skills.

The huge ax shadow fell out of thin air.

Troll's battle technique - splitting the head and chopping the head madly!

"The energy of the troll warrior's practice is a special energy that condenses the strength in the body. It is similar to the fighting spirit of the human warrior, but it is more aggressive and the quality is not bad. But the flame energy of the wind speed dog is also integrated with the law of fire. It will be weaker than troll warriors!" Baili Yuan thought to himself.

The wind speed dog and the troll warrior collided again.

The flame wheel fights against the head-splitting · madly chopping off the head!

This is a collision of skills, and it is also a collision of the laws contained in skills.

One of the powerful performances of the strong is that the released energy and moves will incorporate the principles of comprehension, making the energy and moves more powerful.

The law of fire of the wind speed dog collides with the law of sharpness of the troll warrior!

The law of the wind speed dog is the law of elements, and the law of the troll warrior is the law of attributes.

There is no apparent restraint relationship.

When fighting against each other, it is a confrontation and contest of real strength.

The Law of Sharpness split the incoming flames, and the Law of Fire scorched any approaching troll warriors.

The troll warrior's skin became scorched black, and his defense was broken, but he roared angrily and scattered the flames with an axe.

The giant ax in his hand is not a semi-divine weapon, but it is extremely powerful. Let the troll warrior be extremely confident, believing that as long as this ax falls on the wind speed dog, it can seriously injure the wind speed dog.

The law of sharpness, split all the defenses of the enemy!

When the giant ax fell, a pair of claws suddenly protruded from the flames, and when the claws closed, they directly clamped the blade of the giant axe.

Empty into the sword!

The fluctuation of the law of sharpness scattered the flames, revealing the figure in the flames.

The appearance of the wind speed dog has changed.

Wind Speed ​​Dog no longer landed on all fours, but turned into a half-human, half-animal appearance, with reddish-gold hair rippling with the power fluctuations, a strong, handsome and unrestrained figure.

Wind Speed ​​Dog Beastization, Level 97!

After being gifted by a certain orc hero, Wind Speed ​​Dog started a new evolutionary form - orcization!

In this form, the strength of the wind speed dog will be improved.

At this moment, let the wind speed dog enter level 97!

The stronger Wind Speed ​​Dog will naturally no longer be weaker than the Troll Warrior.

The eyes of the troll warrior who was caught by the giant ax were glaring, but before he could explode his strength again, a force that made him fearful came to him.

The troll warrior looked at the wind speed dog, and he realized that it was the wind speed dog's power that affected him.

Features: Intimidating!

Wind Speed ​​Dog has developed its own potential, and all three characteristics have manifested and awakened.

The intimidating feature activated when entering the arena can also be activated actively, and the effect is more powerful.

Intimidation Feature - Awakening: When activated, it intimidates the opponent, causing them to flinch, reducing the opponent's attack power by 40%.

The troll warrior, who was intimidated, felt a little exhausted for a while, no matter how difficult it was to use his strength, he couldn't help but retreat.

Wind Speed ​​Dog will naturally not let go of this good opportunity, and directly explodes its strength again.

At close range, the enemy is defenseless. At this moment, it is natural that a decisive blow will erupt!

The power lurking in the body, explode!

The fire physics trick——

Flash Charge!

The flame covered the whole body of the wind speed dog again, and the wind speed dog slammed into the troll warrior, and the law of fire merged into the power of the flame, and bombarded the troll warrior, producing an extremely terrifying explosion.

Under the sweeping flames and the law of fire, the troll warrior flew upside down, and the giant ax in his hand fell off.

The troll warriors flying upside down are attached to the flame power, which constantly hurts the troll warriors, brings pain to the troll warriors, and consumes the troll warriors' physical strength. The law of fire makes the flames hard to extinguish and burn like tarsal poison. expulsion.

This is the burned state that has been integrated into the law of fire.

The thick-skinned troll warrior has not completely lost the ability to resist, and can still fight to the death, but there is no doubt that the troll warrior has shown signs of defeat.

In the end, the troll warrior was defeated and was sent away from the space battlefield.

Maybe the troll warrior didn't expect that the wind speed dog's attack would be so fierce, even regardless of his own safety.

The victory of the battle depends on the powerful intimidating characteristics of the wind speed dog.

If it is farther away from the wind speed dog, there is still a chance to react. Intimidated at close range, unless they have a strong spirit and will far surpassing the wind speed dog, they will inevitably be affected by this characteristic.

Even if the troll warrior recovers quickly, there will be a momentary flaw.

In the battle between the strong, a momentary flaw can affect the outcome of a battle.

What's more, behind the wind speed dog, there is a stronger Bailiyuan assisting.

Because of the anti-injury power of the move, the wind speed dog stood still panting, and the flames on his body were a little uncontrollable.

When many representatives and powerhouses felt that the wind speed dog was injured and unable to fight any more, a ray of moonlight quietly fell on the wind speed dog.

"Life of the Moon!"

Bailiyuan let go.

As the moonlight sank into Fengsugou's body, Fengsugou's injuries quickly recovered, and he quickly returned to health. At the same time, Bailiyuan injected power into Fengsugou, making Fengsugou full of strength again as if it hadn't been consumed.

The flickering fire that had been flickering turned into a burning flame again.


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