Chapter 2942 Wilderness ritual



"I kill you!"


"Eat me with an arrow!"


On the ring, the strong man of the wilderness Angxun was constantly pushed down by the power of the moon, and kept getting up again, trying to attack Bailiyuan, but was pushed down again.

It looks a little funny.

As the battle continued, many strong men had already seen some ways.

"The contracted beast of the human summoner, with the help of the power of the moon, not only becomes more powerful in attack, but also greatly enhances its battery life."

"Such an excellent contracted beast gave the race a big advantage in race duels."

"I'm so envious."

"Tsk, why is the millennium monster acting childish?"

There are still races struggling with Bailiyuan's age.

A strong human race who has lived for a thousand years will not be weak no matter what he thinks.

The human race is the king of bombs, isn't it a bit extreme?

According to common sense, it shouldn't be to let the young and strong come on the field first to test and consume the opponent. In the end, the human race will let the thousand-year-old monster play to make a comeback against the wind.

This is not only more stable, but also more ornamental.

Why did the human race go the other way?


Bailiyuan stared at the strong man of the Angsun wilderness tribe in front of him, without any emotional fluctuations.

Although the strong man of the Angxun wilderness tribe in front of him also had killing intent towards him, he didn't refresh the easter egg.

"The food is not good~"

Although the previous bloody slaughterer only had the strength of level 96, he was considered a leader in this level, and when he activated the Ascension Tomahawk, his strength jumped to level 97.

If it weren't for the intelligent chaos of Ascension Tomahawk, and it happened to be restrained by Caroline's ability, the bloody slaughterer would not be able to defeat the bloody slayer with only the super power Miaomiao and the fairy elf.

But this Archer of the Angsun Wilderness Race is different, he can only be regarded as an ordinary level 96.

The super-powerful Miaomiao and the Fairy Fairy are two against one, and they also occupy a certain geographical advantage, with Bailiyuan supporting them.

What did he use to fight Baili Yuan?

By courage?

Knock off his head!

The archers of the Angsun wild tribe didn't last long, and eventually lost consciousness and lost with injuries.

The successive defeats of two strong men made the Angsun Wilderness side feel extremely heavy.

Everyone in the human seat was smiling.

The powerhouses of other races all have a mentality of watching the excitement.

Then the third strongman of the Angsun Wilderness came on stage.

After seeing clearly the figure appearing on the arena.

The expressions of the strong men in the human seats changed slightly.

"The guardian of Bailiyuan is going to be in trouble." In the human seat, a second-level guardian said.

The third guardian of the Onsun Wilderness, and the last player, stepped out of the teleportation light.

Compared with the previous two strong Onsun wilderness men who were full of muscles and looked full of strength, the third strong Onsun wilderness man was a shriveled old Onsun wilderness man.

The beard and hair are all white, and the hair and beard grow freely in a mess. The skin seems to have not been washed for many years. It is like dead tree bark. The eyes can still see the general appearance clearly.

His shriveled body was covered with rough linen clothes, and a thick totem pole taller than his body hung behind him. The lower part of the totem pole was dragged on the ring, making people feel that he was struggling to move with the totem pole.

However, seeing this strong man of the Onsun Wilderness Race, including the human race, the strong racers who knew about the Onsun Wilderness Race were silent.

"Senior, is that strong man from the Angxun Wilderness Clan very powerful?" Zhao Ziya turned around and asked, very puzzled.

As an adjacent race of the Onsun Wilderness Race, or an adjacent race in a hostile relationship, the human race naturally has some understanding of the Onsun Wilderness Race.

In particular, I have focused on understanding the various occupations of the Onsun Wilderness Race.

A second-level guardian of the human race nodded and said, "That one is different from the previous two strong men of the Onsun Wilderness. He is a special profession of the Onsun Wilderness, known as the Priest of the Wilderness."

"The Onsun Wilderness has a tradition of using the corpses of enemies to represent honor. Some Onsun Wilders even eat the corpses of other races. This tradition of honor is actually a special way of changing jobs. When the Onsun Wilderness eats After one hundred kinds of enemy corpses of the same level as myself, you can use the skulls of one hundred enemies to set up altars and become a wilderness priest!"

Zhao Ziya's eyes widened slightly, "Could it be that he has eaten many creatures of other races?"

The guardian nodded, "Although it can also be replaced by the head of a monster, but with the style of the Angsun Wilderness, it is obvious that they cannot be limited to the corpse of a monster."

As an adjacent hostile race, everyone in the human race knew without asking, that the corpses of the enemies he had eaten definitely included the human race!

"The ability of the wilderness priest is extremely strange, and naturally there is a strong corresponding to the strange ability. It's just that after being transferred to the wilderness priest, the appearance of the Angsun wilderness will change dramatically. I can't tell which Angsun we have recorded. A strong wilderness."

"So if the guardian of Bailiyuan doesn't know enough about wilderness sacrifices, or if he follows the way of wilderness sacrifices, he will easily lose, or even lose his life!"


Caroline informed Bailiyuan of the incomplete information about wilderness sacrifices in the database.

"This profession is relatively mysterious even among the Onsun wilderness tribe, and the records of the human race are not complete, so we must be careful."

Bailiyuan looked at the head of the wilderness priest.

A Supreme Easter egg was refreshed there.

"The powerhouses of this race are too enthusiastic. The three powerhouses gave me two eggs?"

However, Bailiyuan did not underestimate the wilderness priest in front of him because of his victory in the previous two battles.

Because Bailiyuan could feel the strength of this wilderness priest - it was level 98!

The countdown is over.

The battle begins!

The wilderness priest did not act rashly like the previous two Angxun wilderness powerhouses, but just stood there quietly, watching Bailiyuan.

did nothing?

Many representatives and strong men in the conference room were very puzzled. Only a few strong men seemed to see something, frowning slightly, or showing expressions of interest.

"What are you looking at? Let's do it together!"

"Hurry up, wait until all the flowers are gone~"

"\u0026*(¥ # )【Interracial swearing】"

Many powerful people

Something is wrong!

Bailiyuan felt something was wrong.

It is impossible for the wilderness priest to stare at him just because he looks good, unless...he has already used his means!

Bailiyuan stared.


Although I don't know what happened, there is nothing wrong with rebounding.

Then Bailiyuan felt inexplicably, as if he really bounced back to something.

Immediately afterwards.


The wilderness priest knelt on the ground and began to vomit blood.

Bailiyuan: "???"


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