Chapter 2950 Sea Clan Powerhouse

The representatives of the human race stationed at the booth also heard about Baili Yuan's record.

One-on-three, three second-level guardians of the Angsun wilderness tribe, and even a stronger wilderness priest.

The garrison representative was naturally very excited, and also full of respect for Baili Yuan.

Under the introduction of the garrison representative, Bailiyuan understood the situation at this time.

Generally speaking, it is developing in a good direction.

The human race has one more powerful summoner, and also showed two artifacts, it is indeed necessary to make friends.

The forging shop also received some custom weapon work.

Of course, the main business is still the business of material extraction.

The orders for customized weapons were only issued by other races to express their goodwill to the human race. The customized weapons were all weapons with special effects and appearances, and there were no large-scale orders.

There's more to commemorative than practical.

After all, friendship is friendship, and first of all, the interests of one's own race should not be damaged.

It would be a loss for many races to let the races help forge weapons.

Leaving aside the quality of the weapons forged by the human race, the forging yield of the human race is limited, and it is difficult to complete the order within the time required by each race.

It is impossible for the human race to operate at a loss, and the only ones who lose money are the customers.

The human race is naturally aware of this, so the garrison representatives did not hold on to this business.

The pharmacy has received several large orders, after all, there is no race that monopolizes the pharmacy market.

Because the factories of many races can make large-scale potions, but only powerful pharmacists can make high-level potions.

With the kaleidoscope Sharingan, the powerhouse of the Uchiha clan can barely be regarded as a quasi-master in the profession of pharmacist.

Therefore, some orders for high-level medicines have been received.

Both sides are busy.

Apart from these, there is no customization business for semi-artifacts.

Who made Bailiyuan not famous.

The advertisement was played out, but the customers were not convinced.

After all, if the forging fails, the blacksmith will not pay for materials.

However, if the semi-artifact of Sanyuan Sacrifice is successfully forged, maybe it will be different.

As long as it succeeds once, Bailiyuan's semi-artifact forging business will be recognized by others, and then Bailiyuan will be able to harvest precious resources by forging semi-artifacts for others.

Many precious resources can only be found in the hands of the strong, and resources can only be exchanged from the strong with things that the strong can value.

For example, some spiritual practice resources provided by Sanyuan Sacrifice to Bailiyuan have greatly benefited Bailiyuan's spiritual elves.

This resource will also be a valuable help for all the elves, such as Super Miaomiao, to step into the spiritual law.

With the income from other materials, you may be able to make up several sets of forging materials for artifacts in the future.

If it wasn't for Bailiyuan and not having enough artifact materials, he would have equipped the elves with artifacts long ago.

In the depths of the booth, Bailiyuan saw the clone of Fear being forged.

Contrary to imagination, Fear's avatar forging a demigod is not so tense and serious.

With the assistance of Hephaestus' forging hammer, the forging of demi-artifacts can be said to be semi-automatic.

The double of fear even had time to cook a kebab over the fire of the forge.

"Main body, you're here." Fear's avatar had meat skewers in one hand and ice coke in the other, controlling Hephaestus' forging hammer with strength, just like forging a demi-magic weapon.

Fortunately, there were no other people here, and Priest Sanyuan didn't know about the forging situation, and the attitude of fearing the clone might persuade many guests to leave.

"Is this how you were forged?"

"Now there is no need to be so serious, you can take a proper rest." Fear clone said, and then Ton Ton Ton poured himself another sip of Coke.

Bailiyuan looked at the forging platform, as he expected, the demi-artifact had already appeared in a rough shape.

It was a crown-shaped organ embryo.

The resources of the spiritual system are constantly being forged and integrated into the embryo, so that the embryo begins to emit the power fluctuations of the spiritual system.

If the forging is successful, when the device is completed, the fluctuation of spiritual power will be transformed into the power of spiritual law!


Bailiyuan didn't stay behind the booth for long, when the garrison representative came and said that a customer was looking for Bailiyuan.

"Is there a guest looking for me?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

"That's right, I heard that we need to make an appointment to forge a semi-artifact." The garrison representative explained.


Baili Yuan became interested.

Is it another guest who has special abilities like Sanyuan Priest and thinks that he can forge a semi-divine weapon and will not disappoint?

Otherwise, which strong person would dare to bet that an unfamiliar person said that he could forge a demigod?

With curious thoughts, Bailiyuan followed the garrison representatives to the front of the booth.

On the way ahead, the garrison representative introduced to Bailiyuan the guests who came to look for Bailiyuan in advance.

"The other party is a strong female, and it seems to be one of the sea clan."

The Sea Clan is a very large race, as its name suggests, it is a race that lives in the ocean.

There are more creatures in the sea than on land, but the race divisions in the sea are not as colorful and complicated as those on land.

Because many different types of sea races are mixed together, the gold race, silver race and bronze race are mixed together, so they are all divided into one race.

One of the largest groups is the Sea Clan.

However, the Sea Clan is not monolithic, but divided into different Sea Clans according to the region, such as the South Sea Sea Clan, Haiyuan Sea Clan, Fengjuan Sea Clan and so on.

In the World Conference, the Sea Clans in different regions have their own seats, and there are alliances and fights among them.

The powerful Sea Clan can sit in the seats in the middle circles, while the weak Sea Clan can only sit in the seats in the outermost circle.

When Bailiyuan came to the front of the booth, he saw the strong Sea Clan standing in front of the booth, curiously looking at everything in the Human Race booth.

Seeing the other party for the first time, Baili Yuan was stunned.

There is only one word in his mind's evaluation——


It is a kind of beauty from the sea, magnificent, clear and transparent.

The strong Sea Clan has the appearance of a human woman, but her ears are fin-shaped like a mermaid, proving her identity as a marine race.

The blue wavy long hair is scattered behind the sea woman, setting off the incomparably beautiful appearance of the sea woman, and the various hair accessories on her head adorn the beauty of the sea woman like stars.

A sea-blue gemstone hangs on the forehead of the sea woman, embellishing the sea woman with nobility and holiness.

Sea women don't wear revealing clothes like most sea tribes, or simply look like mermaids, with only shells covering key parts of their bodies.

Instead, she wore a long skirt that covered her shoulders to her calves, covering herself tightly, but the tight-fitting long skirt highlighted her graceful figure.

The long skirt is covered with crystal clear gemstones in the sea, and the gemstones are arranged in a certain order, so that the long skirt has no earthy taste at all, but is noble, gorgeous and extremely dazzling. With the actions of the sea woman, the brilliance reflected by the gemstones on the long skirt is constantly changing and beautiful.

Many strong women in the Terran booth were fascinated by this gorgeous dress.

The exposed arms and neck of the sea woman were white, and her skin seemed to be transparent, allowing people to clearly see the light blue blood vessels under the skin.

Beauty is like jade, nothing more than that.

Bailiyuan felt that in terms of body, only Andy could compare with him, but in terms of charm, Andy was still a bit inferior.

This sea woman seems to be born to attract the opposite sex.

Unlike the aggressiveness of the succubus, the sea woman has tolerance.

In addition to these, this sea woman is undoubtedly the supreme powerhouse!

Bailiyuan even vaguely felt the aura comparable to that of a wilderness sacrifice in him.

"A powerhouse at level 98?" Baili Yuan was surprised.

Even if the sea woman stood there without doing anything, the moisture in the air would gather towards her, forming a comfortable environment around her.

This is a manifestation of the deep comprehension of the law of water.

When Bailiyuan appeared, the eyes of the Hai Clan woman also fell on Bailiyuan, sizing up Bailiyuan.

She came here for Baili Yuan.

Before Bailiyuan could speak, the Hai woman first smiled and said, "Are you the guardian of Bailiyuan of the human race? When we actually face each other, it feels more interesting than what we saw in the race duel. "

At this moment, Bailiyuan felt that the sea woman in front of him had seen through him.

Bailiyuan didn't hide anything, and faced the strong Sea Clan in front of him frankly and frankly.

I have seen strong men like Beria and the King of Ultra before. Apart from her appearance, this sea woman cannot make Baili Yuan flinch just because of her aura.

Even Bailiyuan dared to go back.

"I'm Bailiyuan, you can just call me Xiaoyuan, are you coming to find me to forge a semi-divine weapon? What do you call it?" Bailiyuan asked with a shy smile.

Seeing Baili Yuan's shy look, the Hai woman's eyes suddenly became a little dazed.

This child...why does he feel so attracted to him?

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