Chapter 2938 Would rather make a mistake than do nothing

A peaceful night.

This night, all ethnic groups were busy, holding internal meetings in private, and communicating with various ethnic groups through means. Even the strong men who went out to challenge the stone statues of heroes, and the representatives wandering around in the square, were much less.

Bailiyuan only left a clone to follow the meeting, and the main body continued to take the elves out overnight to challenge the hero stone statue.

Because Bailiyuan knows that only by becoming stronger can he play a role when needed.

The second day of the World Conference begins.

With the accident on the first day and the World Conference on the second day, the atmosphere has obviously changed.

On the first day of the World Conference, racial duels broke out between races, and when they fought, even artifacts were pulled out.

Whoever meets who is not confused?

No race wants to be hacked for not being prepared enough.

Being hacked is a small matter, but losing racial interests is a big matter!

After entering the arena this time, the various races stopped testing each other, but the atmosphere in the entire meeting room seemed a bit depressed.

Because today, most of the hidden powerhouses of various races have appeared.

Even the strong human race hidden on the island of heroes appeared on the human floor last night, and followed them into the world meeting room today.

The powerhouses are all cautious, and the aura they exude will naturally make people feel oppressed.

Among the human race seats, apart from Baili Yuan and Ren Yin, the other three guardians were no longer Andy and the others, but three strong second-level guardians.

Two men and one woman.

The three of Andy went to challenge the stone statue of the hero, and wanted to improve their strength while they were free.

If it wasn't for Bailiyuan who was also a second-level guardian and a summoner profession, Bailiyuan would have been replaced as well.

Among the powerhouses of the same level, the Summoner is more powerful, so he kept Bailiyuan.

The four guardians in the human seat are considered to be the four most powerful guardians in the human race.

Although the human race can only occupy a middle position among the various races, the human race has a strong background.

The coat of arms may limit the number of strong human races that appear, but the strong human races that can successfully break through are all talented people.

After becoming strong, these strong men have the opportunity to come into contact with some inheritances handed down from the ancestors of the human race, and their strength is generally not too bad.

The number of first-level guardians and second-level guardians of the human race combined is not particularly small.

It's a pity that the inheritance of the ancestors of the human race is difficult to help the heraldry to break through the bottleneck of the heraldry system, otherwise there will be more strong people of the human race.

Gaia did not give the human race the opportunity to take advantage of loopholes.

Except for some really special people.

Bailiyuan didn't know how many first-level and second-level guardians the human race had, but for the time being, it was not difficult for the human race to send four second-level guardians, and there was still room.

Secondary guardians also appeared in other races.

But for some races, the four second-level guardians that appeared may be all.

For those very weak races, there are still first-level guardians present, and there are no second-level guardians in the seats. And the first-level guardians, under the breath of a group of second-level guardians, did not dare to make any movement at all.


The meeting continued on the second day, and each race began to discuss the future development of each race according to their respective racial tasks.

Contradictions about the race system were unknowingly shifted by race tasks.

Of course, during the meeting, there would occasionally be one or two words scolding Gaia from various races, but the voice was much quieter.

"Gaia, is this also in your calculation?" Bailiyuan couldn't help thinking.

The concerns of various ethnic groups are not without purpose.

The preparations made by the ethnic groups also played a role.

From the beginning of the meeting, conflicts broke out between races one after another, not just limited to two races, at most, one race mission involved five races.

Race duels naturally started after the conflict broke out.

When the strength of the two sides is not much different, it is simpler and more straightforward to conduct a race duel directly than reasoning and debating.

Fortunately, there is a rule that the races in the front seats cannot launch race duels against the races in the back seats, which allows some weaker races to keep their own interests, and even make some small profits.

As the meeting progressed, the fighting between the various clans continued.

Bailiyuan also opened his eyes, saw many battles between unfamiliar races, and learned about the fighting methods and talents of many races.

In such an atmosphere, the human race naturally cannot stay out of it.

Because some matters related to the interests of the human race, Hua Shi and other representatives kept talking, arguing with reason, and sometimes arguing three points without reason.

In the face of any benefit, as long as the human race has a chance, why not try it?

Just a little bit of plucking, even if two clumps of hair are pulled down, it can also make a small profit for the human race.

Hundreds of millions are not too much, and a few cents are not too little.

As a newcomer, Zhao Ziya was also very busy coordinating with the seniors to communicate and communicate with other races.

Huashi and other representatives in charge of external communication also seemed to be excited, but in fact kept rational and calm, trying to oppress their opponents with arrogance.

If it wasn't for the lack of opportunities, they might choose to play dirty with their opponents, just to help the human race get a little more benefit.

It was discussed at the meeting last night.

Huashi analyzed the situation for everyone.

"The pattern of the world may change dramatically in the future. This is an opportunity that the human race must seize and try. Maybe the human race can become stronger, or maybe the human race will lose something."

"But it's better to make a mistake than to do nothing!"

"The human race has no qualifications and abilities to stay out of the situation. When we don't show our fangs, the enemy's fangs will be aimed at us!"

Because the human race also has hostile races.


"The human race applied for a race duel, and applied for the use of the space battlefield!" Hua Shi shouted this sentence loudly.

Bailiyuan and the others were shocked.

"Is it finally here?" Baili Yuan thought to himself.

Last night, when Huashi told everyone that he was going to show his fangs today, Bailiyuan and the others also made a statement.

Although Huashi went to reap benefits, the battle was left to their guardians.

Even if you lose, you must definitely show the determination of the human race, and you will not give the enemy an opportunity.

Now Huashi has used the right to race duels.

The opponent of the human race is - one of the hostile races of the human race, the Onsun Wilderness Race!


The Onsun Wilderness, the Bronze Race, occupied the largest wilderness area in the Great World, hence the name.

The Onsun wilderness is similar in height to a dwarf, but with longer hands and feet, muscular development, and most of them are vulgar and violent

The relationship between this race and many surrounding races is not good.

Because although this race has a country and civilization, there are still some areas that retain the bad habit of "cannibalism".

Some Onsun wilderness people will secretly eat the creatures of other races, and the human race, elf race, and dwarf race are all on their recipes.

Even if the surrounding tribes encircle and suppress the cannibal Onsun Wilderness, new cannibal Onsun Wilderness will still appear.

Because in ancient times, the Onsun Wilderness had a tradition of swallowing the bodies of other races as an honor.

If it weren't for the country of the Angsun Wilderness tribe hiding deep in the wilderness, its strength is not weak, and overall it is still considered civilized, and the number of cannibal Angsun Wilderness tribes is relatively small. The Onsun Wilderness has definitely been besieged by many races long ago.

However, this still makes many races dislike the Angsun Wilderness Race, and they will become hostile due to some conflicts of interest.

The human race is one of the races bordering the territory of the Onsun Wilderness, and it is also one of the hostile races of the Onsun Wilderness.

This time, the two races clashed because the Onsun Wilderness wanted to expand towards the human race.

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